It started snowing Friday December 29th at about 8 am and it hasnt stopped for more than two hours total. Even as I write this, tiny flakes still fall.
No captions because I think the pictures speak for themselves.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
My pleasure to introduce you to...
James William. Thats right, its a boy!!! Below is a slide show of his first pictures. It was awesome to see him on that tiny little screen and see him move as well as feel him. Hubby is tickled beyond belief that he has a little boy on the way. Now granted the lady who did the ultrasound was only 99% sure its a boy, but we are liking those odds.
My parents were there and so were the hubbies, plus him and I, well, it made for a packed little room, but there wasnt a dry eye to be found on the grandma's and the grandpa's were puffed up and very proud. Not to mention the perma grin hubby wore for the rest of the day. (And still has.) She said he looked healthy, heart pumping away and although he moved a lot at first he did eventually settle down enough to wave to everyone.
Today was a really good day...
My parents were there and so were the hubbies, plus him and I, well, it made for a packed little room, but there wasnt a dry eye to be found on the grandma's and the grandpa's were puffed up and very proud. Not to mention the perma grin hubby wore for the rest of the day. (And still has.) She said he looked healthy, heart pumping away and although he moved a lot at first he did eventually settle down enough to wave to everyone.
Today was a really good day...
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Clock in the Battery
I have to give credit to the Hubby for that title. We have this clock in the kitchen that was hung before the batteries were unpacked. I had come across the batteries later that week and took it upon myself to install one in the clock so that it would be working. A few days later, my hubby, who had not had a lot of sleep, noticed and said "Oh! You put a clock in the battery!" I just looked at him and said "Yes, hun, I did. Are you impressed?" Then when it dawned on him what he had said we had a good chuckle over it. I warned him that I was going to use that for a blog title one of these times. He said that was cool as long as I explained why he said that the way he did. So I guess I should stress again that he had not been sleeping well, had been working very hard, so he had a little word dyslexia..Hey, it happens to the best of us. One of my recent favorite examples of this is:
Ha ha ha..drunk cats. Tell me that's not funny. Okay, well maybe its just me, but I laughed loudly when I read that. Maybe its because I can picture my little furry cat drinking beer and trying to get the bottles to stick to wall with static electricity all the while trying to convince the dogs to join in. (Dogs are not mentioned in the comic above, but I know Shelby likes to encourage my two little angel puppies *cough bullshit cough* to cause trouble with him) Otis would be up for it I'm sure, but I think Midnight would take some convincing. If it doesn't involve playing fetch or a butt rub, she really doesn't seem too interested.
Anyways, the comic is called Two Lumps: The Adventures of Ebenezer and Snooch and you can read it by clicking on the colored link. Although the artist/writer doesn't update every day, it is worth a check at least once a week if you have a few minutes to kill. I read a couple of other web comics, which I will be posting links to on my side bar either today or whenever I get around to it.
Hubby tore down the upper part of the back porch wall, so the pictures are already outdated! He moves quick! Personally, I like it better with out the jail motif. The back porch actually feels bigger, even though we really didn't gain any ground space. It looks awesome, so as soon as I can I'll try to get some updated pictures of the back porch posted.
Alrighty, well that's all for today, I think. Its about time for my afternoon snack, although I don't have my milk today, dammit. Ah well. I think I can survive with out it for one day.
Oh and speaking of the Crib Lizard™ I feel him/her moving all the time now. Not constantly, but mostly in the evening after I have been relaxing on the couch for a bit. I had some chocolate cake last night and about 10 minutes after finishing that he/she started moving. I think he/she got a sugar buzz!
I hope to end the whole he/she thing by the end of this week. I have a doc's appointment tomorrow, just a check up, and she will help me schedule the ultrasound then. I'm hoping to schedule it for Friday because everyone could make it (Hubby [who is off work, that punk], Mom, Dad, Slutty Hoe, and Momma Judy) and because I cant wait to know what is growing inside me, James William or Alexandria Lynne. I'll keep you updated as soon as I know though!
Ha ha ha..drunk cats. Tell me that's not funny. Okay, well maybe its just me, but I laughed loudly when I read that. Maybe its because I can picture my little furry cat drinking beer and trying to get the bottles to stick to wall with static electricity all the while trying to convince the dogs to join in. (Dogs are not mentioned in the comic above, but I know Shelby likes to encourage my two little angel puppies *cough bullshit cough* to cause trouble with him) Otis would be up for it I'm sure, but I think Midnight would take some convincing. If it doesn't involve playing fetch or a butt rub, she really doesn't seem too interested.
Anyways, the comic is called Two Lumps: The Adventures of Ebenezer and Snooch and you can read it by clicking on the colored link. Although the artist/writer doesn't update every day, it is worth a check at least once a week if you have a few minutes to kill. I read a couple of other web comics, which I will be posting links to on my side bar either today or whenever I get around to it.
Hubby tore down the upper part of the back porch wall, so the pictures are already outdated! He moves quick! Personally, I like it better with out the jail motif. The back porch actually feels bigger, even though we really didn't gain any ground space. It looks awesome, so as soon as I can I'll try to get some updated pictures of the back porch posted.
Alrighty, well that's all for today, I think. Its about time for my afternoon snack, although I don't have my milk today, dammit. Ah well. I think I can survive with out it for one day.
Oh and speaking of the Crib Lizard™ I feel him/her moving all the time now. Not constantly, but mostly in the evening after I have been relaxing on the couch for a bit. I had some chocolate cake last night and about 10 minutes after finishing that he/she started moving. I think he/she got a sugar buzz!
I hope to end the whole he/she thing by the end of this week. I have a doc's appointment tomorrow, just a check up, and she will help me schedule the ultrasound then. I'm hoping to schedule it for Friday because everyone could make it (Hubby [who is off work, that punk], Mom, Dad, Slutty Hoe, and Momma Judy) and because I cant wait to know what is growing inside me, James William or Alexandria Lynne. I'll keep you updated as soon as I know though!
Friday, December 01, 2006
House Pictures!!
Okay slide show testie done. I decided I didnt like the one I used for testing anyways. This other place is much faster at uploading the photos, uses the same way to upload as the testie one did, and did not freeze up on me once. The testie slide show I used froze up on me almost every single time and completely closed down my net. Grr. But, thru the amazing power of google, I found a better site that does all the same things, but has their poop in a group.
Okay, so with out further ado...
Anj and Hubby's New (to us) House
By the way, there are no pictures of the three bedrooms, or the other two bathrooms, but ah well. You all get the picture, right? Ha ha ha..Get the picture..Woo Hoo! Anj has got her Funny hat on today!
Okay, so with out further ado...
Anj and Hubby's New (to us) House
By the way, there are no pictures of the three bedrooms, or the other two bathrooms, but ah well. You all get the picture, right? Ha ha ha..Get the picture..Woo Hoo! Anj has got her Funny hat on today!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Slide show testie
If this works then I'm going to use it for my house pics. Hopefully will get those posted this weekend. YAY!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Happy (late) Birthday Blog!
Whoa! Can you believe this blog was born a year ago, this month? I can’t. I was just checking thru my archives and I see my first post Testie was on November 9th 2005. Wow. So much has changed since then. I had to read thru some of my old posts and comments and I couldn’t help but laugh over this and this. Those are probably my two favorite posts. Although re-reading them I see how I could re-write them to make them better. Ah well.
There are a lot of memories on here that I'm glad I can look thru whenever I want. I can actually see myself changing over the past year and that’s something I have never gotten to experience before.
I also wanted to thank you few who are my loyal readers. You have stuck with me thru all my really shitty days, my crazy days, and my happy days. You few are special to me, more than I can succinctly put into words. With out you and your ever uplifting comments I would feel like just another lonely blogger. You all make this blog special and have kept me at it for the past year. Thank you.
Side note: James took pictures of the house this weekend, so as soon as she emails them over, I will get them shrunk and posted here. Either that or I will create a slide show on myspace so you guys can see it. I wish I could figure out how to do a slide show on here. Heck, maybe I will, since I have a decent net connection at the house now.
There are a lot of memories on here that I'm glad I can look thru whenever I want. I can actually see myself changing over the past year and that’s something I have never gotten to experience before.
I also wanted to thank you few who are my loyal readers. You have stuck with me thru all my really shitty days, my crazy days, and my happy days. You few are special to me, more than I can succinctly put into words. With out you and your ever uplifting comments I would feel like just another lonely blogger. You all make this blog special and have kept me at it for the past year. Thank you.
Side note: James took pictures of the house this weekend, so as soon as she emails them over, I will get them shrunk and posted here. Either that or I will create a slide show on myspace so you guys can see it. I wish I could figure out how to do a slide show on here. Heck, maybe I will, since I have a decent net connection at the house now.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Our a very very fine house
Well, I was hoping to post some pictures of our new home (new to us anyways), but being sick all this week, not getting home until its dark and pure lazy-ness has prevented me from taking any pictures though. Not only that, but I have to download the pictures that are already on my camera onto the computer before I can take any more. Work work work. I'll try to get some taken this weekend, though. Yes, I'll take a few of the ever growing belly too. It has gotten a little bigger, and I actually have clothes that fit right, (Thank you Slutty Hoe, Momma, and Motherhood!) which actually helps to accent the belly a bit better than the hubby's big shirts. I was feeling a bit frumpy before, where as now I feel feminine and pretty. I can’t thank Momma and Slutty Hoe enough for that little shopping spree. Now every day I hear how cute I look and I feel so much more comfortable than I was before.
As of today I am 20 Weeks, 144 days til the due date, and almost half way thru the pregnancy. Wow, I can’t believe how time flies. Although, I can’t help but wish to see the little Crib Lizard™, hold him/her in my arms, see him/her laugh, and see the Hubby with him/her. Plus I'm going to be tickled freaking pink (or blue) when we know what we are having. A few more weeks and we will.
The house is coming along nicely. The Hubby got the queen sized spare bed set up last night after finally discovering the missing pieces I have been telling him exist for at least 2 weeks now. He kept insisting, patiently, that there were no such pieces. I have been tearing down and setting up this bed since I was 15 years old, pregnancy memory loss or not, I think I would know what is supposed to be there. Still, he got it together last night and I'll get it all made up and pretty for our house guests that are due in tonight. Oh and he tried to hook up the cable in the bedrooms, but for some reason its not working, so for now, if you stay with me, you will have to live with a VCR and a selection of Movies for your viewing pleasure. Luckily both of the spare rooms have actual lights so we no longer need a TV to help illuminate a room. Most of you will remember the spare bedroom at the other house not even having a light fixture in it. Then the plug-in style lamp we had got a broke light bulb, and of course it wouldn’t have been a standard light bulb, which I had 30 of..oh no. It had to be a special one. And you all know what a procrastinator I am, so it never got replaced. Hell, I dont even know where that lamp is right now.
I still need to unpack some things, like my books. I miss my books. But for the most part we are living very comfortably and have just about everything we need. Life is good right now. Except for both the Hubby and I being sick pretty much since we moved into the house. We had a very thorough inspection before we bought it, so I dont think it’s something wrong with the house, but just the fact that it’s been getting colder outside and we have been pushing ourselves way too hard. We just need some good old fashioned rest. I think we will get our chance next week with the 4 day Thanksgiving weekend. Woo Hoo!
Anyways, I got Maria to take a picture of my belly with my phone so here you go. (By the way Maria says Hi!)

No. I'm not pushing it out, thats what I wake up to every single day. :)
As of today I am 20 Weeks, 144 days til the due date, and almost half way thru the pregnancy. Wow, I can’t believe how time flies. Although, I can’t help but wish to see the little Crib Lizard™, hold him/her in my arms, see him/her laugh, and see the Hubby with him/her. Plus I'm going to be tickled freaking pink (or blue) when we know what we are having. A few more weeks and we will.
The house is coming along nicely. The Hubby got the queen sized spare bed set up last night after finally discovering the missing pieces I have been telling him exist for at least 2 weeks now. He kept insisting, patiently, that there were no such pieces. I have been tearing down and setting up this bed since I was 15 years old, pregnancy memory loss or not, I think I would know what is supposed to be there. Still, he got it together last night and I'll get it all made up and pretty for our house guests that are due in tonight. Oh and he tried to hook up the cable in the bedrooms, but for some reason its not working, so for now, if you stay with me, you will have to live with a VCR and a selection of Movies for your viewing pleasure. Luckily both of the spare rooms have actual lights so we no longer need a TV to help illuminate a room. Most of you will remember the spare bedroom at the other house not even having a light fixture in it. Then the plug-in style lamp we had got a broke light bulb, and of course it wouldn’t have been a standard light bulb, which I had 30 of..oh no. It had to be a special one. And you all know what a procrastinator I am, so it never got replaced. Hell, I dont even know where that lamp is right now.
I still need to unpack some things, like my books. I miss my books. But for the most part we are living very comfortably and have just about everything we need. Life is good right now. Except for both the Hubby and I being sick pretty much since we moved into the house. We had a very thorough inspection before we bought it, so I dont think it’s something wrong with the house, but just the fact that it’s been getting colder outside and we have been pushing ourselves way too hard. We just need some good old fashioned rest. I think we will get our chance next week with the 4 day Thanksgiving weekend. Woo Hoo!
Anyways, I got Maria to take a picture of my belly with my phone so here you go. (By the way Maria says Hi!)
No. I'm not pushing it out, thats what I wake up to every single day. :)
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Name was Russel
Good News! We closed on the house yesterday! I think I may have developed carpal tunnel syndrome from all the paperwork I signed, but I was rewarded with Wendy's afterwards, so I was/am happy. The sellers have even generously offered to have all the carpets cleaned before we move in. Woo Hoo! Of course the hubby was slightly upset about that. He wants to move this weekend and be done with it. Personally, I think its going to take us a longer than one weekend, especially with me being forbidden to move anything in my 'delicate condition'. Okay I totally understand that. I do not need to be carrying heavy things, but good god, would people please stop reminding me that I am so damn fragile? I have heard many times that I should enjoy bossing people around and having them do all the work for me, but you all know I'm not that kind of girl. When the truck has gotten stuck in the mud, (eh hem, Aud, if you are still reading this blog you should remember a situation like that) I am one of the first to jump out, into the mud puddle, to help push to un-stick us. I have moved couches and other various furniture items since I was a young 'en because of my mom's need to rearrange the living room every other month. I'm not used to just supervising and its going to be hard for me not to take a more active part in moving my home. I have no choice though, and since we are blessed with so many wonderful friends who have volunteered to help move us, I have no excuse either.
Dave has seriously gone off the over-protective deep end. It’s gotten to the point where he frowns at me if I bend over too far. He made me hot chocolate the other night so I didnt have to get up off the couch. It’s all incredibly sweet, but too soon! What happens when I AM too big to get off the couch?! That’s when I'm going to need the spoiling.
Also, I wish he would talk to the belly more, but I can see why he doesnt yet. It’s just a little bump. I'm hoping when it gets bigger and starts kicking that he will want to talk to it more. He said good-bye and kissed it when I left for Farmington last weekend, but that’s only because I asked him if he wanted to. It felt incredible for me when he did that, so much I almost cried and I can't pin point exactly why. Maybe it’s because I talk to the Crib Lizard™ all the time and Dave doesnt really acknowledge it more than trying to wait on me hand and foot. Maybe it was one of those "family bonding moments" I keep hearing about. *shrug* Anyways, it was very sweet and rare, but maybe thats why it was so special. I really cant wait to see him with the Crib Lizard™ in his arms. Thats going to be the ultimate "family moment" and it will be hard to hold back the tears.
I think we have settled on names, finally. The boy was easy and we actually knew what it was long before we even got pregnant. I thought it would be neat to name a boy after Dave's grandfather on his Mom's side, James William. Plus that name also pays homage to my dad, and also Dave's middle name. A girl was harder. I think we are having a boy, but its better to be prepared than stuck with "Baby Girl Biesecker", so after much deliberation and rejection, we decided on Alexandria Lynne. I discussed with SH and Momma this past weekend and we liked Alexis, but the Hubby liked Alexandria and I liked it a bit more than Alexis too. Plus think of the nick names. Lexi, Allie, Alex, Al..It just goes on and on. Of Course her initals will be ALB (Albuquerque), but ah well. There are kids walking around out there with worse names. The only thing I worry about is we will need to figure out what we will call her before pre-school. I mean Alexandria Biesecker is kind of a long name for a little one. Although it covers just about all the letters of the alphabet, so she would have a head start on that. LOL We cant start her out as Alex Biesecker, because she might be mistaken for boy. Ah shit. We may have to go back to the drawning board for girls names. Crap. Here I was all happy that we had FINALLY settled it, and now, after some thought, it might not work. Ah well.
Alrighty, well this post has gotten hella long and I have spent most of it talking about the unborn Crib Lizard™. There is a lot of stuff going on with the house and Dave is about at his wits end over it, but I'll save that for the next post, which should be soon.
Dave has seriously gone off the over-protective deep end. It’s gotten to the point where he frowns at me if I bend over too far. He made me hot chocolate the other night so I didnt have to get up off the couch. It’s all incredibly sweet, but too soon! What happens when I AM too big to get off the couch?! That’s when I'm going to need the spoiling.
Also, I wish he would talk to the belly more, but I can see why he doesnt yet. It’s just a little bump. I'm hoping when it gets bigger and starts kicking that he will want to talk to it more. He said good-bye and kissed it when I left for Farmington last weekend, but that’s only because I asked him if he wanted to. It felt incredible for me when he did that, so much I almost cried and I can't pin point exactly why. Maybe it’s because I talk to the Crib Lizard™ all the time and Dave doesnt really acknowledge it more than trying to wait on me hand and foot. Maybe it was one of those "family bonding moments" I keep hearing about. *shrug* Anyways, it was very sweet and rare, but maybe thats why it was so special. I really cant wait to see him with the Crib Lizard™ in his arms. Thats going to be the ultimate "family moment" and it will be hard to hold back the tears.
I think we have settled on names, finally. The boy was easy and we actually knew what it was long before we even got pregnant. I thought it would be neat to name a boy after Dave's grandfather on his Mom's side, James William. Plus that name also pays homage to my dad, and also Dave's middle name. A girl was harder. I think we are having a boy, but its better to be prepared than stuck with "Baby Girl Biesecker", so after much deliberation and rejection, we decided on Alexandria Lynne. I discussed with SH and Momma this past weekend and we liked Alexis, but the Hubby liked Alexandria and I liked it a bit more than Alexis too. Plus think of the nick names. Lexi, Allie, Alex, Al..It just goes on and on. Of Course her initals will be ALB (Albuquerque), but ah well. There are kids walking around out there with worse names. The only thing I worry about is we will need to figure out what we will call her before pre-school. I mean Alexandria Biesecker is kind of a long name for a little one. Although it covers just about all the letters of the alphabet, so she would have a head start on that. LOL We cant start her out as Alex Biesecker, because she might be mistaken for boy. Ah shit. We may have to go back to the drawning board for girls names. Crap. Here I was all happy that we had FINALLY settled it, and now, after some thought, it might not work. Ah well.
Alrighty, well this post has gotten hella long and I have spent most of it talking about the unborn Crib Lizard™. There is a lot of stuff going on with the house and Dave is about at his wits end over it, but I'll save that for the next post, which should be soon.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Belly and House Update
Yep, that’s my belly. Remember the flat little thing from The initial Preggo Post. I told you it would soon be gone. Replaced with this small little hump I like to call The Crib Lizard™. Have you ever tried to puff out your tummy real big just to see what you would look like pregnant? That’s what I think it looks like right now. Only it’s like that all the time, even when I'm relaxed. I hung out in my black and white tear away pants and a "tank top" yesterday that was kind of form fitting and I caught a glimps of myself in the mirror. I was shocked I looked like that. I guess I shouldn’t be. I mean, I'm growing a person inside me. Also I keep having aches, kinda like growing pains, so it’s not like I should be surprised. Ah well. I'm only going to get bigger. Be sure to keep watching for my infrequent updates and pictures. :o)
The house thing is going good. They are going to do some inspections and then we will know for sure if we actually want the place or not. I am totally tripping out how grown up all this is. I still feel like the person I was in junior high. Sure, I have more control over my gangly body, I shave my pits regularly, and I feel wiser, but to me, I still feel like I'm a kid. Now, when I actually take a moment to examine my life I find myself married, with a little one on the way, and looking to get into a 30 year mortgage, all willingly. What the hell happened? Life, I suppose. No matter how much we want to, we can’t stay kids forever. Then again, would we really want to? Remember that feeling when you first moved out of your parent’s house? I do, like it was yesterday. I remember the sense of freedom. "Yay! Now I can eat Coco Puffs for dinner every night if I want!" (I did too, for a good month) "Yay! No more curfews! I can stay out as late as I want!" (I did that too. James and I used to go cruising in her Duster til all hours of the morning.) The thing is, with the freedom came responsibility. Supporting myself, making sure I got to work and school on time, that I had enough money to pay my bills and still eat Scronic were all part of the freedom package.
Now, I am an adult. I have been supporting myself for several years, my parents, as wise and supportive as they are, have no more say in how I live my life. I always listen to their advice and try to do the right thing for the hubby and me, but at the end of the day, I have chosen my own path. Now I am taking on more responsibility and I feel like I am loosing a bit of that freedom I hungered for and enjoyed so much when I finally got it. Am I sad? Sure, a little bit. Sometimes, I wouldn’t mind going back to being 18 and mostly free. But would I really trade everything I have to do that? Probably not. I do love my hubby and I am thrilled to be having his/our baby. I can’t wait for The Crib Lizard™ to get here. I'm excited to move in to our first home of our own. I'm not that excited about the house payments, but we will get thru it somehow.
I guess what I'm trying to say, in a very rambling type of way, is that in the month of May, we shall play all day...oh sorry. Got off on a rhyming thing there. What I'm trying to that although I'm tripping out over being a "grown up" I'm happy about it too. I'm entering in the next stage of adventures and I'm actually looking forward to it. I know it isn’t going to be all roses and walks in the park, but I think it will be exciting and rewarding.
I'll let you all know when I know when/if we are moving. Also, I'll post another pic of the belly when it gets a little bigger. (Probably not for a couple of months at least)
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Hairy Portal
Wow, my title is kind of nasty. I wonder if it will come up under some nasty porn searches. Hmm. Guess if I start getting strange comments from people who don't normally comment, then I will know. :) I think I'll take the chance. I actually got it from a show I watched last night. No, it wasnt a porn movie. The show was called the "Great Build Off" or something like that. It was about this engineer and 8 other guys who built a Luis and Clark style fort/cabin for this retired police chief guy. He showed how they carved the timbers, laid down the dimensions for the house, made windows and doors, etc. Honestly, I was reading Wintersmith at the time and not paying too close attention. However, towards the end, when they were putting up the door, the host said the words "hairy portal" and for some reason, they broke thru my concentration and I almost rolled off the couch laughing. What the host was talking about was their bear skin door on the front of the cabin. It was, indeed, a hairy portal. What I kept thinking was 'hairy portal' would be an excellent porn name. Especially for a gay man with a particularly hairy ass or a girl who just doesn’t want to shave her poonani. Anyways, there is a little view into my twisted little brain. (By the way 'hairy portal' still makes me giggle like a 6th grader with a newly learned bad word)
I'll post a picture of my belly in the next few days, I think. It has grown some and even a couple of my co-workers commented that I am beginning to show. Wow. I can’t believe I'm in the second tri-mester already. The dreams have gotten somewhat less vivid. Either that or I have just grown accustomed to them. No more morning sickness. Actually, I'm eating a good three full meals a day and even snacking a little in between.
The Hubby and I have been house shopping. That’s been fun and I think we may have found one we like. The only problem is we haven’t looked at that many yet and we wonder if we should look at more before we decide on this one. I really loved it the first time I walked thru the door though, so I think it’s the one I want. I'll keep you updated on that too. :)
I'll post a picture of my belly in the next few days, I think. It has grown some and even a couple of my co-workers commented that I am beginning to show. Wow. I can’t believe I'm in the second tri-mester already. The dreams have gotten somewhat less vivid. Either that or I have just grown accustomed to them. No more morning sickness. Actually, I'm eating a good three full meals a day and even snacking a little in between.
The Hubby and I have been house shopping. That’s been fun and I think we may have found one we like. The only problem is we haven’t looked at that many yet and we wonder if we should look at more before we decide on this one. I really loved it the first time I walked thru the door though, so I think it’s the one I want. I'll keep you updated on that too. :)
Thursday, September 28, 2006
On the Lighter Side
I present, for your reading pleasure, Hsing's Guide to Pregnancy
Parts are funny and certain parts made me cry because they are so damn true. At least for me they hit home.
Thank you, Miss Hsing, for writing this honestly and for letting me link to your wonderful guide. *big hugs* for you and your little one.
Parts are funny and certain parts made me cry because they are so damn true. At least for me they hit home.
Thank you, Miss Hsing, for writing this honestly and for letting me link to your wonderful guide. *big hugs* for you and your little one.
Spongebob Grumpy Pants
Not a particularly bad morning for me, so far. I did have to sit in a 45 minute traffic jam because people in Albuquerque have yet to figure out that two objects of mass cannot occupy the same space at the same time. It could have been worse though. A friend told me about an 8 hour traffic jam he had to sit thru once. At least it wasnt that bad, although I was still a little late for work. I had left my cell phone at the office last night, so I couldnt even call the boss to let her know I was running late.
I had a great night last night. The hubby and I heard the heart beat of our little crib lizard, which was totally awesome. It sounded like a little freight train chugging away at full speed. I thought I would cry when I heard it, but I didn't. I wanted to laugh, but every time I giggled, she would have to spend 5 minutes trying to find it again, so I tried to stay really still. Dave was amazed at it too, I think. He is just so awkward sometimes. He didnt come stand by me or anything. He just sat in the little chair they had in the exam room and grinned. Ah well. I should be happy he was there at all.
So why oh why do I feel like being a grumpy, whiney, crying bitch today? Hormones? Overly tired? *shrug* Wish I knew. I really just want to crawl back into bed and not come out til the weekend. I dont want to be alone in bed either. I need a warm body next to me. If I went home right now, the warm body would most likely be a combination of Otis, Mid and Diablo Blanca (Aka. Shelby). I can’t go home though. Last week in the month is too busy for me to take time off because I'm feeling anti- social.
I'll just take this as one of those days where no matter what happens I'm just not going to be able to see the silver lining. Hey, I can't be Miss Pollyanna everyday. Good grief, I would have to kick my own ass.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
What the hell did I do?
This past Sunday I finally wrestled the Hubby off of the computer long enough to check my email and the following is what I found:
The day before he sent this email he had called, and right away asked for the hubby. I told him "sure, you can talk to him; however, he has been sick all this week so this isn’t a good weekend for you to come out." I did not tell him this to be mean or nasty; in fact it was not a lie at all. The Hubby had taken a day and half off this past week because he was sick! Art is out at my house every weekend. Slutty Hoe and Lord Dragon can back me up on that. Anyone who has come and stayed with me for the weekend knows this. In fact, Art had been coming out 3 or 4 times a week, often spending the night on weekdays. I have tried to nicely talk to him about this, letting him know that life is changing for us, and that means he can not make his visits as frequent as he has been. At first, he didnt listen. I think because I was the one doing all the talking. Then the hubby finally said something to him about it, and Art cut his visits down to just the weekends. Well, I'm sorry, but I grow tired of having someone out at the house every single weekend. Sure, visits are fine once in a while. In fact, I'm looking forward to seeing Slutty Hoe and LD in a couple of weeks. However, I need a break, and having Art out every single weekend is not a break. He does not like it when I tell him, "No he can’t come out", it makes him cry and all of a sudden I'm a bitch. I have to tell him no if I dont want him to come out (and I do it nicely, you all know me) otherwise he calls, and if we dont pick up, he doesn’t leave a message and comes out anyways. One night, on a Wednesday earlier this month, he called to see if he could come out, I told him it wouldn’t be a good night since the Hubby was working late. (Again, a true statement.) The hubby and I agree that Art does not need to be out at the house when the hubby isn’t there. Art actually told me that he was coming out anyways because he wanted to go for a drive. When the hubby did get home from work, I told him exactly what Art said and that if he had the nerve to knock on our door, I was going to tell him to go home. I felt like I was back in the 50's and had no say in what happened in my household. The hubby and I have a partnership, we talk things over and both of us have a valid opinion. Art wasnt treating me that way. Thats why when he called on Saturday he asked for the hubby right away. He thought he could side step me by asking the hubby if he could come out. HA. I'm smarter than that and cut him off at the pass. The hubby did say it sounded as if Art was crying when I handed the phone over to him.
I feel like Art has taken advantage of our hospitality long before he wrote this email, yet, from the way he writes it, I'm the evil one. Honestly, I have never made a full grown man cry before. For christsakes he is almost 30 years old, doesn’t have a job, lives off of his parents, then comes out to our house and mooches off of us, while talking shit about the very people who support him!! The Hubby feels just the same as I do, we have had long discussions about it, however, the hubby can walk on egg shells around poor fragile Art, where I am sick of it. I shouldn’t have to mind what I say in my own house. I shouldn’t have to baby a near 30 year old BOY, when I have an actual baby of my own on the way.
Art has said before that he might be bipolar. After reading about it, I hope he isn’t, but then some of the symptoms sound a lot like him so maybe he is, although I have never seen him like this before. If he is then he needs to go see a real doctor, and not just an alternative medicine person that puts your feet in a machine to suck all your toxins out thru your toes. Bi-polar is a serious problem that requires a serious solution not some nut bag sucking your bank account dry with "cures" with a mixture of 10 different "vitamins".
The Hubby says I need to delete this email and just let it go and I think I will. I just wanted to vent a little on here first. I felt unjustly attacked by someone who I thought was a friend. I have never claimed to be perfect. Actually I remember an old post of mine where I actually say that I know I'm not perfect and that I dont ask perfection from others. Although this email did make me question if I have become some super bitch since getting knocked up. If I had, you guys would tell me right?
Anyways, I also wanted to let you know, Slutty Hoe, that you dont have to worry about Art coming out to the house when you come visit anymore. I thought that, at least, would make you smile.
Dear Angie,
I am writing you to let you know I will not be bothering you or your husband any more. I have always tried to be a polite and courteous guest at your home, but I think that there has been some kind of miss understandings. Over the last couple of months, even before you were pregnant, I started to notice how you liked to argue with me and my views. I am not a “right and wrong” kind of person; there is always a grey. There is more than one way to do things correctly. That’s what keeps us from being Nazi’s. You may have missed that I never put your ideas down, but am an individual and have alternative ways of seeing and doing things. I have always respected others ideas because that is what makes individuality great and much can be learned that way. I used to think that you were the most understanding and sweet person, but with in the last months you have proved me wrong. Now I feel like I am put down and attacked by you. That is not what friends do, especially when you call them family. I gave you a chance to come clean with your problem with me, but I don’t think you had the balls. You would rather play games with me and hurt me to drive me away. I can hear the pleasure in your voice when you turn me away and it makes me feel like you think I am a “cousin Kenny”. When you play games with me it is totally unfair because I can not defend myself or my actions, which is most likely a misunderstanding. I know you can be a good friend still but if you would rather have me gone I just wish you could have come clean. If you want to talk shit about me do it to my face. I might respect you for it. Even with all the shit I have been through I never take out my frustrations on the innocent. If this is what you are doing I don’t want a part of it. I hope you and Dave have a nice life. I will not go into anything else because I might regret what I would say after feeling so hurt by my only friends out here, but if I hear that you have bad mouthed me I will defend myself. I have never claimed to be perfect and you shouldn’t either.
Good Bye
The day before he sent this email he had called, and right away asked for the hubby. I told him "sure, you can talk to him; however, he has been sick all this week so this isn’t a good weekend for you to come out." I did not tell him this to be mean or nasty; in fact it was not a lie at all. The Hubby had taken a day and half off this past week because he was sick! Art is out at my house every weekend. Slutty Hoe and Lord Dragon can back me up on that. Anyone who has come and stayed with me for the weekend knows this. In fact, Art had been coming out 3 or 4 times a week, often spending the night on weekdays. I have tried to nicely talk to him about this, letting him know that life is changing for us, and that means he can not make his visits as frequent as he has been. At first, he didnt listen. I think because I was the one doing all the talking. Then the hubby finally said something to him about it, and Art cut his visits down to just the weekends. Well, I'm sorry, but I grow tired of having someone out at the house every single weekend. Sure, visits are fine once in a while. In fact, I'm looking forward to seeing Slutty Hoe and LD in a couple of weeks. However, I need a break, and having Art out every single weekend is not a break. He does not like it when I tell him, "No he can’t come out", it makes him cry and all of a sudden I'm a bitch. I have to tell him no if I dont want him to come out (and I do it nicely, you all know me) otherwise he calls, and if we dont pick up, he doesn’t leave a message and comes out anyways. One night, on a Wednesday earlier this month, he called to see if he could come out, I told him it wouldn’t be a good night since the Hubby was working late. (Again, a true statement.) The hubby and I agree that Art does not need to be out at the house when the hubby isn’t there. Art actually told me that he was coming out anyways because he wanted to go for a drive. When the hubby did get home from work, I told him exactly what Art said and that if he had the nerve to knock on our door, I was going to tell him to go home. I felt like I was back in the 50's and had no say in what happened in my household. The hubby and I have a partnership, we talk things over and both of us have a valid opinion. Art wasnt treating me that way. Thats why when he called on Saturday he asked for the hubby right away. He thought he could side step me by asking the hubby if he could come out. HA. I'm smarter than that and cut him off at the pass. The hubby did say it sounded as if Art was crying when I handed the phone over to him.
I feel like Art has taken advantage of our hospitality long before he wrote this email, yet, from the way he writes it, I'm the evil one. Honestly, I have never made a full grown man cry before. For christsakes he is almost 30 years old, doesn’t have a job, lives off of his parents, then comes out to our house and mooches off of us, while talking shit about the very people who support him!! The Hubby feels just the same as I do, we have had long discussions about it, however, the hubby can walk on egg shells around poor fragile Art, where I am sick of it. I shouldn’t have to mind what I say in my own house. I shouldn’t have to baby a near 30 year old BOY, when I have an actual baby of my own on the way.
Art has said before that he might be bipolar. After reading about it, I hope he isn’t, but then some of the symptoms sound a lot like him so maybe he is, although I have never seen him like this before. If he is then he needs to go see a real doctor, and not just an alternative medicine person that puts your feet in a machine to suck all your toxins out thru your toes. Bi-polar is a serious problem that requires a serious solution not some nut bag sucking your bank account dry with "cures" with a mixture of 10 different "vitamins".
The Hubby says I need to delete this email and just let it go and I think I will. I just wanted to vent a little on here first. I felt unjustly attacked by someone who I thought was a friend. I have never claimed to be perfect. Actually I remember an old post of mine where I actually say that I know I'm not perfect and that I dont ask perfection from others. Although this email did make me question if I have become some super bitch since getting knocked up. If I had, you guys would tell me right?
Anyways, I also wanted to let you know, Slutty Hoe, that you dont have to worry about Art coming out to the house when you come visit anymore. I thought that, at least, would make you smile.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Slap My Ass and Color Me Happy
I met the lady who is going to take over working with The Bitch in Santa Fe™ yesterday and I think she is going to do great! She has been in this type of biz for at least 10 years now and has dealt with people like The Bitch™ before, so I'm really excited to see what changes she makes. If, for some reason, the position becomes available again, and my lovely bosses try to push it back on me, I have decided that I will demand a lot more money or quit. I can not go back to working with (NOT FOR) The Bitch in Santa Fe™ unless I'm making way more money than I am now. At least with a bigger paycheck I could buy more Jeager to drown out the memories of having to work with her.
Oh! And while changing my links on my sidebar, I found out one of my favorite bands Fun Lovin Criminals has quite a few albums available besides the one I love to play over and over. So I had to put a few of their other albums on my "to buy" list on Amazon. Oh Happy Day! You have no idea how long I wanted more from them, wondered what happened to them, and now thanks to the internets, I know! I just needed to get off my lazy ass and look. I guess the are really popular over in the UK and tour there all the time. FUCK! Just another reason why I want to hop a plane to England.
Oh, and a friend of mine online made this cool ABC's of pregnancy post on her live journal blog. I'm going to ask her if I can post a link to it on here, because I think you all would get a kick out of it. I loved they way she wrote it, making me laugh out loud in places and cry at others. Whenever I read posts from my friends, I realize just how shitty of a writer I am, but I keep plugging away because I love to do it. Just like singing. Those of you who have heard my voice, know that I'm not winning American Idol any day soon, but I love it, so just crank the stereo louder to drown me out.
Oh! And while changing my links on my sidebar, I found out one of my favorite bands Fun Lovin Criminals has quite a few albums available besides the one I love to play over and over. So I had to put a few of their other albums on my "to buy" list on Amazon. Oh Happy Day! You have no idea how long I wanted more from them, wondered what happened to them, and now thanks to the internets, I know! I just needed to get off my lazy ass and look. I guess the are really popular over in the UK and tour there all the time. FUCK! Just another reason why I want to hop a plane to England.
Oh, and a friend of mine online made this cool ABC's of pregnancy post on her live journal blog. I'm going to ask her if I can post a link to it on here, because I think you all would get a kick out of it. I loved they way she wrote it, making me laugh out loud in places and cry at others. Whenever I read posts from my friends, I realize just how shitty of a writer I am, but I keep plugging away because I love to do it. Just like singing. Those of you who have heard my voice, know that I'm not winning American Idol any day soon, but I love it, so just crank the stereo louder to drown me out.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Hey, my loyal readers...Its not Friday yet!! But I have to say I am flattered at the requests for a blog post. You love me, You Really Love me!! Okay, Sally Fields moment over.
Well, lets see, I promised an update on how I was feeling about this whole parenting thing. I have thought a lot on it and I don't think its the parenting part that has got me worried. Its the whole being pregnant thing. My body feels out of control, my dreams are out of control, and I feel "different". Not like the normal "me" at all. I wont go into details, but all my body functions are screwy. I feel extremely horney one minute and the next I feel like I never want to be touched again. Hopefully all this will pass when the baby comes. I mean for the sake of pete, other women have passed this trial, surely I can too. I every bit of a bad ass as they are. But I think the pre-pregnancy information is sadly lacking. I feel like its some sort of secret society that just gets sprung on you when that little blue line appears on the pee stick. Well, I'm sure Miss Hobbit would have shared her infinite Mommy knowledge, had I known at the time what questions to ask.
I think I'm going to enjoy being a parent though. I can not wait to meet my little one, see what he/she looks like, get to know their little personality. I look forward to trying to teach them right from wrong, good from bad, and protecting them as much as I can with out smothering. (Ever notice that "smothering" is made of the word "mothering", with an additional "s". Hm. Interesting)
I really don't think I want to be pregnant again, though. I'm so disappointed in myself for it too. I always figured I would love it, feeling that little life growing inside me. Knowing that, for 9 months, its just me and him/her. Maybe once I get further along I will feel that way. Right now, however, I just want them to get here so I can have my body back. Its been mine for so long that I am having a terrible time sharing.
Instead of calling the baby him/her or it, I'm just going to name it The Crib Lizard. I heard that the other day and it cracked me up, so since everyone else on here has a nickname, the little person growing in me might as well too. Crib Lizard. Very southwesterny..
My dreams, whoa. Any of you women out there thinking of getting pregnant, beware. Your dreams are vivid every single night. I have not had nightmares where I was actually afraid since I was a kid, until the past few months. Mass murder in New York, a man made of fire and this poor Chinese chick had to sacrifice herself to him. Not to mention my big black lesbian lover. *shaking my head*
Once again, all in the joys of parenting.
Note: I wrote this in a hurry at the end of the day so if there are spelling mistakes, well bite me.
Well, lets see, I promised an update on how I was feeling about this whole parenting thing. I have thought a lot on it and I don't think its the parenting part that has got me worried. Its the whole being pregnant thing. My body feels out of control, my dreams are out of control, and I feel "different". Not like the normal "me" at all. I wont go into details, but all my body functions are screwy. I feel extremely horney one minute and the next I feel like I never want to be touched again. Hopefully all this will pass when the baby comes. I mean for the sake of pete, other women have passed this trial, surely I can too. I every bit of a bad ass as they are. But I think the pre-pregnancy information is sadly lacking. I feel like its some sort of secret society that just gets sprung on you when that little blue line appears on the pee stick. Well, I'm sure Miss Hobbit would have shared her infinite Mommy knowledge, had I known at the time what questions to ask.
I think I'm going to enjoy being a parent though. I can not wait to meet my little one, see what he/she looks like, get to know their little personality. I look forward to trying to teach them right from wrong, good from bad, and protecting them as much as I can with out smothering. (Ever notice that "smothering" is made of the word "mothering", with an additional "s". Hm. Interesting)
I really don't think I want to be pregnant again, though. I'm so disappointed in myself for it too. I always figured I would love it, feeling that little life growing inside me. Knowing that, for 9 months, its just me and him/her. Maybe once I get further along I will feel that way. Right now, however, I just want them to get here so I can have my body back. Its been mine for so long that I am having a terrible time sharing.
Instead of calling the baby him/her or it, I'm just going to name it The Crib Lizard. I heard that the other day and it cracked me up, so since everyone else on here has a nickname, the little person growing in me might as well too. Crib Lizard. Very southwesterny..
My dreams, whoa. Any of you women out there thinking of getting pregnant, beware. Your dreams are vivid every single night. I have not had nightmares where I was actually afraid since I was a kid, until the past few months. Mass murder in New York, a man made of fire and this poor Chinese chick had to sacrifice herself to him. Not to mention my big black lesbian lover. *shaking my head*
Once again, all in the joys of parenting.
Note: I wrote this in a hurry at the end of the day so if there are spelling mistakes, well bite me.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Yet Another Friday Post. What a lazy bitch I am.
I have just noticed a pattern on my blog here. I do most of my postings on Friday. Hm. Which then led me to ponder why. The only answer I can think of is I actually do work through out the week, then once Friday hits, I'm burned out. I'm ready for the weekend to be here and I am done working. Part of the burn out comes from this job. Its stressful all the time. Especially since I began working with (not FOR) The Bitch In Santa Fe™. Fortunately, that is not going to be my problem for very much longer. The poor soul who is going to take over for me starts on Tuesday. (Since we are all off on Monday! Woo Hoo! Go Labor Day!) The other part of it is I think I am really getting sick of this job. Not only because of The Bitch In Santa Fe™, but because I feel like my employers do not actually care about any of us employee's. Which, if true, is a piss poor way to run a business. Think about it. If all you have is managment, then who does the "grunt" work that actually keeps the company running? Honestly, my bosses have no clue what it is I do all day, and I am the only one in the company who does it. They should feel damn lucky that I am such a good employee with a good work ethic. Otherwise I would be able to just walk out of here and never look back, regardless of the shit creek I would leave them floating in. But, I can't do that. Not because I care about my bosses or my job, but because I base a lot of my own self worth on how well I do my job. So if I just quit, then I would feel like I let myself down.
Ha ha. I fooled you! You may have stopped by here last Friday and saw the same lame post from the previous week, then today, lo and behold here is a brand new lame post. You may have thought to yourself, how did I miss it?! Well, I fooled you. Instead of publishing this last Friday I saved it as a draft. We were having a wicked thunderstorm and the computers kept going down so I kept on saving just in case the computers died before I finished what I wanted to say. Like this post was going to win a Pulitzer. In fact today isMondayTuesday, even though the date above the title will show it to have been published on Friday.. What a sneaky bitch I am. Sneaky and lazy.
Alright, so I have established that it is in fact Tuesday when I finished writing and published this. Its actually 4:04 in the afternoon. Which means I am about 24 minutes from leaving this cubie to make my way home. I cant wait. I have not heard from The Bitch In Santa Fe™, but thats not surprising seems how she is in France, probably still not shaving her pits. Maybe they have a special cream to cure ugly bag of skin syndrom. If anyone can do it, it would be the French.
Preggo update. I think the morning sickness has passed. I didnt heave today and I was able to eat my breakfast burrito from La Hacienda right when I got to work. Now granted I had to make a special trip just to go get it, I had to smell it in my truck for a good 30 minutes and I was almost late to work because of it, but oh it was so worth it. I love thier Breakfast burritos. When I worked near by them I had one every single morning. In fact, I ate there so much that when my birthday came around, the nice lady who worked the drive up window gave me a birthday card with a 20 in it. Probably thinking I would spend it on burrito's, which I did. I wish they had one closer by. Ah well. Wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which gets fuller faster, right Dad? Always full of words of wisdom, my dad. Oh and my belly is a little bigger, but not big enough to warrent a picture yet. Maybe later. Right now it just kinda looks like I got a really big gas bubble. I STILL have a nasty bruise on my arm from where that Vampire in the blood testing department took 4 pints worth of samples of my blood. Its been a good 2 weeks and I still look like I have a heroine addiction. They didnt even give me a cookie and juice. Bastards. Ah well. All part of the joys of parenthood, I suppose. Speaking of, I am developing definite feelings about that, now that the inital shock has worn off. I'll save that for my next post though..Til then Love ya.
Ha ha. I fooled you! You may have stopped by here last Friday and saw the same lame post from the previous week, then today, lo and behold here is a brand new lame post. You may have thought to yourself, how did I miss it?! Well, I fooled you. Instead of publishing this last Friday I saved it as a draft. We were having a wicked thunderstorm and the computers kept going down so I kept on saving just in case the computers died before I finished what I wanted to say. Like this post was going to win a Pulitzer. In fact today is
Alright, so I have established that it is in fact Tuesday when I finished writing and published this. Its actually 4:04 in the afternoon. Which means I am about 24 minutes from leaving this cubie to make my way home. I cant wait. I have not heard from The Bitch In Santa Fe™, but thats not surprising seems how she is in France, probably still not shaving her pits. Maybe they have a special cream to cure ugly bag of skin syndrom. If anyone can do it, it would be the French.
Preggo update. I think the morning sickness has passed. I didnt heave today and I was able to eat my breakfast burrito from La Hacienda right when I got to work. Now granted I had to make a special trip just to go get it, I had to smell it in my truck for a good 30 minutes and I was almost late to work because of it, but oh it was so worth it. I love thier Breakfast burritos. When I worked near by them I had one every single morning. In fact, I ate there so much that when my birthday came around, the nice lady who worked the drive up window gave me a birthday card with a 20 in it. Probably thinking I would spend it on burrito's, which I did. I wish they had one closer by. Ah well. Wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which gets fuller faster, right Dad? Always full of words of wisdom, my dad. Oh and my belly is a little bigger, but not big enough to warrent a picture yet. Maybe later. Right now it just kinda looks like I got a really big gas bubble. I STILL have a nasty bruise on my arm from where that Vampire in the blood testing department took 4 pints worth of samples of my blood. Its been a good 2 weeks and I still look like I have a heroine addiction. They didnt even give me a cookie and juice. Bastards. Ah well. All part of the joys of parenthood, I suppose. Speaking of, I am developing definite feelings about that, now that the inital shock has worn off. I'll save that for my next post though..Til then Love ya.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Happy Day!
Its Finally Friday! God, this week has sucked. The Bitch In Santa Fe™ has tried fucking with me non-stop all week and I finally had to tell her off yesterday. That felt really good. :o) Plus the morning sickness has peaked this week, so I have been bowing to the porcelain god every single morning and nothing seemed to make that better except for time. Around noon I can get down a hamburger and some fries, preferably Lotaburger.
Today seems to be better, though and I haven't ralphed once! Plus I just got down a breakfast burrito and its not wanting to make a reappearance, yet! I am cautiously optimistic, though. Alright, enough about my stomachs extracurricular activities.
I received lots of good news this week, so I guess it hasn't been an entire bust. First off, I had my first docs appointment on Wed and the midwife used the word "perfect" several times. That made me feel a lot better, although I had to wait an hour in the waiting room and pay 15 bucks to get violated to get that little bit of news. Sucks to be a girl sometimes. Oh! And I heard yesterday that LA has finally gotten off their lazy, useless, giant asses and hired someone to take over working for The Bitch In Santa Fe™ like they were supposed to do, oh, 4 friggen months ago. Now, when the poor sucker will start and when my duties will be entirely relinquished, I have no idea, but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting bigger and it isn't a giant freight train about to run me over.
Our computers and phones are down because of the rain last night and hopefully they will stay that way all day. I dont want to work today, I certainly dont want to do anything for That Bitch In Santa Fe™. But we will see how the day progresses.
Thats about it for now. TGIF, my friends, TGIF.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Brittany Sprears is SOOOO Hot
Oh yeah, I want to look just like her when I am 8 months pregnant. Guess I better stock up on my Cheeto's and Hershy's bars.
Brittany, girl, I know you cant do your usual exercises, however, if you could pry that big ass of yours off of the couch for 10 minutes, a walk would do you some good. You look like Jabba the Hut goes Trailer Trash.
Quick, hide the wookies...I mean cookies. Screw it, hide them both, neither are safe from Jabba the Brittany...
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Ello, Ello! No I said "Ello", but that's close enough. Would you like to come in, have some tea, meet the missus?........Whoa..totally had a labyrinth moment there..No Worries, I'm all better now. Just be happy I didn't don my grey tights, rat my hair out, and start singing with a bunch of muppets. Hey, you know when you hang out with me, anything is possible.
I would like to direct your attention to the side bar. I have made a few changes, and some updates. One thing you may notice is Slutty Hoe is no longer a contributor. Sorry, Slutty Hoe. You seem to do your blogging on myspace, so I thought I would go ahead and remove you so my profile shows up there again. I know, how selfish of me. I prostrate myself before you and beg your forgiveness. Actually, this is my blog so meh, I prostrate nothing..
Second, I have added a couple of links to the side. I don't know if you all noticed I put up a link to my friend Leah's blog. She is one hell of a writer and editor and one crazy creative bitch. (she would have to be crazy to be my friend huh? Its not like I surround myself with normal people. Normal people suck, then snowball their boyfriends.) I also linked to a kick ass jewelry guy, Paul J. Badali. He carries a wide varity of items ranging from animal themed to Celtic, all of which is beautiful. I have purchased a few items from him and have never been disappointed. Barrie still Kicks Ass as the Official Discworld Jeweler, and Paul Kidby has anything else related to Discworld that your little heart may desire. In fact, if I ever win the lottery, after buying a house, paying off all my friends/family, and starting my World Rally career with James, I would spend at least a grand there. (In UK Dollars, of course)
What else...Oh yeah, my stomach has been doing cartwheels on a daily basis from the time I get up til about 4 or 5 in the afternoon. Ahh..morning/all day sickness brought on by being all preggo and shit. At least I found somewhat of a helper. After trying everything from giving up my coffee to other radical changes in my diet (IE No deep fried foods. OMG this kid is going to KILL me!)I found that peppermint and spearmint hard candies seem to sooth the savage beast that is my digestive tract. Thanks and MAD PROPS to Miss Hobbitt for that suggestion.
Work still sucks cause I still have to deal with that waste of skin, dirty, treehugging, muff diving, old bitch, Bianca. However, I got some good news today that my working with her may soon come to an end. Not in the firery crash, blaze of glory, guns firing, Rambo-esk ending I had dreamed of, but an ending none the less. Good thing too, cause I was on the verge of pretending I work for the Post office and driving to Santa Fe with my AK-47.
Ha. I dont think I even have an AK..I have an SKS. Do you think that would disqualify me from the Postal Service NRA?
Okay, I think thats it for now. See some of you this weekend, and for the others, well see you when I can.
Lots of Love and Hugs from the Anj...
I would like to direct your attention to the side bar. I have made a few changes, and some updates. One thing you may notice is Slutty Hoe is no longer a contributor. Sorry, Slutty Hoe. You seem to do your blogging on myspace, so I thought I would go ahead and remove you so my profile shows up there again. I know, how selfish of me. I prostrate myself before you and beg your forgiveness. Actually, this is my blog so meh, I prostrate nothing..
Second, I have added a couple of links to the side. I don't know if you all noticed I put up a link to my friend Leah's blog. She is one hell of a writer and editor and one crazy creative bitch. (she would have to be crazy to be my friend huh? Its not like I surround myself with normal people. Normal people suck, then snowball their boyfriends.) I also linked to a kick ass jewelry guy, Paul J. Badali. He carries a wide varity of items ranging from animal themed to Celtic, all of which is beautiful. I have purchased a few items from him and have never been disappointed. Barrie still Kicks Ass as the Official Discworld Jeweler, and Paul Kidby has anything else related to Discworld that your little heart may desire. In fact, if I ever win the lottery, after buying a house, paying off all my friends/family, and starting my World Rally career with James, I would spend at least a grand there. (In UK Dollars, of course)
What else...Oh yeah, my stomach has been doing cartwheels on a daily basis from the time I get up til about 4 or 5 in the afternoon. Ahh..morning/all day sickness brought on by being all preggo and shit. At least I found somewhat of a helper. After trying everything from giving up my coffee to other radical changes in my diet (IE No deep fried foods. OMG this kid is going to KILL me!)I found that peppermint and spearmint hard candies seem to sooth the savage beast that is my digestive tract. Thanks and MAD PROPS to Miss Hobbitt for that suggestion.
Work still sucks cause I still have to deal with that waste of skin, dirty, treehugging, muff diving, old bitch, Bianca. However, I got some good news today that my working with her may soon come to an end. Not in the firery crash, blaze of glory, guns firing, Rambo-esk ending I had dreamed of, but an ending none the less. Good thing too, cause I was on the verge of pretending I work for the Post office and driving to Santa Fe with my AK-47.
Ha. I dont think I even have an AK..I have an SKS. Do you think that would disqualify me from the Postal Service NRA?
Okay, I think thats it for now. See some of you this weekend, and for the others, well see you when I can.
Lots of Love and Hugs from the Anj...
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Ode to Toasters (For Leah)
Walking along with my friend one day
I turned to her and had to say
"why do you treat your toaster so bad?
Call him names, make him feel sad.
All he wants is to toast your bread,
but you go out and get doughnuts instead."
My friend turned to me and quietly stated
"My toaster is my greatest love, he makes me elated.
I only say those mean things to hide the truth,
the doughnuts I buy to pacify my sweet tooth.
In all reality I love my toaster so,
No matter what happens, I'll never let him go."
We continued on our walk, while I contemplated the situation,
Finally I came to the grim resignation,
My friend is a freak, in love with a toaster
But I can't say anything, I had an affair with a coaster.
I hope you liked it Miss Leah. Love you.
I turned to her and had to say
"why do you treat your toaster so bad?
Call him names, make him feel sad.
All he wants is to toast your bread,
but you go out and get doughnuts instead."
My friend turned to me and quietly stated
"My toaster is my greatest love, he makes me elated.
I only say those mean things to hide the truth,
the doughnuts I buy to pacify my sweet tooth.
In all reality I love my toaster so,
No matter what happens, I'll never let him go."
We continued on our walk, while I contemplated the situation,
Finally I came to the grim resignation,
My friend is a freak, in love with a toaster
But I can't say anything, I had an affair with a coaster.
I hope you liked it Miss Leah. Love you.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
"The Story of Smurfette's Nasty Snatch"...
I wrote this in a moment of boredom here at work and it made Princess Maria Laugh, so I thought in lieu of a real post, I would share it with the rest of you. A real post to follow shortly..(Okay, like tomorrow or Monday)
One day, Handy Smurf was walking thru the forest, looking for smurf berries, when he began to smell something like a pile of dead fish. (Literally he could almost smell the "pile", really! Smurfs have an incredible sense of smell! ) He came around a tree and behold the smell was coming from another Smurf!
"How in the world could a smurf smell like that?" Handy wondered.
Since he was curious as well as handy, he went to go talk to the smelly smurf.
"What the smurf have you been eating, young Smurf? It smurfin smells like a pile of smurfin dead fish over here!" he asked
"Sniff, sniff. There isn't any reason to use such foul language." the smelly smurf said.
"But, for smurfs sake! I'm about to regurgitate all my smurf berries!" Handy cried out
"sniff sniff snort snort. I'm smurfin sorry! Its Gargamel !" the smelly smurf said.
"Gargamel?! Sure, his feet smell like Azrel pissed on his socks and then left them out in the sun to bake, but I haven't ever smelled this strong fishy smell like I do right now! Look! Your scaring away all the forest creatures!!!"
"Gargamel put a curse on my smurf hole! He said anytime I opened my legs it would reek like a pile of dead fish. If I shake my little smurf butt while my legs are spread, fish heads will fall out of my smurfin smurf hole!! What am I going to do?!" the poor little stinky smurf sobbed.
"Well, what's your name? I cant very well smurfing call you Nasty Smelling Smurf. Or Deadfishy Smurf" Handy said
"I'm Smurfette" she said.
"Well, Smurfette, I will help you but can you walk back to the smurf village with your knees together? If I smell any more of your nasty snatch, I'm going to smurfing puke"
So the two smurfs head back to the village. Handy walking about 10 feet in front of Smurfette. Smurfette came waddling the best she can with the knees together. Even still, as she walks by, flowers wilted, trees cringed, and the birds drop dead right out of the sky.
As soon as they made it back to the smurf village, Handy took Smurfette to go see the wise old Pimp Daddy Poppa Smurf.
"Whoa, who smells like an over smurfed hooker?!" Exclaimed Pimp Daddy poppa Smurf
"Sniff, Sniff, Its me o-wise and great pimp daddy poppa smurf! Gargamel put a curse on me, causing my smufing smurf hole to reek like dead fish!" said the smelly Smurfette.
"that's no curse!" Said the pimp daddy poppa smurf. "that's just plain over use! What you smurfin need to do, is go down to the river and wash your stinking smurf hole, you smurfin smurfin smurf!"
"What foul language you all have!" Said Smurfette
"Not as foul as your snatch, so go wash up. I don't want you spreading diseases to my other healthy little smurfs"
So Smurfette went down to the river and washed her nasty ole snatch. While at the river she discovered some vinegar and used it as well. When she got back to the village, she smelled so much better that the other smurfs fell over themselves to get in her smurf pants. Of course she wasn't wearing any, so that made it easy for the other smurfs. In fact, smurfette became so popular that day that she had her brains smurfed out 10 or 12 times!!! She was happy as could be. Everyone loved her snatch again. All she had to do is remember to wash it regularly and the fishy smell never returned.
Moral of the story: bathe regularly and you will get some more often.
One day, Handy Smurf was walking thru the forest, looking for smurf berries, when he began to smell something like a pile of dead fish. (Literally he could almost smell the "pile", really! Smurfs have an incredible sense of smell! ) He came around a tree and behold the smell was coming from another Smurf!
"How in the world could a smurf smell like that?" Handy wondered.
Since he was curious as well as handy, he went to go talk to the smelly smurf.
"What the smurf have you been eating, young Smurf? It smurfin smells like a pile of smurfin dead fish over here!" he asked
"Sniff, sniff. There isn't any reason to use such foul language." the smelly smurf said.
"But, for smurfs sake! I'm about to regurgitate all my smurf berries!" Handy cried out
"sniff sniff snort snort. I'm smurfin sorry! Its Gargamel !" the smelly smurf said.
"Gargamel?! Sure, his feet smell like Azrel pissed on his socks and then left them out in the sun to bake, but I haven't ever smelled this strong fishy smell like I do right now! Look! Your scaring away all the forest creatures!!!"
"Gargamel put a curse on my smurf hole! He said anytime I opened my legs it would reek like a pile of dead fish. If I shake my little smurf butt while my legs are spread, fish heads will fall out of my smurfin smurf hole!! What am I going to do?!" the poor little stinky smurf sobbed.
"Well, what's your name? I cant very well smurfing call you Nasty Smelling Smurf. Or Deadfishy Smurf" Handy said
"I'm Smurfette" she said.
"Well, Smurfette, I will help you but can you walk back to the smurf village with your knees together? If I smell any more of your nasty snatch, I'm going to smurfing puke"
So the two smurfs head back to the village. Handy walking about 10 feet in front of Smurfette. Smurfette came waddling the best she can with the knees together. Even still, as she walks by, flowers wilted, trees cringed, and the birds drop dead right out of the sky.
As soon as they made it back to the smurf village, Handy took Smurfette to go see the wise old Pimp Daddy Poppa Smurf.
"Whoa, who smells like an over smurfed hooker?!" Exclaimed Pimp Daddy poppa Smurf
"Sniff, Sniff, Its me o-wise and great pimp daddy poppa smurf! Gargamel put a curse on me, causing my smufing smurf hole to reek like dead fish!" said the smelly Smurfette.
"that's no curse!" Said the pimp daddy poppa smurf. "that's just plain over use! What you smurfin need to do, is go down to the river and wash your stinking smurf hole, you smurfin smurfin smurf!"
"What foul language you all have!" Said Smurfette
"Not as foul as your snatch, so go wash up. I don't want you spreading diseases to my other healthy little smurfs"
So Smurfette went down to the river and washed her nasty ole snatch. While at the river she discovered some vinegar and used it as well. When she got back to the village, she smelled so much better that the other smurfs fell over themselves to get in her smurf pants. Of course she wasn't wearing any, so that made it easy for the other smurfs. In fact, smurfette became so popular that day that she had her brains smurfed out 10 or 12 times!!! She was happy as could be. Everyone loved her snatch again. All she had to do is remember to wash it regularly and the fishy smell never returned.
Moral of the story: bathe regularly and you will get some more often.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Preggo~Its In There
Mmmmm.....Spaghetti sauce. Yummy, but that's not the Preggo I had in mind when writing the title to this post. I was thinking Preggo as in Pregnant. And yes, yes I am.
I had the hubby stop last night at Walgreen's so I could buy a home pregnancy test. I guess I was a little nervouse about taking it cause I ate dinner first, nice and slow, taking my precious time. Then it was time to have the after dinner ciggy, but instead I went to the bathroom and proceeded to read the instructions for the preggo test. As soon as I peed on the little white absorbent strip, the little cross indicating pregnancy started to appear. I didn't even have to wait the 2 minutes the instructions insisted it might take. Nope, insta-results, which I took as either the hormone levels were high enough to register right away, or a false reading. Since I still have not had a visit from Aunt Flo, then I think the first is true. In fact I haven't bled since Slutty Hoe and Lord Dragon were at my place last. I actually started bleeding the day they left (July 3rd) so yeah, I'm a little late.
This whole thing is surreal. I don't think its actually sunk in yet and probably wont til I see the doc on Thursday. I really hope the hubby will go with me to it. I read a little about what to expect on WebMD and it sounds kind of nerve racking. He has been so sweet that I don't think he would miss it unless he absolutely had to. First thing this morning, before we even crawled out of bed, he asked how I was doing and if I needed anything. That is not how we usually wake up. Then he called just about 10 minutes ago to check on me, see if I had a Doc's appointment yet, and just to say hi and he loves me. AWWWW. I think I'm going to hurl, that's so sweet! Hee hee. He is taking all this so well that I am thrilled and shocked all at once. I don't think I give my hubby enough credit for being a smart, caring man. Well, yeah he is smart and caring, its just not in the usual ways I'm used to, so it took me a lot longer to figure them out for what they are. Now that I understand a little bit better things have been hawsome bodatious and righteously kick ass. Well, better than the way things were at least. :) I feel happier and maybe that's why this happened when it did. Wow, anj, way to wax philosophical today. Next thing you'll be contemplating your navel. Well, for as long as you can see it.
I have to admit, I am freaking a little, but like I said I don't think it has really hit home yet. I cant imagine me all Miss-I-Just-Swallowed-A-Beach-Ball. Of course, the hubby will tell you I don't swallow at all, but then maybe I shouldn't go there on here...LOL
I want to thank all of you, my readers for the kind thoughts and the girly squeals when I called you to tell you last night. (The girly squeals did not come from who I would have thought. IE an actual girl.. But instead came from LD LOL!! But they were the best and make me smile whenever I think about it!!) I will keep you updated on the progress and in fact will post pictures as the belly gets bigger.

Say good-bye to my little belly......say hello to my little friend
I had the hubby stop last night at Walgreen's so I could buy a home pregnancy test. I guess I was a little nervouse about taking it cause I ate dinner first, nice and slow, taking my precious time. Then it was time to have the after dinner ciggy, but instead I went to the bathroom and proceeded to read the instructions for the preggo test. As soon as I peed on the little white absorbent strip, the little cross indicating pregnancy started to appear. I didn't even have to wait the 2 minutes the instructions insisted it might take. Nope, insta-results, which I took as either the hormone levels were high enough to register right away, or a false reading. Since I still have not had a visit from Aunt Flo, then I think the first is true. In fact I haven't bled since Slutty Hoe and Lord Dragon were at my place last. I actually started bleeding the day they left (July 3rd) so yeah, I'm a little late.
This whole thing is surreal. I don't think its actually sunk in yet and probably wont til I see the doc on Thursday. I really hope the hubby will go with me to it. I read a little about what to expect on WebMD and it sounds kind of nerve racking. He has been so sweet that I don't think he would miss it unless he absolutely had to. First thing this morning, before we even crawled out of bed, he asked how I was doing and if I needed anything. That is not how we usually wake up. Then he called just about 10 minutes ago to check on me, see if I had a Doc's appointment yet, and just to say hi and he loves me. AWWWW. I think I'm going to hurl, that's so sweet! Hee hee. He is taking all this so well that I am thrilled and shocked all at once. I don't think I give my hubby enough credit for being a smart, caring man. Well, yeah he is smart and caring, its just not in the usual ways I'm used to, so it took me a lot longer to figure them out for what they are. Now that I understand a little bit better things have been hawsome bodatious and righteously kick ass. Well, better than the way things were at least. :) I feel happier and maybe that's why this happened when it did. Wow, anj, way to wax philosophical today. Next thing you'll be contemplating your navel. Well, for as long as you can see it.
I have to admit, I am freaking a little, but like I said I don't think it has really hit home yet. I cant imagine me all Miss-I-Just-Swallowed-A-Beach-Ball. Of course, the hubby will tell you I don't swallow at all, but then maybe I shouldn't go there on here...LOL
I want to thank all of you, my readers for the kind thoughts and the girly squeals when I called you to tell you last night. (The girly squeals did not come from who I would have thought. IE an actual girl.. But instead came from LD LOL!! But they were the best and make me smile whenever I think about it!!) I will keep you updated on the progress and in fact will post pictures as the belly gets bigger.
Say good-bye to my little belly......say hello to my little friend
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Traffic Whoa's
I have bitched about the traffic on here so much that one may be inclined to think that is all that I ever bitch about. Not true. There is just such an abundance of stupid people on the road here that I could, literally, base this entire blog on them alone. I refuse to do that however, because I don't like to limit myself or my creative abilities. (Or lack there of, which ever you choose) That doesn't mean that there will not be the occasional traffic post, though. I drive at least 30 minutes to and from work Monday thru Friday, and some of the things I see happen almost daily would be enough to stand the hair up on the back of your neck.
For example, yesterday, the hubby and I carpooled. We do this a lot to save gas and mileage on his car. Really, I don't mind. For one, my truck does do way better on gas than the 'stang does. For another, my truck absolutely refuses to be driven like a sports car, therefore taming down hubby's driving "skills". I work directly across the freeway from him, so when we carpool, we turn left on Paseo, when I would normally go strait when alone. When exiting onto Paseo, there are 2 left hand turn only lanes, a middle lane that can go forward or turn left as well, 1 forward only lane, and then 2 right hand turn only lanes. Hubby's work is on the right hand side of the road, when heading West on Paseo. Meaning we were turning left (to go onto Paseo) but we were in the middle lane. (Look back, remember I said you could go forward or turn left in that lane.) Sitting directly to our left was an elderly couple in a Cadillac with California plates. The Hubby, just joking around, I'm sure, said "I hope this lady knows that's a left turn only lane". Then we proceeded to have a lengthly discussion during the red light about how the road and lanes really are not marked that well and what the city should do to fix it. The light turns green and sure enough as we start to make the left hand turn, the old lady in the caddy tries to go strait. Time slowed down. I could clearly see the face of the old dude in the passenger front seat of the caddy and he looks as if he is going to need to change his depends. My headlights were heading right for his door and I could see every wrinkle, every crease, every little bead of sweat that seemed to magically appear on his terrified bald head. The Hubby mashed the breaks while at the same time applying the same amount of pressure to my horn, all the time swearing at the old folks. We somehow manage to squeeze past them, while avoiding getting hit from behind because of the brake mashing and then the old Lady gets past the intersection and stops, right there on the off ramp going onto I-25. *blinks* I don't know if we scared her so bad that she had to regain her composure before continuing on their trip, if she had to wipe up her husbands side of the seat, or if she was waiting for us to come start some shit with her. Either way it was a stupid move, compounded by the fact that a stupid move put her there in the first place.
I did state that the off ramp was not marked that well, however it was marked. There is a HUGE sign, just as you go up the off ramp that tells you which lane is which, then when you get to the top of the exit ramp, there is a couple more signs marking which lanes go where. There is no excuse for not paying attention when you are driving. If nothing else, the line of left handed blinkers, furiously blinking away, in the lane to her right would have been a good clue.
Basically, what it boils down to, is people lost in their own little world, not paying attention to what is going on around them. I see this type of thing way too often on the freeway. When my 30 minute commute turns into an hour or longer because a couple of ass hats decided to trade paint while doing 70 mph, yeah, I tend to get a little pissed. Especially when temps here are reaching the very high 90's and I have no a/c in the truck, other than the air flow I get when I can keep moving. But if the freeway turns into a 4 lane parking lot, well, I'm just fucked.
I see people change lanes with out even looking. I have seen people squeeze into a space between moving vehicles that is barely a car length, causing all the cars behind them to slam on their brakes, only so that one person could get one more spot. Ohhh. Aren't you special! I mean one more fucking spot, when none of us are fucking moving. Give that guy the Asshole of the Day award. I have seen people slam on their brakes, and I mean literally, the car's front end is diving forward, only to change lanes. TO CHANGE LANES IN MOVING TRAFFIC! I don't think I will ever understand that one. I have seen people shoot across 3 lanes of traffic to exit. I have seen people come to almost a complete stop on the fastest part of the freeway, because they want to exit and are in the wrong lane. I have seen people have to swing into the median to avoid hitting the person they were JUST tailgating. Yeah, leave a little space to allow for reaction time.
Speaking of tail gating, I'm sure all of you know the rule of thumb when judging your distance from the vehicle in front of you. 1 car length for every 10 mph, right? Wrong. Yes, I'm pretty sure that's what they teach you in drivers education classes, however have any of you ever watched Motor Week or any other shows that test cars? It takes 100 feet or more to stop a vehicle. The average car is 20 feet or longer!! Some do better than others, granted, but most do way worse than that. When looking at your next potential car, don't just look at the 0 to 60 time. Also check out the 60-0 time and measurement, if available. Its quite shocking how long it takes for the average car to make a complete stop. Think about how good your brakes are next time your riding some one's ass. Chances are, unless you are paying attention very closely, you are going to tag that person, next time traffic crawls to a halt. And believe me, it will. Either that, or the person your tailgating might just decide to stop, right there on the freeway, for no other reason than to allow you to jam your hood up his ass so he/she can sue the pants off of you.
Well, it's now 4 pm here and I have to go battle it out on the freeway in about 30 minutes. Sigh. I enjoy my commute, I really do. Especially when I have my GoGear. In the morning, it gives me time to prepare my list-o-things to do for the day. At night, I enjoy being able to go over the days events in my head. What didn't I get taken care of, is it possible that I may have pissed some one off today, and if so, do I really give a skinny rats ass? The only time I don't like commuting is when deranged, clueless, I-am-the-only-person-on-the-road cock bastards try to take me out. That's when I get a little stressed. Thank goodness my application for a concealed weapon hasn't come thru yet, or else the population of the Duke City would be significantly less. ha. I fucking wish..
For example, yesterday, the hubby and I carpooled. We do this a lot to save gas and mileage on his car. Really, I don't mind. For one, my truck does do way better on gas than the 'stang does. For another, my truck absolutely refuses to be driven like a sports car, therefore taming down hubby's driving "skills". I work directly across the freeway from him, so when we carpool, we turn left on Paseo, when I would normally go strait when alone. When exiting onto Paseo, there are 2 left hand turn only lanes, a middle lane that can go forward or turn left as well, 1 forward only lane, and then 2 right hand turn only lanes. Hubby's work is on the right hand side of the road, when heading West on Paseo. Meaning we were turning left (to go onto Paseo) but we were in the middle lane. (Look back, remember I said you could go forward or turn left in that lane.) Sitting directly to our left was an elderly couple in a Cadillac with California plates. The Hubby, just joking around, I'm sure, said "I hope this lady knows that's a left turn only lane". Then we proceeded to have a lengthly discussion during the red light about how the road and lanes really are not marked that well and what the city should do to fix it. The light turns green and sure enough as we start to make the left hand turn, the old lady in the caddy tries to go strait. Time slowed down. I could clearly see the face of the old dude in the passenger front seat of the caddy and he looks as if he is going to need to change his depends. My headlights were heading right for his door and I could see every wrinkle, every crease, every little bead of sweat that seemed to magically appear on his terrified bald head. The Hubby mashed the breaks while at the same time applying the same amount of pressure to my horn, all the time swearing at the old folks. We somehow manage to squeeze past them, while avoiding getting hit from behind because of the brake mashing and then the old Lady gets past the intersection and stops, right there on the off ramp going onto I-25. *blinks* I don't know if we scared her so bad that she had to regain her composure before continuing on their trip, if she had to wipe up her husbands side of the seat, or if she was waiting for us to come start some shit with her. Either way it was a stupid move, compounded by the fact that a stupid move put her there in the first place.
I did state that the off ramp was not marked that well, however it was marked. There is a HUGE sign, just as you go up the off ramp that tells you which lane is which, then when you get to the top of the exit ramp, there is a couple more signs marking which lanes go where. There is no excuse for not paying attention when you are driving. If nothing else, the line of left handed blinkers, furiously blinking away, in the lane to her right would have been a good clue.
Basically, what it boils down to, is people lost in their own little world, not paying attention to what is going on around them. I see this type of thing way too often on the freeway. When my 30 minute commute turns into an hour or longer because a couple of ass hats decided to trade paint while doing 70 mph, yeah, I tend to get a little pissed. Especially when temps here are reaching the very high 90's and I have no a/c in the truck, other than the air flow I get when I can keep moving. But if the freeway turns into a 4 lane parking lot, well, I'm just fucked.
I see people change lanes with out even looking. I have seen people squeeze into a space between moving vehicles that is barely a car length, causing all the cars behind them to slam on their brakes, only so that one person could get one more spot. Ohhh. Aren't you special! I mean one more fucking spot, when none of us are fucking moving. Give that guy the Asshole of the Day award. I have seen people slam on their brakes, and I mean literally, the car's front end is diving forward, only to change lanes. TO CHANGE LANES IN MOVING TRAFFIC! I don't think I will ever understand that one. I have seen people shoot across 3 lanes of traffic to exit. I have seen people come to almost a complete stop on the fastest part of the freeway, because they want to exit and are in the wrong lane. I have seen people have to swing into the median to avoid hitting the person they were JUST tailgating. Yeah, leave a little space to allow for reaction time.
Speaking of tail gating, I'm sure all of you know the rule of thumb when judging your distance from the vehicle in front of you. 1 car length for every 10 mph, right? Wrong. Yes, I'm pretty sure that's what they teach you in drivers education classes, however have any of you ever watched Motor Week or any other shows that test cars? It takes 100 feet or more to stop a vehicle. The average car is 20 feet or longer!! Some do better than others, granted, but most do way worse than that. When looking at your next potential car, don't just look at the 0 to 60 time. Also check out the 60-0 time and measurement, if available. Its quite shocking how long it takes for the average car to make a complete stop. Think about how good your brakes are next time your riding some one's ass. Chances are, unless you are paying attention very closely, you are going to tag that person, next time traffic crawls to a halt. And believe me, it will. Either that, or the person your tailgating might just decide to stop, right there on the freeway, for no other reason than to allow you to jam your hood up his ass so he/she can sue the pants off of you.
Well, it's now 4 pm here and I have to go battle it out on the freeway in about 30 minutes. Sigh. I enjoy my commute, I really do. Especially when I have my GoGear. In the morning, it gives me time to prepare my list-o-things to do for the day. At night, I enjoy being able to go over the days events in my head. What didn't I get taken care of, is it possible that I may have pissed some one off today, and if so, do I really give a skinny rats ass? The only time I don't like commuting is when deranged, clueless, I-am-the-only-person-on-the-road cock bastards try to take me out. That's when I get a little stressed. Thank goodness my application for a concealed weapon hasn't come thru yet, or else the population of the Duke City would be significantly less. ha. I fucking wish..
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Slutty Hoe The Squishy Turns the big 2-5
Awww isn't she cute?! The next line should be, "Yeah she was, but what happened?!" That would have been my usual smart ass response, but the trouble is she is STILL cute! Tomorrow she turns 25, the Big Quarter Century, and she is still as cute as the day she was born. That Bitch. Ha ha ha. Just kidding, Slutty hoe. You know I love you baby.
I don't have many memories from when Slutty Hoe and I were little, but I do remember playing JEM all the time, and singing. Man, we used to sing a lot, especially when playing JEM with Audball. We were good too! Every afternoon, Slutty Hoe, Aud, and I would plant ourselves in front of the TV to watch JEM, memorizing the songs, and discussing vital matters regarding Starlight and The Holograms. Speaking of, we need to get Aud and have a JEM a-thon again.
Whenever we would play "School" or any other game that required one of us to be the authority figure, I always made her be the authority and I would always cause trouble. Be the "bad kid". I would pick on her, press her buttons, and sometimes go out of the way to really piss her off, because, well, at the time I thought it was fun. To be fair to myself, there were times when it felt like she was doing the same thing to me. I guess that's one of the things that siblings are required to do to one another. Test the boundaries, if you will. Once, I caught her reading my diary and I whipped her arms with a necklace chain. I am deeply sorry for that now, and have learned to control my temper better, but at the same time, it really fucked with me mentally, having some one read my private words. Even if it was one the people I'm closest to. The result of that is I have a wicked journal obsession (I think I have close to 30 now) and I never hand write in a single one. The irony of it is that I have an online diary that was created for people to read. Heh.
Once I got my drivers license, we became damn near inseparable. Mom no longer ran errands, we did it, and it was great! We would run for ice cream, usually stopping at Rosinate to drop off a note on the Hubby's car while he was at night school. (He wasn't the hubby at that time though.) We would drive to the dump together after doing yard work all morning, stopping on our way out of town to get our well deserved munchies and a coke. A reward for all the hard work we had put in. LOL I just remembered this other game we used to play. It was call Super Sonic. (This was before Sonic the Hedgehog) The point of the game was see who could get their chores done the fastest. Granted, we were still doing chores, but it was fun when we made it a competition. The prize for winning was bragging rights while watching the looser finish her chores. She would go to the store with me, or to pay bills, or whatever. Yes, I had friends my own age, but once Slutty Hoe and I crossed the line from being squabbling siblings to getting along, we started doing everything together. Funny how I fought that growing up, but once we made it to the friends point, I actually wanted to include her. Now a days, I sometimes get sad because we cant spend as much time together as we used to. A side effect of growing up and leaving the nest, but it still sucks.
Slutty hoe has always been there for me. I think it is wonderful that even after all the shit we put each other thru over the years, we are still best friends. She knows she can tell me anything and I wont judge her or hold it against her. I know she does the same for me. Yeah, we may still "burn" each other (Cunt to English Dictionary anyone?!) but we both know its all in good fun and nothing is meant by it. I don't want to imagine my life with out her. I have gotten all mushy on here before regarding the Illustrious Slutty Hoe, so I'll spare you all.....this time.
I love you Slutty Hoe. I will see you tomorrow in time to set up for the shin dig. I hope you have a Very Happy Birthday tomorrow, and Many Many more.
I love you.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Piggy Nation
Over the 4th of July holiday weekend there was a shooting here. I know, you are all going into shock. LOL Hey, lay off the sarcasm and rolling eyes. Yes, the Burque has murders all the time, but don't you think that I wouldn't bring it up here, in this blog, unless there was something different or unusual? That's right. Its not like I am a raging murder statistic freak or something. Sheesh...Okay on with the story.
First thing on the news is that there has been a murder, and the victim was driven to the hospital by someone other than the paramedics. The authorities tell the press that they are having a hard time with the crime scene since the victim wasn't found there, so no other information was being released. Two days later the news channels report that the victim had been the step father of an off-duty Albuquerque cop. Ohh the plot thickens...
A few more days go by and it is reported that the off duty officer was the one who shot his step father, with....get this....the officers own state issued police weapon. Then, he didn't even call 911 after he shot his step dad. Oh no. He called in thru his police radio asking for a supervisor. The news people even played the dispatch recording. The man sounds pretty calm, mumbling his way thru his request to speak with a supervisor, and the dispatchers confusion as to why an off duty officer was calling in requesting a superior over the police radio in the first place.
Just wait, the story gets better.
This man is not in jail right now. In fact he is on "paid administrative leave". He isn't working, so basically this guy just got a free vacation courtesy of us tax payers, for murdering a family member. Not only that, but his fellow officers were not very transparent while doing the investigation. They took DAYS to release the report of what happened and even then only very sketchy details. I think the news crew had to dig to find out anything. Even then there is not a lot of coverage on it. Like it all went away in a day or so. Now, the news crews here tend to drag out any murder reporting until they have squeezed out every single detail. Not this time though. This is proof, PROOF, that the cops here are corrupt. I looked online all day yesterday and all day today trying to find the article about it, but can you believe I didn't find it? Ha. I wonder what that means..
I wonder, also, if he is found guilty, if he has to reimburse the state for the pay while he was on "leave". Somehow I doubt it. What about the every day common murderers? If they have 9 to 5 jobs, do they get paid too? I very much doubt that as well. So right now, while I sit here at work, earning my pay, paying my state taxes, I am paying for this man to murder his family and then take a vacation. Nice. A testament to the governing bodies in this state.
I have bitched about cops on here before. I have even tried to give them the benefit of doubt, assuming, that like most groups, there are the occasional bad ones that ruin everything for the actual good ones. But I STILL to this DAY, have yet to have dealings with a decent cop here. Are they all corrupt? Is it just New Mexico or Albuquerque? It is certainly frightening to think that people with authority and power like they have are the ones that are supposed to be protecting us. Ha. Who protects us from them?
UPDATE: 7/13/06 : I found this today. Not much more info, but there is at least something. I love Albuquerque cops.
First thing on the news is that there has been a murder, and the victim was driven to the hospital by someone other than the paramedics. The authorities tell the press that they are having a hard time with the crime scene since the victim wasn't found there, so no other information was being released. Two days later the news channels report that the victim had been the step father of an off-duty Albuquerque cop. Ohh the plot thickens...
A few more days go by and it is reported that the off duty officer was the one who shot his step father, with....get this....the officers own state issued police weapon. Then, he didn't even call 911 after he shot his step dad. Oh no. He called in thru his police radio asking for a supervisor. The news people even played the dispatch recording. The man sounds pretty calm, mumbling his way thru his request to speak with a supervisor, and the dispatchers confusion as to why an off duty officer was calling in requesting a superior over the police radio in the first place.
Just wait, the story gets better.
This man is not in jail right now. In fact he is on "paid administrative leave". He isn't working, so basically this guy just got a free vacation courtesy of us tax payers, for murdering a family member. Not only that, but his fellow officers were not very transparent while doing the investigation. They took DAYS to release the report of what happened and even then only very sketchy details. I think the news crew had to dig to find out anything. Even then there is not a lot of coverage on it. Like it all went away in a day or so. Now, the news crews here tend to drag out any murder reporting until they have squeezed out every single detail. Not this time though. This is proof, PROOF, that the cops here are corrupt. I looked online all day yesterday and all day today trying to find the article about it, but can you believe I didn't find it? Ha. I wonder what that means..
I wonder, also, if he is found guilty, if he has to reimburse the state for the pay while he was on "leave". Somehow I doubt it. What about the every day common murderers? If they have 9 to 5 jobs, do they get paid too? I very much doubt that as well. So right now, while I sit here at work, earning my pay, paying my state taxes, I am paying for this man to murder his family and then take a vacation. Nice. A testament to the governing bodies in this state.
I have bitched about cops on here before. I have even tried to give them the benefit of doubt, assuming, that like most groups, there are the occasional bad ones that ruin everything for the actual good ones. But I STILL to this DAY, have yet to have dealings with a decent cop here. Are they all corrupt? Is it just New Mexico or Albuquerque? It is certainly frightening to think that people with authority and power like they have are the ones that are supposed to be protecting us. Ha. Who protects us from them?
UPDATE: 7/13/06 : I found this today. Not much more info, but there is at least something. I love Albuquerque cops.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Long Weekend
Woo Hoo! 4 days off of work!! This would be me, if I was green, only had one eye and an antennae..

Luckily I don't, otherwise I don't think the Hubby would have married me. I would have most likely either been the most popular freak in high school, or shunned from society, roaming from circus to circus, until the Mothership arrived to take me back to my home planet of ZOIFKSJHKJSHIUWENNS. (yes, that's it's correct name. If you were from that planet it would make perfect sense...)
I hope everyone has a very Safe and Happy 4th of July Weekend! Slutty Hoe, Lord Dragon, you guys drive safe. I'll see ya in a few hours!! YAAY!
Luckily I don't, otherwise I don't think the Hubby would have married me. I would have most likely either been the most popular freak in high school, or shunned from society, roaming from circus to circus, until the Mothership arrived to take me back to my home planet of ZOIFKSJHKJSHIUWENNS. (yes, that's it's correct name. If you were from that planet it would make perfect sense...)
I hope everyone has a very Safe and Happy 4th of July Weekend! Slutty Hoe, Lord Dragon, you guys drive safe. I'll see ya in a few hours!! YAAY!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
We Miss You, Aunt Gwen
On this day, 2 years ago, Slutty Hoe, Momma and I had to do one of the hardest things we have ever done. We had to say good bye to the beutiful woman in the picture above. I have been riding a knifes edge of tears all day, as I'm sure Slutty Hoe and Momma are doing.
Aunt Gwen was a wonderful, beautiful person inside and out. I always felt she was special and important to me, but I never knew how truly big her heart was until I attended her memorial service that had standing room only. She touched a lot of peoples lives and made them better. She was always quick with a smile (a small trait I hope I got from her), a kind word, and laughter. She was a role model to me and the closest thing to a sister as she could come to my momma. She was the first one Momma called when either Slutty Hoe or I had a major (or even sometimes minor) event happen in our lives. She was there from the day I was born, and I thought she would always be there. Even though hundreds of miles seperated us, I always felt her presence in my life.
You may be wondering why it took me two years to write about her. Well, its been hard. I have taken the easy way out, by not dealing with it, and pushing it down, much like I do with a lot of my other feelings. A total guy trait, I know, but it works. For a while at least. Today, though, I feel I should say something. It hurts, yes, but a woman like her does not deserve to be forgotten. I know I cant accuratly express how much Aunt Gwen meant to us. Even now, as I write this, the tears come too easy.
I think about you all the time Aunt Gwen. I know your up in heaven, watching over us three, most likely drinking (if thats allowed in heaven. I would think it would be, with out all the nasty hangovers), playing with Fred and some of the other friends we have lost along the way. We still miss you, and I know there isnt a day that goes by that at least one of us wishes you were still here.
We love you, and always will. Looking forward to seeing you day.
For more information on her life, please read her obit
*Just a little note, I didnt proof read this post. If you find mistakes, please forgive them this one time. In the future I will be sure to make it up to you.*
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
King Keeler, Big Wheeler, Cat Peeler...Yeah
Every day I walk out of the house, its an adventure. Take this past Sunday for example. The hubby and I decided to drive down to the car wash so I may wash my very dirty Truck. We pull into the first bay, and start pulling out the mats when I hear a voice behind me say "Hey Man....". There are usually a few transients waiting around asking for change in that area, so it really didn't come as a surprise that we were approached. What was a surprise was this guys angle. Now, I have heard everything from "I ran out of gas, can you help me out" (with no car in site. How far did you walk, dude?!) to the honest truth, such as "Can I have some spare change for a pack of smokes". This guy reached a whole new level. First off he asks for 3 dollars for antibiotics. (I've never encountered a bum who wanted exact change) He goes on to tell Hubby that he needs them for this...and dumbass me, I look. He has this HUGE, NASTY cyst or sore or something growing out of his arm about shoulder level. It was the size of a Baseball, I shit you not. If I could have had the foresite to take a pic with my phone to post up here, I would have. This picture was the closest I could find..Ugh.
I am a huge wussy when it comes to wounds. I love my hubby, but I sure as hell don't want to take a closer look at the huge gaping wound he had just acquired. Why this guy thought I wanted to look closer at his is beyond me. The hubby gave him the 3 bucks but he didn't go away though. He still had to show hubby his collection of pennies he had gathered and then proceeded to wander around the rest of the car wash. We continued on washing the truck, not making any comment at what we had just seen. After a few minutes I didn't hear the Puss Guy anymore, so I relaxed a little. I don't know why I was so tense. Seriously, if Puss Dude had tried to touch me all I would have to do is land a punch right there in his ginormous Ball-o-Flesh and Puss and he would have probably dropped like a baby. But living in this city, I know to be on alert all the time while I'm out of the house. Not like my house is much more secure, but at least I have weapons of all kinds readily available. Its just I have known people (women mostly) who have been robbed in broad daylight, so I'm always sure to be aware of what is going on around me, who is around me, and what my options are in case I run into a problem. I think I could have handled Puss Dude though as long as he didn't leak on me. Om only know what the hell caused that in the first place and I sure as hell don't want it in my body.
About 10 minutes after I had last hear Puss Dude talking I see him come out of the gas station right next door. First he stops to ask the guy smoking outside if he has any matches. Then Puss Dude hooks up with his buddy and they walk across the street, to home I would guess. He gets about half way across the road when he starts yelling and waving at the hubby. He just wanted to say Hi and thanks again. Nice.
I wonder how long Puss Dude is going to work that antibiotic angle? I mean he can only do it until his arm falls off or he gets it fixed. Will he really get it taken care of though? Why should he when he can use his disfigurment to scare and even disgust people into giving him money? Really, he doesn't even need any cash to go to the doctors to get help. I'm not sure how it is in other states, but I know here, there are services like that for people who cant afford regular medical help. Yeah, he will probably be there all day waiting, but is that much different than a regular doctors office visit? Also, he could go to any emergency room with how bad that thing was, and get help. By law a hospital can not turn some one away who is dire need of medical help, weather they can pay or not. I know this. The hubby knows this. I figured it was common knowledge. So, really, this guy shouldn't be able to scam money in such a way. But, on the other hand, the shock value of having a baseball sized lump of pussy flesh shoved into your face certainly over rides any common sense, other than the ones that scream RUN!!! That's why I think he will continue to use that excuse for bumming cash until it gets too bad and either puts him in the hospital or worse.
I feel sorry for the guy, I really do. I wish there was more I could do for him. I try to help out with charities when I can, donate the odd dollar or 2 to the panhandler standing at the exit ramp off of the freeway. Especially if they have a dog. The dog suckers me in every single time. But this guy...I totally believe he just blew whatever cash he had acquired right there in that gas station and will be out again, showing off his wound to other unsuspecting people, getting his "3 dollars" a hit.
Everyday is an adventure.....
I am a huge wussy when it comes to wounds. I love my hubby, but I sure as hell don't want to take a closer look at the huge gaping wound he had just acquired. Why this guy thought I wanted to look closer at his is beyond me. The hubby gave him the 3 bucks but he didn't go away though. He still had to show hubby his collection of pennies he had gathered and then proceeded to wander around the rest of the car wash. We continued on washing the truck, not making any comment at what we had just seen. After a few minutes I didn't hear the Puss Guy anymore, so I relaxed a little. I don't know why I was so tense. Seriously, if Puss Dude had tried to touch me all I would have to do is land a punch right there in his ginormous Ball-o-Flesh and Puss and he would have probably dropped like a baby. But living in this city, I know to be on alert all the time while I'm out of the house. Not like my house is much more secure, but at least I have weapons of all kinds readily available. Its just I have known people (women mostly) who have been robbed in broad daylight, so I'm always sure to be aware of what is going on around me, who is around me, and what my options are in case I run into a problem. I think I could have handled Puss Dude though as long as he didn't leak on me. Om only know what the hell caused that in the first place and I sure as hell don't want it in my body.
About 10 minutes after I had last hear Puss Dude talking I see him come out of the gas station right next door. First he stops to ask the guy smoking outside if he has any matches. Then Puss Dude hooks up with his buddy and they walk across the street, to home I would guess. He gets about half way across the road when he starts yelling and waving at the hubby. He just wanted to say Hi and thanks again. Nice.
I wonder how long Puss Dude is going to work that antibiotic angle? I mean he can only do it until his arm falls off or he gets it fixed. Will he really get it taken care of though? Why should he when he can use his disfigurment to scare and even disgust people into giving him money? Really, he doesn't even need any cash to go to the doctors to get help. I'm not sure how it is in other states, but I know here, there are services like that for people who cant afford regular medical help. Yeah, he will probably be there all day waiting, but is that much different than a regular doctors office visit? Also, he could go to any emergency room with how bad that thing was, and get help. By law a hospital can not turn some one away who is dire need of medical help, weather they can pay or not. I know this. The hubby knows this. I figured it was common knowledge. So, really, this guy shouldn't be able to scam money in such a way. But, on the other hand, the shock value of having a baseball sized lump of pussy flesh shoved into your face certainly over rides any common sense, other than the ones that scream RUN!!! That's why I think he will continue to use that excuse for bumming cash until it gets too bad and either puts him in the hospital or worse.
I feel sorry for the guy, I really do. I wish there was more I could do for him. I try to help out with charities when I can, donate the odd dollar or 2 to the panhandler standing at the exit ramp off of the freeway. Especially if they have a dog. The dog suckers me in every single time. But this guy...I totally believe he just blew whatever cash he had acquired right there in that gas station and will be out again, showing off his wound to other unsuspecting people, getting his "3 dollars" a hit.
Everyday is an adventure.....
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Making a Mess and Loving it
Yep, that's yours truly and Slutty Hoe as young'ens. Hard to believe we were ever that little and cute! Its true though. I have pictures to prove it. MUHAHAHA
I was trying to think of some memories I could share with you, but alas, my brain has quit for the day. Seriously, if I look inside my eyelids, there is a sign that says "Gone Crazy. Back Soon". I am a little worried. Meh, I doubt it could find a dirtier place than my skull to reside in. And if anything, my brain likes it DIRTY...
So, enjoy the pic. You don't have to read this post by the way. Not like it says anything world changing. Or even awe inspiring. If your looking for those things I would suggest some other blogger. This is just me. Rambling on and on with more titles for posts than I have actual posts..
Hope ya'alls Tuesdays went well. Mine is over in 13 minutes and counting........
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head
Dude, I woke up this morning and decided that I was going to have a good day. I have been having such shitty ass days, that I finally had enough. I decided that no matter what happened today I would greet it with a smile, patience, and with a rational attitude. Then I actually GET into work and TRAVIS has sent me 3 fucking videos that completely took up my entire storage space in my work email address!! I only got the videos from him, one fucking spam message, and 2 notifications that my inbox was full. WTF???? I forwarded 1 message to him yesterday. A message, not a video, and then all yesterday afternoon I got mainly video messages from him that were HUGE! Does he save them all up and send them out at once? Was he possibly going thru his collection and sending me all the ones he thought I would like? Doesn't he know I'm at work and cant even WATCH half the fucking videos that are passed around??? Sorry to rant on you hun, I just needed to vent. I was expecting emails from suppliers and all sorts of other work related shit this morning and instead I open up my box and find 5 messages where I usually have over 30. Just an example of what an inconsiderate asshole Travis can be. Thoughtless, just like most men. (I said most. I know that there are a few of you guys out there that actually are considerate, thoughtful, and have more brains than God gave a door knob. But to be honest, you are kind of a rarity)
Next, I get paid today, right? I'm supposed to have direct deposit. I have HAD direct deposit since I started here, 4 flippin years ago. Well, since we lost our payroll clerk, we started outsourcing our paychecks. So this morning instead of a pay stub and a full bank account, I have a check made out to a different name than what is on my account and 68 bucks in the bank. Gr. My boss says the names shouldn't be a problem. I hope the fuck not. Even if it isnt a problem, I still have to spend MY lunch hour at the bank. If it IS a problem, I'll have to grab my damn marriage certificate from the house tonight, then tell my boss that due to the outsourcing company's fuck up I need the afternoon off tomorrow to do a name change at the bank. Otherwise the check they just gave me today is totally fucking useless and I just worked last week for FREE.
I tried!!! I tried to start off my day good. Its not even 9 am yet and today already sucks. Sucks, and what really sucks out loud is all of it, ALL of the shitty ass things so far are beyond my control and were put into motion before I even crawled out of bed today. No matter how hard I try to stay positive, sometimes I feel like I'm constantly the bug and never the windshield.
I hope your day is going good so far slutty hoe. Are you still walking on cloud 9? :o) I cant even begin to explain how totally and completely happy I am for you, baby. I knew you would find a good man & that there was one out there that would be perfect for you. I think this one might be it. He is the whole deal. Funny, friendly, a gentleman, handsome, good person, good daddy, all rolled into one 6-packed, buffed out package. (No discussions about his actual "package"...the guy is already like a brother to me LOL)
And you, Miss Hobbit? I hope everything is groovy in your neck of the office. :o) How are my Nephew and Neice doing? You know, I tried to steal your idea of a naked nap, but the hubby was too busy doing stuff outside, so I took one by myself. I don't think its nearly as fun as it would be to have someone else with you, but I did get the bed all to myself. That was a treat all in its own.
Sorry to rant to you guys. I really wanted to have a good day today. I still might. They haven't broken me down yet. But dammit. Its not starting off that good and I'm so totally scared that its only going to get worse and then I'll end up in tears. Ah well, you know what? Fuck it. The worse thing that could happen to me here at work is that I get fired. In which case I would laugh in their fucking faces, go home, and do some Yeager shots.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Okay, I'll give you a question, you discuss it:
If curiosity killed the cat and satisfaction brought him back, does that mean if your cat dies you can feed him a snickers and he will come back to life?
Also, who is this curiosity person and why is he going around killing cats?! That Bastard!
If curiosity killed the cat and satisfaction brought him back, does that mean if your cat dies you can feed him a snickers and he will come back to life?
Also, who is this curiosity person and why is he going around killing cats?! That Bastard!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Getting to know you....getting to know all about yooouuuuu.....
1. Where were you 1 hour ago?
On my way to Burger King for Lunch
2. Who will be your next kiss?
Probably the hubby
3. What is the largest amount of money you spent in one store?
Hm. I think about $500.00 when I bought my waterbed..oh..15 years ago
4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
Yes, Eyeore's ears are pink. (He is sitting on top of my computer moniter)
5. When is the last time you went to the mall?
Um..a couple of weekends ago.
6. Are you wearing socks right now?
Unfortunatly, yes. But only for another 4 hours or so
Question 7 Missing In Action...we have sent a search party
8. When was the last time you drove out of town?
2 weekends ago, fixing to do it again this weekend too!
9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
10 is missing too and presumed dead
11. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Still sipping on my Dr.Pepper from Lunch
12. What are you wearing right now?
See Picture at the top.
13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?
I make Hubby do it
14. Last fast food you ate?
Burger King
15. Where were you last week at this time?
right here at my desk where I am now
16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
Yep, bought two tank tops last weekend
17. When is the last time you ran?
I cant remember. I hate running
18. What's the last sporting event you watched?
NASCAR Talladega Race on Monday
19. What is your favorite class?
Um...Upper Middle? Oh wait, you mean school, ok, Sciences
20. Your dream vacation?
Tropical Island with indoor plumbing and great company
21. Last persons house you were in?
22. How old are your parents?
47 & 45
23. Are you in love?
24. Do u miss anyone?
more than anything
25. Last play you saw?
Phantom of the Opera last summer
26 is also MIA... that makes 3 dead or missing.(I think the lazy bastard that wrote this quiz just couldnt think of any more questions)
27. What are your plans for tonight?
Laundry, Dishes, sleep in that order
28. Who is the last person you sent a message to on myspace?
4th number struck dead, this is almost an epidemic
30. Ever go to camp?
Camp, no, CampING, yes
31. Were you an honor roll student in school?
In elementary school, but I think they only do that to build self esteem
32. What do you want to know about the future?
EVERYTHING! I hate Surprises!
33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
Put on Ciera this morning, but its probably worn off by now
34. Are you hungry?
Nope, just had me a Whopper Jr.
35. Where is your best friend located?
In Farmington
36. Who is your best friend?
Mandi and Audra, Cristy is quickly becoming another one!
37. Do you have a tan?
Somewhat..I'm not as pasty as I usually am this time of year
38. How old do you want to be when you have kids?
Does it matter?
39. Do you collect anything?
41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?
Almost this morning, but he didnt want me. Last time was probably a few years ago
42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
Its better that way
43. How do you like your drinks?
Cold, in a shot glass, then into my belly
44. Do you like hot sauce?
Hell ya!
45. Last time you took a shower?
This morning
46. Do you need to do laundry?
Yep. Gotta have clothes for the road trip this weekend
47. What is your heritage?
48. Are you someones best friend?
I hope so
49. Are you rich?
In friends, very much so. In money, not so much, but I would rather be rch in friends than money anyways, so it works out nice
50. What do you think of the person who took this survey before you?
Got it From Barb, and I freaking love her! One of the best things that has happened to my good friend Pat
Monday, May 01, 2006
The Saga of Princess Maria...
I wrote this for Maria when she was having a bad day and it cheered her up, so I thought in lieu of a "real" post today I would just share "The Continuing Saga of Princess Maria"...enjoy!
Once upon a time there was a sweet princess named Maria. She was beautiful, smart, and funny, but she had no prince in her life, so she was sad. To help her feel better her maids-a-waiting, Tonina, Josharina, and Anjarooni decided to hold a prince dance. That way Princess Maria could have her pick of all the available Princes.
The night of the dance came and all the handsome princes (and even a few of the fugly ones that weren't invited, but decided to crash the dance anyways) began arriving. Princess Maria watched them arrive from her tower window, so far not spotting any one that caught her eye. When she thought the last coach arrived, she turned to go down stairs and meet her guests, but she heard the sound of tires squealing. She ran back to the window in time to see a Bright Red Dodge Viper come skidding sideways into the drive way. Princess Maria was mesmerized by the car. Her eyes widened when she saw the handsome Prince that got out of the Viper. Sure, he looked a little like Linus from the Peanuts gang, but he was the most gorgeous man Princess Maria had ever laid eyes on. (At that moment, her eyes were not the only things she wanted to "lay" on him, but we will get back to that)
Rushing down stairs to introduce herself to the handsome prince in the Viper, Princess Maria tripped on the hem of her very expensive and oversized gown and went tumbling down the stairs! Oh NO! Tonina, Josharina, and Anjarooni rush to her side to make sure she was okay. Luckily the massive amount of dress Princess Maria was wearing worked like an air bag and cushioned her terrible fall down the stairs. Princess Maria, being awfully embarrassed at falling, ordered everyone's heads to be cut off so that no one would ever tell of the embarrassment she just had to suffer. Everyone except for Tonina, Josharina, and Anjarooni, since they were already sworn to secrecy for other "Indiscretions". Right then the Handsome Prince, who looked like Linus and drove a Viper, walked thru the door. Since all the other princes had been be-headed, he was the sole prince left at the party. He bowed low in front of Princess Maria.
"My dear lady, what a nice collection of severed heads you have" he coo'd at her.
"Why, thank you handsome prince. You should see my bathroom" she said in her most sultry voice. "What is your name, hotpants?"
"I am Prince Justin, of the Farmington Clan. I have traveled many miles at top speeds to attend your dance and to win your heart" he said.
"Please to meet you, Prince Justin of the Farmington Clan. Is that a lyre in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" Princess Maria giggled.
"I'm just happy to see you" Prince Justin replied.
By this time Tonina, Josharina, and Anjarooni have thouroughly checked out the Viper and decide that this is the Prince for their beloved Princess. They quickly call up the royal minister before either the princess or the prince have a chance to change their minds, or figure out what's going on, and get him to come to the castle right away. Changing of minds does not seem to be a problem since Princess Maria and Prince Justin have already started going at it like they are recently released prison rabbits in heat. Before there is anything more than heavy breathing or heavy panting, the minister marries the two royals, who then collapse on the floor in a mess of clothes, flesh, sloppy kissing noises, and for some reason tic tacs. Who knows with royals. Tonina, Josharina, and Anjarooni are happy their princess is happy and getting some again, which means considerable less be-headings around the palace. Totally disgusted, the minister leaves the princess and prince on the floor to continue their debauchery. Tonina, Josharina, and Anjarooni go to the local pub and wait for the screams of pleasure signaling the princess is about done for the night, before returning to clean up the sticky mess left behind by the two royals. Prince Justin and Princess Maria continued their long, happy relationship until Princess Maria discovered naughty toys and Prince Justin discovered that comfort comes in a little blue blankie.
The moral of the story?? Dont let Anj tell stories when its almost the end of the day and she is bored.
**By the way, I promised Slutty Ho I would write a story about her too, so be sure to tune back in!!Clickity Click Click Poo!!**
Once upon a time there was a sweet princess named Maria. She was beautiful, smart, and funny, but she had no prince in her life, so she was sad. To help her feel better her maids-a-waiting, Tonina, Josharina, and Anjarooni decided to hold a prince dance. That way Princess Maria could have her pick of all the available Princes.
The night of the dance came and all the handsome princes (and even a few of the fugly ones that weren't invited, but decided to crash the dance anyways) began arriving. Princess Maria watched them arrive from her tower window, so far not spotting any one that caught her eye. When she thought the last coach arrived, she turned to go down stairs and meet her guests, but she heard the sound of tires squealing. She ran back to the window in time to see a Bright Red Dodge Viper come skidding sideways into the drive way. Princess Maria was mesmerized by the car. Her eyes widened when she saw the handsome Prince that got out of the Viper. Sure, he looked a little like Linus from the Peanuts gang, but he was the most gorgeous man Princess Maria had ever laid eyes on. (At that moment, her eyes were not the only things she wanted to "lay" on him, but we will get back to that)
Rushing down stairs to introduce herself to the handsome prince in the Viper, Princess Maria tripped on the hem of her very expensive and oversized gown and went tumbling down the stairs! Oh NO! Tonina, Josharina, and Anjarooni rush to her side to make sure she was okay. Luckily the massive amount of dress Princess Maria was wearing worked like an air bag and cushioned her terrible fall down the stairs. Princess Maria, being awfully embarrassed at falling, ordered everyone's heads to be cut off so that no one would ever tell of the embarrassment she just had to suffer. Everyone except for Tonina, Josharina, and Anjarooni, since they were already sworn to secrecy for other "Indiscretions". Right then the Handsome Prince, who looked like Linus and drove a Viper, walked thru the door. Since all the other princes had been be-headed, he was the sole prince left at the party. He bowed low in front of Princess Maria.
"My dear lady, what a nice collection of severed heads you have" he coo'd at her.
"Why, thank you handsome prince. You should see my bathroom" she said in her most sultry voice. "What is your name, hotpants?"
"I am Prince Justin, of the Farmington Clan. I have traveled many miles at top speeds to attend your dance and to win your heart" he said.
"Please to meet you, Prince Justin of the Farmington Clan. Is that a lyre in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" Princess Maria giggled.
"I'm just happy to see you" Prince Justin replied.
By this time Tonina, Josharina, and Anjarooni have thouroughly checked out the Viper and decide that this is the Prince for their beloved Princess. They quickly call up the royal minister before either the princess or the prince have a chance to change their minds, or figure out what's going on, and get him to come to the castle right away. Changing of minds does not seem to be a problem since Princess Maria and Prince Justin have already started going at it like they are recently released prison rabbits in heat. Before there is anything more than heavy breathing or heavy panting, the minister marries the two royals, who then collapse on the floor in a mess of clothes, flesh, sloppy kissing noises, and for some reason tic tacs. Who knows with royals. Tonina, Josharina, and Anjarooni are happy their princess is happy and getting some again, which means considerable less be-headings around the palace. Totally disgusted, the minister leaves the princess and prince on the floor to continue their debauchery. Tonina, Josharina, and Anjarooni go to the local pub and wait for the screams of pleasure signaling the princess is about done for the night, before returning to clean up the sticky mess left behind by the two royals. Prince Justin and Princess Maria continued their long, happy relationship until Princess Maria discovered naughty toys and Prince Justin discovered that comfort comes in a little blue blankie.
The moral of the story?? Dont let Anj tell stories when its almost the end of the day and she is bored.
**By the way, I promised Slutty Ho I would write a story about her too, so be sure to tune back in!!Clickity Click Click Poo!!**
Friday, April 28, 2006
1:22 and All is Not Well
This job really pisses me off sometimes. I have located a problem with one of our "employee's" that has begun to trickle down into my other job duties. I have notified my superiors of the problem and what I think needs to be done to fix it, but I was told that there probably isn't anything they can do because the person has done this sort of thing for years now and she is old. Okay. Just because someone has done something for years doesn't make it right. Hell, back in the old west days, people drank opium like it was water, and everyone knows now that was wrong. There are probably a ton of other examples of this sort of thing, but with it being Friday afternoon, after a week from hell, I cant think of any more. A quote from Terry Pratchett seems appropriate though. "A Million dead people cant be wrong" It does not make sense to me to keep doing things the wrong way, especially when we have located the source of the problem and have the ability to correct it, just because that's the way things have always been done. The world changes. People change. Policies change, or at least they should. As for being old, well, I don't see what that has to do with anything. Besides age discrimination. I don't care if this person is old, young, cute, ugly, skinny, fat, tree hugger or anti-Christ. The fact of the matter is she is causing problems. Big problems that don't even need to occur. Now that we are loosing two of our current employees, taking care of this problem old lady is now my responsibility. Right now, its looking like I am going to have to babysit this "old" woman and cater to her every whim. GGGGRRRRRRRR. For those who know me in every day life, know that I am way too busy to play nurse maid to an old woman. If I was a big wig in this company I would tell her right off that things are going to change, and if she has a problem with it, then she can find another job. I'm sure the company would survive with out her. In fact I would be willing to bet my wages that it would thrive with out her. But, alas, I'm only a grunt and with out the backing of my bosses, I am nothing more than a bitchy employee. Even though I am right and everyone knows and agrees with me. Why, oh why must we hold the hand and baby this woman?! I truly do not understand.
Add this to all the other little fires I had to put out this week because some one else fucked up. Sometimes it really blows having a good work ethic. I know it doesn't seem like I do, especially since I do most of my blogging during working hours. I tell you what, though. I get my work done. I get it done correctly the first time. If I make a mistake I am the first one to stand up and say "Oh Shit, that was me. How can I fix it?" I wish this company had more people like that in our employment.
I love my job, most days, I really do. But if they will not back me on this problem and allow this woman to get away with the things she is doing, I am going to seriously start looking for another place to work. I can not work for a company that tells me I'm right and have a valid point, but will not back me up because they are afraid of an old woman. (Or young woman or man or whatever) If they wont support me on this, how can I trust them to support me in the future? How do I know that they wont end up throwing me to the sharks at some point? My bosses don't even know what it is I actually DO here! And I'm the only one in the entire company, either here or in LA that does it!
I'm beginning to think that I deserve more than cost of living raise when it comes time again. I figure I'll give them a choice. You want me to work like this, fine, but I want money to match the stress and work load. If not, then you have two weeks to find someone to replace me and I'll train them as much as possible for those two weeks. After that, they will be on their own, up the shit creek, with nothing but their hands for paddles. Suckers.
Add this to all the other little fires I had to put out this week because some one else fucked up. Sometimes it really blows having a good work ethic. I know it doesn't seem like I do, especially since I do most of my blogging during working hours. I tell you what, though. I get my work done. I get it done correctly the first time. If I make a mistake I am the first one to stand up and say "Oh Shit, that was me. How can I fix it?" I wish this company had more people like that in our employment.
I love my job, most days, I really do. But if they will not back me on this problem and allow this woman to get away with the things she is doing, I am going to seriously start looking for another place to work. I can not work for a company that tells me I'm right and have a valid point, but will not back me up because they are afraid of an old woman. (Or young woman or man or whatever) If they wont support me on this, how can I trust them to support me in the future? How do I know that they wont end up throwing me to the sharks at some point? My bosses don't even know what it is I actually DO here! And I'm the only one in the entire company, either here or in LA that does it!
I'm beginning to think that I deserve more than cost of living raise when it comes time again. I figure I'll give them a choice. You want me to work like this, fine, but I want money to match the stress and work load. If not, then you have two weeks to find someone to replace me and I'll train them as much as possible for those two weeks. After that, they will be on their own, up the shit creek, with nothing but their hands for paddles. Suckers.
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