I had the hubby stop last night at Walgreen's so I could buy a home pregnancy test. I guess I was a little nervouse about taking it cause I ate dinner first, nice and slow, taking my precious time. Then it was time to have the after dinner ciggy, but instead I went to the bathroom and proceeded to read the instructions for the preggo test. As soon as I peed on the little white absorbent strip, the little cross indicating pregnancy started to appear. I didn't even have to wait the 2 minutes the instructions insisted it might take. Nope, insta-results, which I took as either the hormone levels were high enough to register right away, or a false reading. Since I still have not had a visit from Aunt Flo, then I think the first is true. In fact I haven't bled since Slutty Hoe and Lord Dragon were at my place last. I actually started bleeding the day they left (July 3rd) so yeah, I'm a little late.
This whole thing is surreal. I don't think its actually sunk in yet and probably wont til I see the doc on Thursday. I really hope the hubby will go with me to it. I read a little about what to expect on WebMD and it sounds kind of nerve racking. He has been so sweet that I don't think he would miss it unless he absolutely had to. First thing this morning, before we even crawled out of bed, he asked how I was doing and if I needed anything. That is not how we usually wake up. Then he called just about 10 minutes ago to check on me, see if I had a Doc's appointment yet, and just to say hi and he loves me. AWWWW. I think I'm going to hurl, that's so sweet! Hee hee. He is taking all this so well that I am thrilled and shocked all at once. I don't think I give my hubby enough credit for being a smart, caring man. Well, yeah he is smart and caring, its just not in the usual ways I'm used to, so it took me a lot longer to figure them out for what they are. Now that I understand a little bit better things have been hawsome bodatious and righteously kick ass. Well, better than the way things were at least. :) I feel happier and maybe that's why this happened when it did. Wow, anj, way to wax philosophical today. Next thing you'll be contemplating your navel. Well, for as long as you can see it.
I have to admit, I am freaking a little, but like I said I don't think it has really hit home yet. I cant imagine me all Miss-I-Just-Swallowed-A-Beach-Ball. Of course, the hubby will tell you I don't swallow at all, but then maybe I shouldn't go there on here...LOL
I want to thank all of you, my readers for the kind thoughts and the girly squeals when I called you to tell you last night. (The girly squeals did not come from who I would have thought. IE an actual girl.. But instead came from LD LOL!! But they were the best and make me smile whenever I think about it!!) I will keep you updated on the progress and in fact will post pictures as the belly gets bigger.
Say good-bye to my little belly......say hello to my little friend
i couldnt be happier for you!!!! you deserve it and your going to make a fantastic mother and dave will be a great daddy im sure. please know im here for you anytime day or night
Ahhh. Lord Dragon here.
....sorry I squeeled a bit, lol, but it's just freakin cool!!!
Jamie said once on a big swing ride at 6 flags in Denver, that I screamed like a little girl. I really don't mind, you know, having the voice box of an eleven year old girl...Especially if I'm fly'n thru the air, or when I hear some freakin outrageously GREAT news. You know...Like when two of the Coolest, Kindest, Most Awsome, Down to earth Souls this universe has to offer, finds out what the meaning of life is really all about.
Monty Pithon aint got shit on having a child.
You didn't even CALL ME?!?!?!? Rude. Dude, a baby? Wowser. Congrats and um, can I hold it?
Love you man, I mean, woman.
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