Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Oh, I've Got Big Balls...

Don't you just love it when I use song lyrics for the titles of my posts? :o) Can you guess what song was playing on my wonderful-I-don't-know-how-I-ever-lived-without-it GoGear when I started typing this post? Seriously, that thing is the shiz-nit. I have, currently, 997 songs loaded on it and I still have room for 14,003 more. That number is correct by the way. No, I did not accidentally put an extra zero in there.

Sheesh. I don't think its going to be possible for me to fill the entire thing, unless it runs good for the next 10 years or so. Maybe by then I will be closer to reaching the 15,000 mark. Right now, though, I'm thoroughly enjoying hitting random and letting that sucker play away with what I have already loaded. I love being able to hear anything from bagpipe music, to 70's disco, to dance hits, to classic rock, to ICP all in one road trip. Ha! It makes me laugh when "Amazing Grace" (as played by some wonderful bagpipers) comes on then is followed by "She Aint Afraid" by ICP! Talk about two opposite ends of the music spectrum!

See, I have always had kind of an Eclectic taste in music. I love all kinds from the real twangy old school country to some of the hard core rap and heavy metal, including everything in between. GoGear allows me to collect all of that in once place and listen to any of it at will. Now that I'm spoiled with an hawsome music collection all in one spot, I don't know if I could ever go back to regular CD's or radio. Hell, I can tune in the GoGear into my stereo (anywhere) with the handy dandy radio adapter thingy. (that's the technical term by the way. It says "thingy" right on the package)

Another mega-super-cool feature is I can download music and pictures from pretty much any computer. I don't have to convert into iTunes or download a whole bunch of new programs. Its SUH-WEET. If anyone out there that's reading this has been looking to buy an iPod or some other MP3 player, I cannot recommend the GoGear enough. There are smaller versions of what I have for less money, if 15,000 songs seems like over kill to you.

Geezus, I sound like a commercial.
Go Buy a GoGear! Spend Money on a toy that has more uses than you can shake a stick at!

Wait.....I just shook a stick at my GoGear and it didn't seem impressed....

Anyways, I guess that's enough love given out to the GoGear for today. I swear, if I could, I would make love to it. No pokey outey parts, though, and I'm not sure how good the moisture would be for it.
Guess I'll have to settle for my favorite usual. At least I have some good tunes to wack off to. tee hee :oP

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