Thursday, June 29, 2006

We Miss You, Aunt Gwen

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On this day, 2 years ago, Slutty Hoe, Momma and I had to do one of the hardest things we have ever done. We had to say good bye to the beutiful woman in the picture above. I have been riding a knifes edge of tears all day, as I'm sure Slutty Hoe and Momma are doing.

Aunt Gwen was a wonderful, beautiful person inside and out. I always felt she was special and important to me, but I never knew how truly big her heart was until I attended her memorial service that had standing room only. She touched a lot of peoples lives and made them better. She was always quick with a smile (a small trait I hope I got from her), a kind word, and laughter. She was a role model to me and the closest thing to a sister as she could come to my momma. She was the first one Momma called when either Slutty Hoe or I had a major (or even sometimes minor) event happen in our lives. She was there from the day I was born, and I thought she would always be there. Even though hundreds of miles seperated us, I always felt her presence in my life.

You may be wondering why it took me two years to write about her. Well, its been hard. I have taken the easy way out, by not dealing with it, and pushing it down, much like I do with a lot of my other feelings. A total guy trait, I know, but it works. For a while at least. Today, though, I feel I should say something. It hurts, yes, but a woman like her does not deserve to be forgotten. I know I cant accuratly express how much Aunt Gwen meant to us. Even now, as I write this, the tears come too easy.

I think about you all the time Aunt Gwen. I know your up in heaven, watching over us three, most likely drinking (if thats allowed in heaven. I would think it would be, with out all the nasty hangovers), playing with Fred and some of the other friends we have lost along the way. We still miss you, and I know there isnt a day that goes by that at least one of us wishes you were still here.

We love you, and always will. Looking forward to seeing you day.
For more information on her life, please read her obit
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*Just a little note, I didnt proof read this post. If you find mistakes, please forgive them this one time. In the future I will be sure to make it up to you.*

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