Thursday, March 02, 2006

March!! Oh Happy Day!

Welcome March!! I love you, with your blustery beginings and your spring like end. I love that your bring the birds back to sing for me in the morning. I love how you bring warmth to help the honeysuckle in my yard grow and put out its intoxicating perfume.
Only day two of your wonderful reign and already I am shivering with anticipation of the sunny days to come. No more hiding in two or three layers of clothing. No more horrible socks and tie (or zip) up shoes! No more need to have three blankets on the bed! Oh sweet freedom!!
Best of all, no more dark, depressing house! The window coverings can come down and once again my life will be filled with Light! Oh glorious light, who I so love to lay in while I take a nap, who warms me when the the cold breath of the air conditioner blows too hard.
Oh, March, you and I were made for each other. I only wish it could be March all year long.

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