Friday, January 27, 2006

Response to comments

You all crack me up!!!!
Aud: Thanks for the support, Hun, and thanks for stopping by and reading this. :o) I'll miss you this weekend when I come to town. Have a great time snowboarding!! BTW, when are we doing a girls trip again?

Cristy: I'm a believer. Can I see the pics?! LOL ;o) Really, I can't see you or Slutty Ho stepping into a church in Vegas with out spontaneously combusting. But, I love you both anyways.

Slutty Ho: Oh hell yeah I want to go to Vegas sometime. I get that its you, me, and my sweet lil hobbit, but who is #4 in the group?

This wasn't a comment, but I thought it worth a mention. I woke up with the Pinky and the Brain song stuck in my head. I haven't seen that cartoon in AGES! I keep hearing it, though, over and over.

Pinky and the Brain, they're Pinky and the Brain. One is a genius, the other insane...

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