Thursday, December 22, 2005

I'm a Bad, Bad Girl. Tee hee

You Are a Bad Girl

You are 30% Good and 70% Bad
You're a total bad girl, from your wild hair to tattooed toes.
But you're too badass to even care if you're labeled "bad"!

You guys should pop on over to that site. There are a ton of little quizzes to help you waste some time at work or where ever!!
Oh and John Stamos was my 80's man according to a different quiz, but I still prefer Wil Wheaton. *wink*
Tell me, who are yours? Do you agree with what the quiz says, or would you have picked a different guy?
I also found out from that same site that I have a PhD in Men, but just like most other degrees, its completely useless.


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Well done!
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Good design!
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Well done!
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Nice site!
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