*sigh* Why is it that the last hour of the work day on a Friday seems to not obey the usual rules of time? Why is it that 3 to 4 feels immensely longer than one hour? Why does an hour with my son go by so quickly, but the hour wait to get back to him feels like it takes years instead of 60 minutes? I honestly dont have the answer, but I will say this; it sucks monkey balls.
So, to help pass the time, I thought I would steal an idea from the madness and give you guys my 2009 in review.
January-Helped to throw one kick ass birthday party for mom who turned 50. Massive amounts of Schnapps and fun were had by all.
February- Celebrated my 12th year of being with the hubby. Incredible, isn't it?
March- Turned 30-was not impressed
April - The Crib Lizard™ turned 2!
May- Celebrated the return of warm weather. Woo Hoo! Almost tank top and flip flop weather. Hells yeah! Also got my Taurus .45; A mothers Day gift from the Crib Lizard™ and the hubby. I love that piece. Seriously lots of fun to take to the range.
June- Enjoyed every single moment outside that I could.
July -Spent the 4th in Nebraska with my crazy, yet wonderful, family. Drove Betty (the G8) and wow, I love that car!
August Spent as much time on the back porch as possible. BBQ's and reading. I'm a total porch monkey.
September Began to mourn the loss of summer.
October Celebrated 5 years of marriage to the hubby. Even though we didn't have the kiddo, we didn't do anything. He was sick and I was riding the cotton pony. *shrug* Shit happens. The next Wheel of Time book was released, and I began to really think about my NaNo story. Got the Character profiles and the general out line done. Woo HOO!
November Wrote and completed a 50 thousand word novel in 30 days. It was crazy and stressful and completely AWESOME. Can't wait to do it again this year. A BIG THANK YOU to the people who read my updates everyday and gave me feedback. You all know who you are and yes, I'll have a thank you page in my book when I publish this story. :o)
December Drank more alcohol (schnapps-thanks, uncle B!) at the annual Christmas Party than I have in 5 years. The last time I got that toasted was at my 25th b-day party. I remember now why I don't do that to myself very often.
Also had a great Christmas with the Crib Lizard™. He was totally into all the lights, Santa, Rudolph and the whole deal. I got to be Santa this year, first time for me, and it was so much fun, I wish we had Christmas every month!
So, that's just a general overview. I'm sure there are more things I could list, but my brain is not working so well right now. One of the side effects of being a morning person I suppose.
Speaking of, my boss this morning actually asked me how I can be so perky every single morning. :o/ What the hell was I supposed to say to that? Anyways, yeah, I'm a perky morning person; after I get my shower and coffee. (in that order, thankyouverymuch) Sorry I'm not crusty enough for you.
I'll try to write on here more often, my dear readers. I've been getting the writing bug again lately and well, I've missed blogging. I feel so hip when I blog.
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