Monday, January 11, 2010

In the Interest of Wasting Time

So here we are at Monday again. I am constantly amazed that the work week drags painfully by, while the weekend jets by so quickly, you're left wondering on Sunday night just where the weekend went. I really got spoiled over the holidays. Multiple 3 day weekends, and a couple of solid weeks off thrown in for good measure. Now, I'm finding that getting back into the "groove" of working 40 hours a week is kind of hard.
Ah-well. I'll get back into the swing of things.

Not much to report in daily life at this time. Get up, go to work, come home, take care of the kiddo til I get him off to bed, then I get a couple of hours to myself to read, write, or (as of lately) catch up on my Burn Notice. Man, that is an awesome show. If you haven't watched it, check it out when you can. I'm hooked and I'm currently rocking a crush on Jeffery Donovan.

Yeah. I know. Words fail me too and I'm reduced to panting and drooling like a crazed fan girl. I'd behave if I ever met him, but I'm not promising that I wouldn't be undressing the man in my mind during our conversation.
You all might be surprised how often I do that anyway. *wink*

Story update: I'm reading through it still. It's hard to get motivated to edit it because of that "You Suck" voice and also because well, I guess fear. Fear that it does suck. Fear that it's good and people will expect more good things from me in the future. I like to keep expectations of me low, that way people are always pleasantly surprised. It's like guessing an arrival date for something being shipped. Always guess big, that way, when it arrives early, the person is happy.

I'm going to link to my NaNo account over on the side bar, so feel free to pop on over there and read the synopsis (I should re-write that.Hmm. I'll get to it one of these days.) and a sample of the story.

I swear to you, the few who have been with me from step one of my writing journey, that I will finish this and (self) publish it. I want to see it as a book as much as you all. And I wouldn't let all your hard work go to waste by just sitting on it forever and not doing anything with it. I owe you guys and maybe by publishing this I can repay you somewhat.

Well, 30 minutes left of my day. What to do. Work? Don't be absurd. I'm going to spell check this and maybe post a link to it on my FB page. With how slow FB has been for me lately, that should just about tie up the remaining half an hour of my day.

Stay tuned for more updates. More ramblings. And if you're new to this blog, well, Hold Still. You might like it. :o)

1 comment:

LD said...

Woot! btw, you do not owe us anything sis. :o) *HUGGS*!