I was traveling on the freeway the other day and I was noticing all the stupid, fucked up things people do driving 60 mph or more in heavy traffic.
Example numero uno:
There was this mini-van weaving in and out of lanes, not really gaining any places in line. He would jump over to the right lane and act like he was going to pass someone, then he would just sit there. (I'm using "he" as a generic term, these ass hats could very well be women) Then he would jump back over to the left lane again and ride the bumper of the dude in front of him. I witnessed him do this about 5 or 6 times before he finally got ahead of the guy he had been trying to pass for roughly 10 miles. Then what did he do when he got his spot? Oh, nothing. He started blocking traffic. The guy was in a big 'ole hurry to go no where. He didn't pass anyone after that. He didn't even really seem concerned with doing the speed limit anymore. He just wanted in front of the guy in front of him. Huh.
Example number B:
This morning there was a big pick up truck riding my ass all the way to work. Traffic is bumper to bumper, no one is moving any faster than the dumbass blocking the lane 20 cars up. (different person, not the mini-van previously mentioned) The truck behind me could very well see this. (I could and my truck is littler than his) The two right lanes next to us are bumper to bumper as well. No one is going anywhere. In situations like this I dig deep into my patience bucket and chill. Good tunes, a cup of coffee, life is good. I could see this guy getting pissed and more pissed though. Like I was the only other person on the freeway this morning and purposely got in his way. What the hell made that guy think he could make us go faster by riding my ass? Hey, buddy, if your going to keep doing that, at least use some lube next time. KY warming is preferred. I chafe something awful when you ride my ass like that and don't lube me first.
These are just a few examples of the wonderful adventure I have every day driving to and from work. I used to wonder if people knew what they were doing and didn't care, or if they have personal problems that caused them to be aggressive drivers. Now, I think that people are either a) lost in their own little world, totally oblivious to everything going on around them. (Older people, teenagers and soccer mom's)
or b) Know what they are doing is wrong, but have no concern for their lives, or the other lives on the road around them. (My hubby)
Its weird, but every time I turn the key in my truck (okay not every time, but damn near) I think about what I'm doing. I think about the consequences of my actions on the road and possibly the consequences of my reactions on the road. When I put enough thought into it, I realized that I am putting my life in the hands of thousands of complete strangers, most of whom should not be breeding, little lone operating a heavy vehicle. But yet, I get in that truck every morning and battle it out on the freeway. Maybe I like the adventure. Maybe that's my little way of living on the edge. Maybe I'm just as crazy as the ass hats I see every day. Hm. That's something to think about.
Alrighty, I am going to be in Farmington for the next few days. Another wedding. Although I am looking forward to this one more than I ever did my own. LOL I'll hopefully have some good stories to share upon my return. I plan on hanging with Slutty hoe and Miss Hobbitt, so you just KNOW adventure is around the corner when we three get together.
Until then, everyone have a great weekend!
1 comment:
Getting on a London tube at rush hour is hell. But a tube of lube may just do the trick. Could make for expensive dry cleaning bills though.
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