Thursday, April 13, 2006

I could never get the Hang of Thursdays

***I wrote this last Thursday and had it saved in my drafts, so in lieu of a Phriday Phunny post I give you "Proof that Anj is a nerd". Enjoy***

Arthur Dent had it right when he said that. Why are Thursdays so hard? Even Slutty Hoe is having a hard time today. Well to be honest, both of us have had our motivation meters bouncing on zero for most of the week.......oh...wait....did you see that?! motivation meter stopped bouncing! That's right. The current, official motivation meter reading for Anj is at zero. Stick a fork in me, people, I'm done! I'm not interested in doing any more work today. I really don't want to go grocery shopping, and be warned Slutty Hoe I will probably call you while I'm getting it done. You know how I hate shopping alone and if I cant have you here physically then I will have you here thru technology.

Maybe Thursdays suck so hard because its so temptingly close to Friday and the weekend but not close enough. The smell of freedom is in the air, but its still two whole days away. (If you count Thursday all day and then Friday all day. I do, because I'm weird like that. Its not the weekend to me until I clock out of work and get into the parking lot.)

Maybe Thursdays don't suck at all, and its just me, Slutty Hoe and Mr. Dent who have problems with it. I say me, S.H., and Art Dent just go and sit in a bar or pub or some place that serves Tequila Shots, every Thursday, all day long. My reasoning behind this is that if we are in a drunken stupor for all of Thursday, then it wouldn't matter how bad it sucked. We would all be floating in our alcoholic haze, not notice anything. Arthur can talk about the girl that got away, Slutty Hoe and I could smile, nod and think about how we could undress him with out taking off that sexy bath robe. (the robe is sexy because of all the Tequila Shots)

It just dawned on me that a lot of you might not "get" my post today because its referencing Hitchhikers Guide. Terribly sorry about that. Mr. Dent and I were on the same page today and I felt incredibly akin to him. Go read the book if you don't know what I'm talking about. Its awesome! Its funny! Its better than the movie! (Although the movie has its good parts) Yeah, I am a nerd. At least I knew I was long before today, so this isn't a total shock to me. Slutty hoe has been calling me a nerd for my love of Star Wars for years. *shock* Now, what's wrong with a little Jedi, Light Saber fighting action?! I mean Obiwan is HOT! Luke would be HOT if he would keep his whiney mouth shut. Even Princess Leia's is hot in that outfit she wears in Return of the Jedi. Wish I could find one of those gold bikini outfits. I would wear it all the time. To the store, around the house, out on my Ubrikkian luxury sail barge...
Please forgive spelling errors, its not like George Lucas designed the spell checker

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