You know, I am generally an easy going, laid back type of girl. I have learned that life is too short to get all bent out of shape over things that are beyond my control. I don't even let little things bother me. I'm not usually quick to get angry either. However, the people who work in our LA office have done pushed me over the edge today. They are some of the most whiney, lazy, good for nothing but collecting a paycheck, bunch of bitches, the lot of them. They refuse to look in the same fucking computer program I have, all connected to a server that has all the data of everyone's system on it before calling me and crying because they cant find something. Open your fucking eyes. One little thing is different and they freak out like ants who have lost the trail back to the mound. They can not think for themselves. They have to have someone hold their hands thru every step of their day. Even though I have only worked here 4 years and most of the dumbasses out there have been here at least 10, they still insist on bothering me for information they could otherwise look up themselves. Another problem with them is their ability to not see the problems right in front of them, but instead point fingers immediately out here.
What the fuck is up with people like that?! I mean I would have been embarrassed as hell to tell my boss the reason why I don't do something is because its too hard to scroll to the right. OMFG. I swear on all that is holy, if I go postal its going to be these peoples fault. And you know what? I'm not going postal here in NM. Oh no. I am going to do the entire world a favor, drive out to LA and take out all of the people in that office, with the exception of a person or two who I like out there. Those people will get fair warning to call in sick that day.
I wouldn't really go on a killing spree, no matter how much LA has pissed me off. I think what pleases me most about that whole going postal idea is the fact that I wouldn't be bothered by them again and could get on with doing my job. What I would really like to do is put all those people on that island from LOST and see if I couldn't convince the polar bear to eat them. You know how much I love animals, so that seems like a perfect rout for me. "Save a polar bear-feed them people from my LA office!"
I just get frustrated through out the day at these people. How am I supposed to be a productive employee if I'm constantly holding LA's hand and walking them thru simple bullshit?! Why is it that my bosses here appear to encourage and allow them to get away with this kind of behavior? I mean, do we employ 5 year olds out there?! FUCK!
03/27/06: I wrote this post on Friday, when I was feeling really pissed at LA. But over the weekend, while I had time to think more calmly, I had an epiphany. I don't have to hold their hands. I don't have to baby them. I can stand up for myself and tell them NO. (Yeah, I can hear the big huge DUH coming from all you. Hey, I am a people pleaser, but I am getting better about standing up for myself and not being such a doormat) I have already told them NO twice today! (And it felt GOOD!) I checked with my manager first to make sure the things I wanted to tell LA were correct, and gave them a strong, resounding no. It was received pretty well out there. I haven't had any whiney calls...........yet. Its still early though. I think the main thing is they are always trying to see how much they could get away with. How much they can have me do for them, before I finally say that's enough. Well, you punk bitches out there, stick a fork in me, because I'm DONE. No job is worth the stress I have had lately. No job is worth having to put up with lazy m-f'ers like you. I'm done fucking around with you guys. From now on, if its my job, it will be done, if its not, then fuck off. I'm not your slave. I'm not the person you get to come to when you need something done asap anymore. Get off your lazy bitch asses and start earning your paychecks, bonus's and commission. Which by the way, we only get our paychecks here. No bonus, no commission. We do get lunch once a month, but I think they are getting off CHEAP by buying lunch for 10 people, versus actually having to pay us what we are actully worth.But I realize that they dont have to shit for us, so I keep my bitching limited to the blog. And it feels so good
1 comment:
You tell 'em girl!
It is bloody annoying when folks are too freakin' idle to work out the minor glitches that affect everyone
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