*Doing happy dance around truck, paying homage to the snow gods*
There are a few bummer things about the snow today:
1. It didn't snow enough to warrant getting a day off from work. bleh.
2. It will all be melted away by time I get out of work
3. People drive INSANE when it snows, even if there is just a little on the ground.
4. Not enough to make a snowman. Not even a small, perverted, anatomically correct one. Doesn't that make you want to cry?
One more thing. I was talking with a friend of mine online yesterday and she has had some bad experiences with people judging her by they way she looks, which has caused her to be insecure about meeting new people. This pisses me off. I have not known this woman very long, but I can already tell she and I are kindred spirits. (Thanks, Ann of Green Gables, for giving me a phrase that accurately describes my purely platonic relationship with several of my most favorite people) She is funny, perverted, sweet, intelligent and an all around good person. Why the fuck someone would stop being friends with her based solely on how she looks is totally beyond my comprehension. How someone could live their life that way also blows my tiny, sick and twisted little mind. I feel bad for people who judge others like that. They have no idea of all the neat people they are missing out on because of thier own small-mindedness. Fuckers..
I have learned that the people who are your real friends don't care about what you look like on the outside. They love you for who you are on the inside and always will. That's the way I try to live my life always. I'm not perfect, so I don't feel justified in demanding perfection from others. I love all my friends for who they are, regardless of size, race, gender, sexual orientation, or haircut.
So, to the people who were mean to my new friend "Fuck Off, Bitches" And that comes from the heart...
Hello my dear Anj, your blog about your friend made me sad and mad for your new friend as well and for the people who dont like her because of how she looks most likely have no selfconfidence or self worth. Your oppion makes you a beautiful person and i have always know that. Thats why i love you so.
Say hello to your new friend and now in honor of new friends we must have drinks!!!!!!!!!!!
Damn right girl!
She is a lovely person, and so are you for bringing it up.
It's a shame that some folks can't be maimed for the fun of it...
There are too many assholes on this planet
from the bottom of my heart thank you!
you are a lovely person and i wish you all the happiness in the world hun.
Thank you for saying all you did about me, i am happy to be called your friend, and i'm yours if you want me (take that anyway you like) i'm sure Mel and Sean will appreciate that comment.
Again thank you!
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