Friday, July 23, 2010

Give me a P! Give me a R! Give me an O! Give me a C! Give me another R! Give me an A! Give me a....ahh never mind.

Hello Again! I know. Two blog posts in as many months. Well, wipe the shock off your faces. I'm blogging again for the same reason I did before when I was working-procrastination. Yup. I've got stories I should be writing. Which brings me to a side note:

Agents is done. It was supposed to be on sale today, but there was a problem with the cover. *sighs* My problem, ultimately, is I'm impatient. I don't take the time I need to do things right the first effing time which causes longer delays in the end. Why can't I learn that lesson?! Anyways, I got the problem fixed, and it WILL be done tomorrow. I'm a little scared. You guys are my biggest (and, lets face it, my ONLY) fans. LOL But that's okay, cause you guys are the BEST fans I could ever wish for. But...I don't know. I worry that Agents sucks balls. I worry that anyone who reads it will be so offended by my idiocy that they'll refuse to ever speak to me again. They'll want to avoid possibly becoming dumber just by associating with me. What? That shit happens. The hubby asked me if I was going to order a final copy for myself. I said I was. Good, he tells me, I want to read it. My hubby, who does not read anything that doesn't have pictures. Not that he's illiterate, but he prefers information type books. He always has his nose stuck in one of the two gun encyclopedia's I got him. I told him I would be really embarrassed. It's a CHICK story. I know it is. Yeah, there's some action and stuff, but for the most part, its for the girls. I would be just as mortified if my DAD read it. For some reason, I don't mind if Brother reads my stories. Maybe it's cause he's ALWAYS read them. I dunno, but it is nice to have a guy give his opinions.

Anyways, what really sucks (and coming back to the whole procrastination thing) is I have MORE story's to write. Book 2 of the Armor of God series. (No more than 3, I think-book 2 is going to be...complicated. I'm actually really excited to see what's in store for Elli and the gang.) This other story that's going to be a romance. *shaking my head* It's fiction, obviously, but its not fantasy, supernatural, or anything like that. Just ordinary people overcoming extraordinary situation. Really a-typical but this story has been burning up my brain waves. I think about it all the time. Then there is Bryce Marshalls, which I think the guys would like better. And I have a beginning of a story Hoskins started writing back in high school. I really want to work on that with him. I think that it would be fantastic.

There are others that are just glimmers of idea's right now. The reason why it sucks is because if Agents sucks balls, then what the hell makes me think I can write these other stories? My idea's feel like birds who fly into my brain and roost. I think if I tried, I could just let those birds fly free and they can roost in some one else's brain. Maybe someone better at writing the stories the birds carry. Then part of me kicks in and says Carpe Diem, Bitch! What it boils down to is I love writing. Even if my stories or writing sucks, I still enjoy it. I guess its kinda like singing in the shower. Sure, I'll never be an American Idol or any of that bullshit, but I have fun and most importantly, I'm entertaining myself. lol.

I think I need to write my cheesy paperback romance (it will be an adult novel. I don't want to limit myself on this one) and then work on the second book of AoG. If I can get the cheese out of the way, maybe it'll free up some waves for AoG.

I guess what I should do is just start writing and see what the hell happens.Heh. But I'm not. I'm totally sitting here, blogging. I could be in my cubie right now for all you guys know. Cept, I'm not. I'm on the back porch, in my jammies. That's right. I haven't even showered yet today.
No really, I'm going right now. After I check face book. And then I'm totally there. I'll send out the link for Agents tomorrow. Maybe today, we'll see how fast they get back to me.

So until next time...I hope y'all have a great day and a wonderful weekend.
Love ya.

Update (not even an hour later): It's Done! Agents is for sale!

Whoa. I wrote a book in less than a year. Sure, it might be what happens when a mule has mud butt, however, it's done. I finished it from beginning to end. Go me. :o)

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