Damn, my ass is getting big. To be fair, though, there isn’t a part of me that hasn’t grown, so I guess it balances out. Sigh. I'm beginning my third trimester this week. At least I think that's how it breaks down. Babyzone.com says that the third trimester is "from 24 weeks until 40 weeks or 'term'" where as msn.com lists the 27th week as the first week in the third trimester. *shrug* Either way, I'm in the home stretch.
As I'm typing, little James is kicking in my belly. He is an active little guy today. He must have really liked those French toast sticks I ate this morning.
I'm enjoying being pregnant more now than I was in the beginning. I think that's because I know it’s a 'him', I can feel him kick, and I'm getting closer to the end. Ha ha! My emotions have settled down somewhat, and my dreams are a lot less vivid and weird. Although, I still have to be careful of what I watch before bed, otherwise I end up dreaming some twisted, distorted thing involving the MythBusters crew. I love how everyone keeps telling me how I glow and how cute I look, but honestly, it’s been hard for me to be this big. I look at myself in the mirror when I get out of the shower and wonder how the hubby can find me attractive. We haven't had sex/made love in weeks. I don't know if that's because he is afraid to, or he really doesn't find me attractive anymore. The entire time we have been together I have been this skinny little thing and now, as you can see above, I have quite the profile. (As Grandpa likes to say) I know it’s not permanent, and mom keeps reminding me I won't be pregnant forever, it’s just been hard to adjust to.
I'm really looking forward to James getting here. Hubby can then feel like he is more included in the whole experience. I ask him how he is doing with everything and he says he is fine. He really isn’t the type of guy to talk about his feelings, so even if he was feeling left out, I can't say for sure that he would tell me about it. Honestly, I feel like all this attention is on me and he just gets pushed to the side. The hubby is as much a part of this as I am! I try to keep him involved as much as possible; inviting him to the check ups, telling him about things I'm going thru, trying to get little James to move so he could feel it. He has seen my belly move, but he hasn't actually felt it yet. Every time Hubby puts his hands on my belly, James stops moving. Poor guy! I'm sure there will be a lot more opportunities for him to feel his son move in the next three months. Especially if James keeps going like he is today! I just wish there was more I could do to keep hubby involved. I'm looking forward to James arriving so that the Hubby can hold him, play with him, and be more involved with him.
Maybe I should be cherishing these precious few months of having James all to myself. I am not that selfish though, and I want to share him with the world. I wonder if that will change once he gets here.
Hope you guys enjoy the picture. I have a couple with out my tongue hanging out, but I figured this one was so 'me'. Love you all and hope you all are doing well.
Oh and by the way: Leah, thanks for staying on my ass about blogging. :o) Love you too, girl.
Dude, you look hot. I'd do you. Tell the hubby to get him some of that. ;-) Miss you, love you and all that.
Hey anj, you look great!!! and dont worry aobut the hubby feeling left out. Men take the whole pregnancy fatherhood thing a little different than the momma (like everything elece) he wont really feel like a dad until the baby gets here and then right after james is born you will deffenatly see it in his eyes hear it in his voice and feel it in his touch and you will feel alot better. love you lots miss you tons have a wonderfull day
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