*Written By: A Colaboration of Twisted Minds (anj, mal, mich and maria)*
When their eyes met across the room, they both knew how the night was going to end. Gargamel had never seen a woman as beautiful as Cinderella. So what if she was covered in pig poo and smelled like last weeks chamber pot. She was gorgeous and, by the look in her eye, ready for some physical lovin. Gargamel stole a glance at his wife, Wonder Woman. He had been so attracted to her in the beginning. She used that Lasso of Truth like an extra appendage of her body and she knew how to rock it dirty. Lately, however, she seemed to spend a lot of time swimming. Gargamel could feel his man juices rising when he glanced back at Cinderella. She made a small motion to follow her when their eyes met again and she slipped out of the room quietly. Gargamel spared another glance at his wife, she was busy chatting it up with Aqua Man, so he followed Cinderella out into the hallway.
With her husband now out of sight, Wonder Woman began her routine of airing their dirty laundry to AquaMan. He had been her closest confidant for ages, almost like a big sister to her, as he’d say. She expressed her longing for someone worthy of her and her lasso quite often it would seem, as she’d belittle her husband nearly every time he’d step out of the room.
“His powers say nothing about him. They aren’t super in the slightest” She rolled her eyes before taking another bite from her hot dog, “ He can’t fly, and he surely can’t make my heart fly anymore”.
Aquaman listened with intent. “Have another drink.” He said as he held up a glass of Ocean water and Gin “and then we shall go for a swim. We can ride on a seahorse if you’d like”.
“No”, she said fed up. “I’d rather ride something else. Come on Aqua, let’s just try it out. To hell with your supposed fish fetish. Tell me you wouldn’t want a night with Wonder Woman”.
She staggered closer toward him holding the lasso, awaiting his brutally honest reply to her idea.
Wonder woman could feel her anticipation and her yearning to touch Aqua man....but she was afraid of his answer....slowly Aqua man walked over to her and gently put his hands on her face.....he leaned in and whispered...for you my friend I would do anything.....he kissed her red lips as if he was hungry....she felt the kiss spark through out her entire body so fierce that her legs gave way...he quickly grabbed her body and embraced her....he had secretly wanted her for a long time but he knew Gargamel would be furious and wouldnt share......
mean while in the hallway......
Gargamel quickly followed Cinderella.....he grabbed her by her shoulder and spun her around....Cinderella looked at him with tears in her eyes.....I am not worthy of your gaze....just look at me....i know Wonder Woman loves and adores you, but i cant help how my heart feels....and i am hideous....as she said her last work Gargamel gently kissed her.....Cinderella pulled back quickly...we cant, you musnt, what if....and she then kissed him back with such passion....she wanted this...she needed this....she had to have him...as she slowly kneeled down.....
. . . . . one thing led to another and before anybody knew what was happening Aqua Man and Wonder Woman were deep in the throws of passion and Cinderella and Gargamel were getting there swerve on too. It was the most amazing moment of passion any of them had ever felt.
A few weeks had passed by. Wonder Woman was at home cookin up some stew when she suddenly realized she was "late". No, not late to work but the dreaded "late" that meant nine months of throwing up and getting fat. She went to the doctors office the next afternoon only to find out her worst fear was true, she was pregnant. Then is occurred to her, the timing was just right, who was the baby daddy????!!?!!?! It could be Aqua Man, it could be her wretched husband Gargamel. She decided the only thing she could do was take Gargamel and Aqua Man onto the Maury Povich show entitled "I cheated on my husband with a member of the Justice League and now I don't know who the father of my possibly illegitimate child is". So, she told Gargamel that she was pregnant but told him nothing of the affair. The months past and finally Wonder Woman gave birth to a baby boy. Gargamel was thrilled and had many thoughts of staying with his wife and leaving Cinderella alone for good. He wanted to try and make his family work.
Wonder Woman told her husband they were taking a trip to New York to visit her mother, and boy was Gargamel surprised when he was being pushed onto the Maury stage in front of the world. Wonder Woman told her sob story to the audience and told her husband of her infidelity. He was crushed, and also confessed all of his wild, steamy nights spent with Cinderella. And then the time came for the paternity results. . . . . Gargamel, you are NOT the father. Gargamel ran off stage sobbing. Aqua Man, you are NOT the father! "WHAT!?!?!?" screams Wonder Woman. Aqua Man runs off stage yelling at Wonder Woman calling her a whore. Wonder Woman is speechless as Maury is backstage asking her if she knows any other possible fathers. It is then that she confesses to sleeping with Spiderman, Superman, Batman and Prince Charming. Maury promises to help her contact the other possible baby daddy's.
Gargamel and Cinderella move in together and start a family of their own. They are very happily living in the evil step mother's house. Aqua Man is now single with an ad out in the local paper "SWM (single, wet, male), loves long swims in the ocean and taking candle lit baths. Seeking honest woman, super powers a plus".
As for Wonder Woman, she still has yet to find her son's father. Spiderman, Superman and Batman were all tested and were not the father and Prince Charming won't return Maury's calls.
And they all lived DYSFUNCTIONALLY EVER AFTER. . . . .. THE END!!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
The Game of Life
Sorry it's been ages since I last posted, guys. Life is so busy right now. I'm back at work 32 hours a week, and when I get home at night, all I want to do is play with the Crib Lizard. Man, he is the coolest! I love hanging out with him. I love making him smile, dancing around with him to oldies, and I love it when he falls asleep in my arms. Being a mom is, hands down, the best thing that I have ever been in my entire life.
There are so many things I want to talk about and tell you all, but this post would be HUGE, so I'm going to try to update you with out being long winded. Wish me luck..
Like I said before, I'm back at work 32 hours a week. Basically, Monday thru Thursday, 8 hours a day. We hired a nanny to watch Jay Monday thru Wednesday, and then the Hubby's mom takes him on her day off, Thursdays. She and Grandma Armijo spend the whole day with Jay! They go for walks and they play outside. Grandma A has told me over and over how much she looks forward to Thursdays. I think its good for Jay too. He gets to be with family all day and I know he doesn't want for anything while he's there. Heck, Dave's mom is as bad as mine is for jumping when Jay makes a noise. LOL The nanny we hired is such a sweetheart too. She's 19 and she currently works (well, its her last day) at a day care center. So she probably knows how to take care of the little guy better than I could. :o) Its going to be tight, money wise, but I think she is worth it.
Speaking of being worth it, I wonder if my job is anymore. I don't feel appreciated for all the things I do there. I walked into the office last Thursday and there were a couple of projects that got dropped in my lap right away. My boss even told me that I was "the only one who could do it". You would think that if I was so damn important, they would show a little love every now and then. Now we have a 60 year old office snitch, who the bosses have made "hall monitor". Like we are in fucking Junior High or something. Then they hired back a woman (again, an elderly lady) who quit last year and ran off to Arizona after marrying her great love. (Who had abandoned her years before when she got really sick and was in the hospital. Nice man, I'm sure.) Anyways, she gets a whole new position created for her and an office. I've been there 5 years, even answered questions over the phone while I was on maternity leave, came back early and they still treat me like I'm a newbie. So here's my plan. When I go back to full time, or even maybe before if they try to promote someone from below me seniority wise, I'm going to talk to my bosses and let them know I want to advance in the company. I want to grow into a better position. I wouldn't even mind trying my hand at being a manager. I'll take business classes or whatever, if they help pay for them. :o) If they say no, then I'll start looking for another job. I'm a smart person, I have excellent office skills, so I think I would be an asset to any company I work for. If this company isn't smart enough to see that, then they are going to loose me. What's sad is I think some of the other girls would walk with me. Princess Maria for one. I think Kurtis would too, although I can't really count him as one of the girls. He's too buff to be a chick, although he can act a little fruity sometimes. LOL
Slutty Hoe and Lord Dragon are getting married!!! I am so super pumped about that. I guess I can't call her Slutty Hoe no more, though. She in no longer Slutty nor a Hoe. Hmm. New nickname time. guess I could call her Lady Dragon. Then I would have 2 LD's. :o)
Life is really great right now. I feel like I'm the happiest I have ever been in my life. Things are great with the Hubby. He has really stepped up to the plate. He's wonderful with the little guy and he seems to be more attentive to me too.
I do my best to treasure the time I get with my family and let go the stresses and worries of life. I know, though, that life has to have balance of good and bad times. You must except the bad times because it helps make the good times be that more special.
Okay, well, I tried to keep it short, but I didn't do very well. Sorry, y'all. I'm silent for months and then write you a novel.
Anyways, here's a picture for you guys. Love ya. I'll try to write again soon.
There are so many things I want to talk about and tell you all, but this post would be HUGE, so I'm going to try to update you with out being long winded. Wish me luck..
Like I said before, I'm back at work 32 hours a week. Basically, Monday thru Thursday, 8 hours a day. We hired a nanny to watch Jay Monday thru Wednesday, and then the Hubby's mom takes him on her day off, Thursdays. She and Grandma Armijo spend the whole day with Jay! They go for walks and they play outside. Grandma A has told me over and over how much she looks forward to Thursdays. I think its good for Jay too. He gets to be with family all day and I know he doesn't want for anything while he's there. Heck, Dave's mom is as bad as mine is for jumping when Jay makes a noise. LOL The nanny we hired is such a sweetheart too. She's 19 and she currently works (well, its her last day) at a day care center. So she probably knows how to take care of the little guy better than I could. :o) Its going to be tight, money wise, but I think she is worth it.
Speaking of being worth it, I wonder if my job is anymore. I don't feel appreciated for all the things I do there. I walked into the office last Thursday and there were a couple of projects that got dropped in my lap right away. My boss even told me that I was "the only one who could do it". You would think that if I was so damn important, they would show a little love every now and then. Now we have a 60 year old office snitch, who the bosses have made "hall monitor". Like we are in fucking Junior High or something. Then they hired back a woman (again, an elderly lady) who quit last year and ran off to Arizona after marrying her great love. (Who had abandoned her years before when she got really sick and was in the hospital. Nice man, I'm sure.) Anyways, she gets a whole new position created for her and an office. I've been there 5 years, even answered questions over the phone while I was on maternity leave, came back early and they still treat me like I'm a newbie. So here's my plan. When I go back to full time, or even maybe before if they try to promote someone from below me seniority wise, I'm going to talk to my bosses and let them know I want to advance in the company. I want to grow into a better position. I wouldn't even mind trying my hand at being a manager. I'll take business classes or whatever, if they help pay for them. :o) If they say no, then I'll start looking for another job. I'm a smart person, I have excellent office skills, so I think I would be an asset to any company I work for. If this company isn't smart enough to see that, then they are going to loose me. What's sad is I think some of the other girls would walk with me. Princess Maria for one. I think Kurtis would too, although I can't really count him as one of the girls. He's too buff to be a chick, although he can act a little fruity sometimes. LOL
Slutty Hoe and Lord Dragon are getting married!!! I am so super pumped about that. I guess I can't call her Slutty Hoe no more, though. She in no longer Slutty nor a Hoe. Hmm. New nickname time. guess I could call her Lady Dragon. Then I would have 2 LD's. :o)
Life is really great right now. I feel like I'm the happiest I have ever been in my life. Things are great with the Hubby. He has really stepped up to the plate. He's wonderful with the little guy and he seems to be more attentive to me too.
I do my best to treasure the time I get with my family and let go the stresses and worries of life. I know, though, that life has to have balance of good and bad times. You must except the bad times because it helps make the good times be that more special.
Okay, well, I tried to keep it short, but I didn't do very well. Sorry, y'all. I'm silent for months and then write you a novel.
Anyways, here's a picture for you guys. Love ya. I'll try to write again soon.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Sleep? What's That??!
Hi guys. Sorry its been a while since I updated. Life has been really......busy, different, wonderful. Take your pick of those descriptions because its all of them. :o)
I am absolutely loving being a mom. Even when he is screaming (angry dragon™ as the Hubby likes to call it) I look at him and I'm filled with a sense of wonder and awe. I still can't believe that I helped create him. I find it hard to believe that something that beautiful and perfect is mine. I hope that feeling never goes away.
He is doing great. He really doesn't scream that much. Usually just in the evening time for some reason. He is sleeping about 3 to 4 hours at night now and drinks about 4 to 6 ounces of milk at a time. (what a little piggy!)
I ended up getting a boom box (are they still called that?? anyways..) for his room that has a CD and a tape player. The CD player is for these awesome Cd's Leah sent him that are Metallica and Pink Floyd done lullaby style. Man they are cool! (he seems to dig the Floyd one more then Metallica but ah well. I like them both.)
The tape player is for the Wee Free Men as read by Stephen Briggs that was sent to him from Dave and Wendy in England. It is too cool as well! I love how Mr. Briggs does the accents of the Feegles! James seems to dig that as well. We sit and rock, eat and listen to the story of Tiffany and the Feegles. You can find what the hell I'm talking about here.
Anyways, he will be up again soon, so I'm going to try to squeeze in a load of laundry really quick. I love you all and I'll try to update again soon. Until then, here is what the background on my computer is right now:

Is that cute or what? :o)
I am absolutely loving being a mom. Even when he is screaming (angry dragon™ as the Hubby likes to call it) I look at him and I'm filled with a sense of wonder and awe. I still can't believe that I helped create him. I find it hard to believe that something that beautiful and perfect is mine. I hope that feeling never goes away.
He is doing great. He really doesn't scream that much. Usually just in the evening time for some reason. He is sleeping about 3 to 4 hours at night now and drinks about 4 to 6 ounces of milk at a time. (what a little piggy!)
I ended up getting a boom box (are they still called that?? anyways..) for his room that has a CD and a tape player. The CD player is for these awesome Cd's Leah sent him that are Metallica and Pink Floyd done lullaby style. Man they are cool! (he seems to dig the Floyd one more then Metallica but ah well. I like them both.)
The tape player is for the Wee Free Men as read by Stephen Briggs that was sent to him from Dave and Wendy in England. It is too cool as well! I love how Mr. Briggs does the accents of the Feegles! James seems to dig that as well. We sit and rock, eat and listen to the story of Tiffany and the Feegles. You can find what the hell I'm talking about here.
Anyways, he will be up again soon, so I'm going to try to squeeze in a load of laundry really quick. I love you all and I'll try to update again soon. Until then, here is what the background on my computer is right now:
Is that cute or what? :o)
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Past Due
Well, I'm only over due by one day. But still, it feels like FOREVER! The anticipation is really getting to me! I don't know what this is going to feel like, and I'm not sure of when it is real labor and when its not. All my reading and studying are doing me no good. I'm still nervous and just plain ready to have this baby.
Anyways, I just wanted to write a short update to you all today and let you know the Crib Lizard has not shown yet. I have a doc's appointment tomorrow and I will ask her to check my cervix and see about maybe inducing this little on on Friday or Saturday. I'll let you know how that goes either tomorrow afternoon or on Thursday. Who knows. Maybe the Crib Lizard will show up between now and then. You can never tell with boys. :o)
*love and hugs*
Anyways, I just wanted to write a short update to you all today and let you know the Crib Lizard has not shown yet. I have a doc's appointment tomorrow and I will ask her to check my cervix and see about maybe inducing this little on on Friday or Saturday. I'll let you know how that goes either tomorrow afternoon or on Thursday. Who knows. Maybe the Crib Lizard will show up between now and then. You can never tell with boys. :o)
*love and hugs*
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
5 days to go!
Not like I think the Crib Lizard™ will be on time. His dad is always late, so I wonder if the little guy growing inside me will be the same. My Mom is thinking that the doc's won't let me go too far past my due date because of how big I am getting. She is actually hoping they will induce me on April 13th. Friday the 13th in case you haven't noticed it on the calender yet. The hubby and I talked about it last night on the way home and neither of us really has a problem with having a baby on that day. Hubby has always considered Friday the 13th lucky for him and I haven't ever really noticed the day was either way for me. As far as I can remember, its just another day. Now, I'm not due until the 9th and(if you remember, Cristy guessed the 7th and Slutty Hoe guessed the weekend of the 13th) and I'm due to see the doctor yet again tomorrow, so we will see what she says. The 13th is only 4 days past due, so she may not want to induce me that soon, but I certainly do not want to wait until April 20th. That seems so far away!!
I am getting anxious. I don't think I'm the only one, either. I have been told by at least 5 different people (seriously, no exaggeration) that they have dreamt about me going into labor. Most of them are not family members, but co-workers! Even a couple of the guys the Hubby works with have dreamt about me and my water breaking! I have had a couple of dreams like that, but most of them have been very odd. In one, Lord Dragons step dad was my doc and was delivering my son in a room that had ceiling to floor clear windows so everyone could see what was going on. I have a couple of scary dreams about loosing the crib lizard™ or someone stealing him, but Mom said those are normal. Those are the worst dreams I have ever had in my life. I hope they get better once he is here, but honestly, I don't expect them to. Right now I know where he is all the time, I can feel him move and know he is okay in there. After he is born I will have to learn to let go and trust in God and his Gardian Angel to watch over him when I can't.
The following are a few pictures of the Crib Lizards™ habitat. Thanks to Slutty Hoe, Mom, Dad and LD for all the hard work they put in over the weekend to make his room perfect.

Slutty Hoe will probably be one of the people calling when he arrives. Hsing, honey, I'll have to just email you or post on the forum when he arrives. I don't think my cell phone will call oversea's. :o)
I'm almost there, guys.
*Love and Hugs*
I am getting anxious. I don't think I'm the only one, either. I have been told by at least 5 different people (seriously, no exaggeration) that they have dreamt about me going into labor. Most of them are not family members, but co-workers! Even a couple of the guys the Hubby works with have dreamt about me and my water breaking! I have had a couple of dreams like that, but most of them have been very odd. In one, Lord Dragons step dad was my doc and was delivering my son in a room that had ceiling to floor clear windows so everyone could see what was going on. I have a couple of scary dreams about loosing the crib lizard™ or someone stealing him, but Mom said those are normal. Those are the worst dreams I have ever had in my life. I hope they get better once he is here, but honestly, I don't expect them to. Right now I know where he is all the time, I can feel him move and know he is okay in there. After he is born I will have to learn to let go and trust in God and his Gardian Angel to watch over him when I can't.
The following are a few pictures of the Crib Lizards™ habitat. Thanks to Slutty Hoe, Mom, Dad and LD for all the hard work they put in over the weekend to make his room perfect.
Slutty Hoe will probably be one of the people calling when he arrives. Hsing, honey, I'll have to just email you or post on the forum when he arrives. I don't think my cell phone will call oversea's. :o)
I'm almost there, guys.
*Love and Hugs*
Monday, March 26, 2007
See?! I DO Read the Comments!
Miss Cristy, Sorry to hear about Bubba! It totally cracked me up the way you described him though. Please give the cute little guy big gentle hugs from me. I'm glad he is okay and is such a trooper for you.
Miss Leah, It would be awesome if you could be here when James is born, but I agree, I really don't want you to actually see him coming out. Hell, I don't want to see it myself. :o) But you are on the list of people to call when he does arrive. Either Mandi will call you that day or night, or I will call you a few days later. No matter what I'm sure you will get to meet him sometime this summer. I miss you, dude. I can't wait to see you!
Miss Yvonne, I would be happy to send you my mailing address, but only if you will send me yours as soon as you get settled. I am beginning to get my Christmas card lists together for this year and I would love to be able to send you and your family one.
I am starting to have some of the practice contractions, although they are not nearly as bad as I thought they would be. I guess anticipation is usually the worst, eh?
Good luck with your move, sweetie. I know it sucks, but hang in there! It will all be over soon and then you can start getting settled in.
Same goes for you Leah. I know you're moving soon too. Hang in there too, and I hope all of you know, I'm always available to chat, rant, cry or whatever to. :o)
This will most likely be my only post this week. I have a doc's appointment early on Thursday, so I will be leaving work early, and then I'm off on Friday, since mom and dad will be down to paint and help set up the Crib Lizards™ Room. I just wanted you all to know everything is still groovy and that I love ya.
Miss Leah, It would be awesome if you could be here when James is born, but I agree, I really don't want you to actually see him coming out. Hell, I don't want to see it myself. :o) But you are on the list of people to call when he does arrive. Either Mandi will call you that day or night, or I will call you a few days later. No matter what I'm sure you will get to meet him sometime this summer. I miss you, dude. I can't wait to see you!
Miss Yvonne, I would be happy to send you my mailing address, but only if you will send me yours as soon as you get settled. I am beginning to get my Christmas card lists together for this year and I would love to be able to send you and your family one.
I am starting to have some of the practice contractions, although they are not nearly as bad as I thought they would be. I guess anticipation is usually the worst, eh?
Good luck with your move, sweetie. I know it sucks, but hang in there! It will all be over soon and then you can start getting settled in.
Same goes for you Leah. I know you're moving soon too. Hang in there too, and I hope all of you know, I'm always available to chat, rant, cry or whatever to. :o)
This will most likely be my only post this week. I have a doc's appointment early on Thursday, so I will be leaving work early, and then I'm off on Friday, since mom and dad will be down to paint and help set up the Crib Lizards™ Room. I just wanted you all to know everything is still groovy and that I love ya.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
18 Days til the Crib Lizard™ is due!
I was right. The doc has had me coming in weekly starting at about the 8th of March. Which is cool. I get to hear the Crib Lizards little heart beating every Wednesday or Thursday. Awesome! Plus it gets me out of the office about an hour early once a week!
This next up coming week (the 26th thru the 30th) my usual doc/midwife or whatever is on vacation for spring break, so I have to go see a stranger. Luckily, she won't have to violate me. I will just have to do the usual; pee in a cup (which they should make bigger, like kool-aid pitcher size, once the belly gets to big to see over), get weighed in, check my blood pressure, measure the belly, and listen to the Crib Lizards heart beat. That's is basically what my appointments are every single time. Last week I had to have my poonani swabbed with a giant q-tip to test for Group B Strep, which came out negative. Meaning no anti-biotics for me when I go into labor. In fact the doc said yesterday that I could hang out at home as long as I wanted when I started to go into labor and then come into the hospital when I was ready. That made me laugh. As soon as the Hubby knows I'm in labor, we will be in a mad dash to the hospital.
The doc also told me yesterday that the Crib Lizard could be born at any time now and be just fine. In some ways I am very ready for him to be here, but in other ways I'm not. I would like to stay pregnant for just a little longer, even with all the little discomforts, like not being able to sleep well and taking a full 5 minutes to get up out of a chair. I know that the things I feel right now (him moving inside me, the special feeling I get when I rub my belly and talk to him) are mine alone and I won't ever get to feel those things with him ever again after he born. It makes me a little sad. On the other hand, I can't wait to share him with the Hubby. It's a very confusing time!
I wasn't planning on posting about me and the Crib Lizard today. I was going to talk about the little annoyances I have been experiencing, but once I got to talking about him I couldn't stop and I realized I didn't want to relive and rant about the things that pissed me off this week. Its really not worth the stress at this point, you know?
I hope all of you are doing good. Please feel free to post updates on whats up in your world these days in the comments section. I do actually read every single comment you guys leave me and they never fail to make me smile.
*Love and Hugs*
This next up coming week (the 26th thru the 30th) my usual doc/midwife or whatever is on vacation for spring break, so I have to go see a stranger. Luckily, she won't have to violate me. I will just have to do the usual; pee in a cup (which they should make bigger, like kool-aid pitcher size, once the belly gets to big to see over), get weighed in, check my blood pressure, measure the belly, and listen to the Crib Lizards heart beat. That's is basically what my appointments are every single time. Last week I had to have my poonani swabbed with a giant q-tip to test for Group B Strep, which came out negative. Meaning no anti-biotics for me when I go into labor. In fact the doc said yesterday that I could hang out at home as long as I wanted when I started to go into labor and then come into the hospital when I was ready. That made me laugh. As soon as the Hubby knows I'm in labor, we will be in a mad dash to the hospital.
The doc also told me yesterday that the Crib Lizard could be born at any time now and be just fine. In some ways I am very ready for him to be here, but in other ways I'm not. I would like to stay pregnant for just a little longer, even with all the little discomforts, like not being able to sleep well and taking a full 5 minutes to get up out of a chair. I know that the things I feel right now (him moving inside me, the special feeling I get when I rub my belly and talk to him) are mine alone and I won't ever get to feel those things with him ever again after he born. It makes me a little sad. On the other hand, I can't wait to share him with the Hubby. It's a very confusing time!
I wasn't planning on posting about me and the Crib Lizard today. I was going to talk about the little annoyances I have been experiencing, but once I got to talking about him I couldn't stop and I realized I didn't want to relive and rant about the things that pissed me off this week. Its really not worth the stress at this point, you know?
I hope all of you are doing good. Please feel free to post updates on whats up in your world these days in the comments section. I do actually read every single comment you guys leave me and they never fail to make me smile.
*Love and Hugs*
Thursday, March 08, 2007
A longer update
Hi everyone! I just wanted to post today to let you know that everything is still going good, the Crib Lizard™ and I are both doing great. We go into for a check up here in about 2 hours in fact. So far, the doc has me coming in every two weeks. If babyzone.com and other various baby info sites are to be trusted, these bi monthly visits might turn into weekly one's here soon. I can't imagine having to go into the doctor every single week! I have never seen the doctor so much in my entire life all put together! *sigh* It is reassuring to know that the little guy is doing okay with a good heart beat and growing nicely though. He moves all the time now. He is the most active first thing in the morning, right after the alarm goes off. He still moves and kicks thru out the day, but the mornings seem to contain the hardest kicks and jabs. I think the little guy is just running out of room.
I haven't experienced any of the 'midnight' cravings that one always hears about with pregnant ladies. I do wake up in the night, but if I'm hungry I usually just go back to sleep because its easier than getting out of bed and fixing something which would probably wake up the whole house and then no one would want to go back to sleep and I just don't need to deal with that at 3 am. Although I know its coming, it will be so much easier to justify (at least in my head) when there is a little screaming baby.
I don't have any 'weird' or 'strange' cravings either, but I am eating a lot of green chili these days and I'm still hooked on Marshmallow Maties. (A generic brand of Lucky Charms Cereal.) The only things that seem to upset the Crib Lizard™ are pineapples and this funky Lemon pie I had at the in laws the other night. To be fair, I had never had that kind of pie before, ever, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Oranges are okay, but other citrus fruits are out I guess. *shrug* Boys, eh?
I can tell you my temper is harder to control these days. Things that I would have been able to shake off in the past or even ignore now bother me to no end. I'm usually a very patient person, but lately I have had none, especially with people. The hubby is one of the very few people I can stand for long periods of time.
(I could list the people who I do like and who I don't like, but I don't want to offend anyone who may stop by here. Just so you guys know, you, my four glorious readers, are on the 'safe' list. None of you annoy me what so ever and in fact I hold you dear to my heart. I especially want to give a shout out to my German friend Hsing, who has provided very valuable insite thru this whole pregnancy. I will do a 'Thank You' post soon though. I need to. You guys have all been so supportive that I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate each and every one of you. You know I love all you guys, though, right? *sniff sniff* Okay, mushy, girly moment over. )
People, like some of the ladies I work with, bother me so bad that I have to bite my tongue just to keep from saying something nasty to them. There is one lady who insists on laughing after almost every single sentence that comes out of her mouth. This like fakey type of laugh. Doesn't she know that sounds incredibly insincere and also is really, really annoying? She also takes forever to answer a simple question. I will go to her for a yes or no answer and will end up at her desk for 20 minutes while I get the entire back story. Honestly, I don't care and I didn't ask. All I want is a yes or no so I can get back to my desk and hide out some more.
Also, I'm starting to worry about who is going to do my job while I'm out on leave. I know its not entirely up to me to make sure that everything is covered and that my bosses should be stepping up to help me out on this since they are not hiring even a temp to cover my duties, but I still feel responsible, so I am typing up notes as best as I can and training the 4 different people they have already picked out for certain things. I can tell you, though, those 4 people are not going to be enough. I still have at least 5 other things that someone will have to do while I'm out and I have no idea who to train on them. What is sad, is neither do my bosses. I try to convince myself that at that point, when the bosses are admitting we have run out of people to train, its out of my hands. I really don't think they know how much they depend on me around here. They are about to get a brutal wake up call.
Oh! Maria seems to think the Crib Lizard™ will be early, while every one else is saying late. Any one want to place a bet? Just a friendly wager, but if I could get my four readers to pick a date it would be fun to see who would ends up being the closest. :)
Thats all for now. I'll try not to leave it so long between posts, okay? Love you guys. *hugs*
I haven't experienced any of the 'midnight' cravings that one always hears about with pregnant ladies. I do wake up in the night, but if I'm hungry I usually just go back to sleep because its easier than getting out of bed and fixing something which would probably wake up the whole house and then no one would want to go back to sleep and I just don't need to deal with that at 3 am. Although I know its coming, it will be so much easier to justify (at least in my head) when there is a little screaming baby.
I don't have any 'weird' or 'strange' cravings either, but I am eating a lot of green chili these days and I'm still hooked on Marshmallow Maties. (A generic brand of Lucky Charms Cereal.) The only things that seem to upset the Crib Lizard™ are pineapples and this funky Lemon pie I had at the in laws the other night. To be fair, I had never had that kind of pie before, ever, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Oranges are okay, but other citrus fruits are out I guess. *shrug* Boys, eh?
I can tell you my temper is harder to control these days. Things that I would have been able to shake off in the past or even ignore now bother me to no end. I'm usually a very patient person, but lately I have had none, especially with people. The hubby is one of the very few people I can stand for long periods of time.
(I could list the people who I do like and who I don't like, but I don't want to offend anyone who may stop by here. Just so you guys know, you, my four glorious readers, are on the 'safe' list. None of you annoy me what so ever and in fact I hold you dear to my heart. I especially want to give a shout out to my German friend Hsing, who has provided very valuable insite thru this whole pregnancy. I will do a 'Thank You' post soon though. I need to. You guys have all been so supportive that I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate each and every one of you. You know I love all you guys, though, right? *sniff sniff* Okay, mushy, girly moment over. )
People, like some of the ladies I work with, bother me so bad that I have to bite my tongue just to keep from saying something nasty to them. There is one lady who insists on laughing after almost every single sentence that comes out of her mouth. This like fakey type of laugh. Doesn't she know that sounds incredibly insincere and also is really, really annoying? She also takes forever to answer a simple question. I will go to her for a yes or no answer and will end up at her desk for 20 minutes while I get the entire back story. Honestly, I don't care and I didn't ask. All I want is a yes or no so I can get back to my desk and hide out some more.
Also, I'm starting to worry about who is going to do my job while I'm out on leave. I know its not entirely up to me to make sure that everything is covered and that my bosses should be stepping up to help me out on this since they are not hiring even a temp to cover my duties, but I still feel responsible, so I am typing up notes as best as I can and training the 4 different people they have already picked out for certain things. I can tell you, though, those 4 people are not going to be enough. I still have at least 5 other things that someone will have to do while I'm out and I have no idea who to train on them. What is sad, is neither do my bosses. I try to convince myself that at that point, when the bosses are admitting we have run out of people to train, its out of my hands. I really don't think they know how much they depend on me around here. They are about to get a brutal wake up call.
Oh! Maria seems to think the Crib Lizard™ will be early, while every one else is saying late. Any one want to place a bet? Just a friendly wager, but if I could get my four readers to pick a date it would be fun to see who would ends up being the closest. :)
Thats all for now. I'll try not to leave it so long between posts, okay? Love you guys. *hugs*
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
A Quickie Update
Thursday, February 15, 2007
The Newest Member of our Family
My truck died. Well, it still runs, but the clutch is completely gone out of it.
Hubby and I were on the way to work one cold morning and got about half way down the block before Hubby started freaking out and pulled over on the side of the road. At first I didn't understand what he was going on about. "What do you mean my clutch is gone?" "I thought it took a while for those things to wear down and there would be...signs, noises, something!"
Somehow he got it back into first gear, got it turned around and limped it back to our house. While he was warming up his car, the Stang, I hoped over to the drivers seat to see or I guess feel what the hell he was talking about. Sure enough, as soon as I stepped on the clutch petal, it went strait to the floor, no resistance. Now granted, my clutch wasn't the stiffest, but at least it had some kind of feed back to let you know it was working. This was like pushing in a petal that had nothing connected to it at all. Same type of feeling I had before when my brakes have gone out on that truck. You know, I can't help but still love that truck, though. I won't let Dave trade it in. It wouldn't bring in any money anyways, being broken like it is. He proposed to me in that truck. I can't imagine not having it in the family.
In the mean time we were carpooling in the mustang,
and he was having to drop me off at work really early every morning, so he could make it to work on time. We were at a cross roads, though. We need a 4-door for when the Crib Lizard™ arrives. So do we fix the truck right away and still have to hunt for a family car, or do we let the truck sit for a while and we go ahead and car shop. We both had money in our savings, he had a big bonus from work coming in, and he said he could borrow against his 401K. Okay. So total we had about $9500.00 to try to buy something that would be suitable for a family; safe, dependable, and above all not requiring financing thru a car dealer. With the house payment and the impending arrival of our little bundle of joy we could not afford to finance.
When the money arrived we started scounting the Auto Traders. Out of about 100 pages of vehicles, I found 2 that I liked and we could afford. The Huby called and left messages, only one called us back.
The lady said she had another guy coming to look at it for a second time the following day at 4, so we set up to meet her at noon just in case. She could have been fibbing about the other buyer to pressure us, but after meeting her and talking with her, I think that she was telling the truth. Either way I liked the vehicle and the price was right so we made her an offer she couldnt refuse and bought this:

for $5500.00!
And we still have money left over!
Its a 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee, loaded with power everything, plenty of room for the Crib Lizard™ and all the paraphernalia that will come with him, plus 2 doggies! I freaking love it!
Plus it runs great and the lady who had it before us took great care of it. It was her baby. Now its one of mine.
I'm doing great by the way. For those of you keeping track, I'm 32 weeks with only about 53 days to go until the Crib Lizard™ is due to arrive!
Hubby and I were on the way to work one cold morning and got about half way down the block before Hubby started freaking out and pulled over on the side of the road. At first I didn't understand what he was going on about. "What do you mean my clutch is gone?" "I thought it took a while for those things to wear down and there would be...signs, noises, something!"
Somehow he got it back into first gear, got it turned around and limped it back to our house. While he was warming up his car, the Stang, I hoped over to the drivers seat to see or I guess feel what the hell he was talking about. Sure enough, as soon as I stepped on the clutch petal, it went strait to the floor, no resistance. Now granted, my clutch wasn't the stiffest, but at least it had some kind of feed back to let you know it was working. This was like pushing in a petal that had nothing connected to it at all. Same type of feeling I had before when my brakes have gone out on that truck. You know, I can't help but still love that truck, though. I won't let Dave trade it in. It wouldn't bring in any money anyways, being broken like it is. He proposed to me in that truck. I can't imagine not having it in the family.
In the mean time we were carpooling in the mustang,
and he was having to drop me off at work really early every morning, so he could make it to work on time. We were at a cross roads, though. We need a 4-door for when the Crib Lizard™ arrives. So do we fix the truck right away and still have to hunt for a family car, or do we let the truck sit for a while and we go ahead and car shop. We both had money in our savings, he had a big bonus from work coming in, and he said he could borrow against his 401K. Okay. So total we had about $9500.00 to try to buy something that would be suitable for a family; safe, dependable, and above all not requiring financing thru a car dealer. With the house payment and the impending arrival of our little bundle of joy we could not afford to finance.
When the money arrived we started scounting the Auto Traders. Out of about 100 pages of vehicles, I found 2 that I liked and we could afford. The Huby called and left messages, only one called us back.
The lady said she had another guy coming to look at it for a second time the following day at 4, so we set up to meet her at noon just in case. She could have been fibbing about the other buyer to pressure us, but after meeting her and talking with her, I think that she was telling the truth. Either way I liked the vehicle and the price was right so we made her an offer she couldnt refuse and bought this:
for $5500.00!
And we still have money left over!
Its a 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee, loaded with power everything, plenty of room for the Crib Lizard™ and all the paraphernalia that will come with him, plus 2 doggies! I freaking love it!
Plus it runs great and the lady who had it before us took great care of it. It was her baby. Now its one of mine.
I'm doing great by the way. For those of you keeping track, I'm 32 weeks with only about 53 days to go until the Crib Lizard™ is due to arrive!
Friday, February 02, 2007
Update on me
My ankles have swollen to this unbelievable size. Seriously, you can not even see the cute little ankle bones I used to have. I think the swelling is causing my feet to hurt. Regardless if I'm sitting or standing they ache.
Also, my belly is getting that little dark line down the middle. (I tired to find the exact term for it, but I couldn't! WTF?!)
I'm having a hell of a time sleeping at night. Just getting comfortable is hard to do, and then when I do, I sleep for about an hour before my hip starts to ache and I have to roll over. If I lay on my back at all the Crib Lizard™ starts to move a lot, so I try to limit my sleeping positions to the right or left sides. I figure he should be sleeping when I am. Ha ha ha
Last, but certainly not least, the Crib Lizard™ moves a great deal these days. Before he would move a lot one day, and then he would be quiet for the next couple of days. All this week he has moved tons every single day. It is the most incredible feeling in the entire world. Miss Leah, Slutty Hoe, I can't wait til you have one. Miss Cristy, you already have two beautiful kids, so you know just what I'm talking about. Its amazing. Even those words don't do the feeling justice.
I don't have any new pictures, sorry, Miss Cristy. I'll see if I can get Slutty Hoe to take some this weekend while she is here and maybe post them on Monday.
Hope y'all have a good weekend!
Also, my belly is getting that little dark line down the middle. (I tired to find the exact term for it, but I couldn't! WTF?!)
I'm having a hell of a time sleeping at night. Just getting comfortable is hard to do, and then when I do, I sleep for about an hour before my hip starts to ache and I have to roll over. If I lay on my back at all the Crib Lizard™ starts to move a lot, so I try to limit my sleeping positions to the right or left sides. I figure he should be sleeping when I am. Ha ha ha
Last, but certainly not least, the Crib Lizard™ moves a great deal these days. Before he would move a lot one day, and then he would be quiet for the next couple of days. All this week he has moved tons every single day. It is the most incredible feeling in the entire world. Miss Leah, Slutty Hoe, I can't wait til you have one. Miss Cristy, you already have two beautiful kids, so you know just what I'm talking about. Its amazing. Even those words don't do the feeling justice.
I don't have any new pictures, sorry, Miss Cristy. I'll see if I can get Slutty Hoe to take some this weekend while she is here and maybe post them on Monday.
Hope y'all have a good weekend!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Anticipations and Excitment of a Soon to be Mom
Leah has a very good point. Fears and Worries are not the only emotions I feel right now, and I do think I should write some of the things that I enjoy or look forward to. Being pregnant isn’t all worries. I have had moments of extreme joy and excitement at the impending arrival of our little boy.
I remember feeling incredibly excited at hearing his heart beat for the first time. The doc had to hunt for 10 minutes just to find it. At first all we heard was my steady heart beating, and then all of a sudden there was this faint, fast little beat on top of mine. It sounded like a train chugging at full speed! I looked over at the Hubby and he was grinning from ear to ear. It was incredible to share that moment with him and to know that yes, there really is a little person growing inside me. I think that was the first moment that it really hit home that I was pregnant. Every appointment since then I have heard his heart beating, and although it has slowed a lot since that first time, it's still reassuring to me to hear it everytime.
Another really neat thing is feeling that little one kick and move inside me. At first I could barely even feel anything, like a flutter of butterfly wings in my belly, but within a month or so, I was positive what I was feeling was the Crib Lizard™ moving and kicking me. I could see some kicks on the outside of my belly! Its a tad disturbing to see my belly flex outward really quick in one tiny spot then return to normal. The little guy used to get shy around the Hubby, so he didn’t get to feel his son move for the first time til about a month ago. Right now, this is what I like best about being pregnant. I love feeling him move all day long and I don’t even mind when the kicks or punches are hard. He has his quiet days too, which I don’t care for, but I guess it’s his way of giving me a little time to rest up for the next batch of internal calisthenics. Yesterday he was very active all day and I think he even got the hiccups for a little while. It’s amazing that he isn’t even here yet and I am already getting used to his schedule and reading his moves. I’m going to miss not feeling that closeness after he is born.
Watching him move on the ultrasound was incredible, too. Its one thing to feel it, but entirely another to see it happen right before my eyes! I got to see him yawn, stretch and kick in the hour or so that was just my mom and I. Then when everyone else came in (the Grandpa's, Grandma Armijo and the Hubby) I let the tech turn the monitor so they could all see. Later Grandma A. told me that the Crib Lizard™ waved, flexed his little arms, and moved lots for them.
It’s hard to put into words the level of excitement I feel towards him getting here. I can‘t hardly wait to look into his little eyes, see his little hands, fingers, feet and toes. He is a little miracle of ours and Gods creation. I look forward to seeing the hubby hold him for the first time. He has very limited experience with little one’s, especially baby’s that new, but I know in my heart he is going to do perfectly fine. I can only imagine the look on the Hubby’s face when they place his son in his arms for the first time. I sometimes wonder if the Hubby will be nervous, if he will get tears in his eyes, or will he just be all smiles and blue cigars.
I look forward to hearing the Crib Lizard™ smile and laugh for the first time. There is nothing in this world like the laughter of a baby. They don’t hold back and they don’t care what people think. I challenge anyone to hear and see a baby laugh and not laugh with them. Last night I dreamt I was blowing raspberries on the Crib Lizards™ belly. He was laughing and giggling so hard and so was I, to the point where I woke myself up laughing.
You may remember me talking about the really vivid dreams at the onset of my pregnancy. All thru the second trimester they seemed to chill out a little, but now they are getting vivid again, and I have to admit, most of the time I dream of the Crib Lizard™. I have dreamt of him talking to me, explaining to me that he wanted to build a VW Bug Convertible. (the hubby being a car guy, agreed to that, but said it would depend on how old he was when he made the request. Grandpa Armijo has a few ‘donor’ bugs that he would probably be willing to part with for his Grandson.) I’ve dreamt about talking to him in baby talk and him talking back in baby talk (also resulting in lots of giggling from both of us) and then the recent raspberry dream. I love those dreams and sometimes I wonder if he is dreaming of me.
Most of all, I look forward to sharing my life with this little guy. I know that life is going to be hard sometimes, and that I’m not always going to ‘like’ being a mother, but I think I will always ‘love’ it, just like I will always love him. This is going to be one of the greatest adventures of my life, although I'm not too 'rosey-eyed' to know that life isnt always going to be easy and care free, I wouldn't trade him for anything in the heavens or on Earth.
I can already picture him getting on the bus for his first day of school, his first girl friend, graduating high school, and getting married. I like to imagine what he will look like and wonder if he will like music like I do, or be a great artist like his dad. I look forward to watching his personality develop. I wonder if he will be a class clown or a serious student. Will he have an imagination like mine or be a little more ‘down to Earth’ like his dad? These are the things I think about before I go to sleep.
So, you see? I'm not all worries and fear. I think I'm more excited than anything else. There is so much to look farward to and I know that with the support of my Hubby and our wonderful family, we will be able to get thru any hardships that may come our way.
I remember feeling incredibly excited at hearing his heart beat for the first time. The doc had to hunt for 10 minutes just to find it. At first all we heard was my steady heart beating, and then all of a sudden there was this faint, fast little beat on top of mine. It sounded like a train chugging at full speed! I looked over at the Hubby and he was grinning from ear to ear. It was incredible to share that moment with him and to know that yes, there really is a little person growing inside me. I think that was the first moment that it really hit home that I was pregnant. Every appointment since then I have heard his heart beating, and although it has slowed a lot since that first time, it's still reassuring to me to hear it everytime.
Another really neat thing is feeling that little one kick and move inside me. At first I could barely even feel anything, like a flutter of butterfly wings in my belly, but within a month or so, I was positive what I was feeling was the Crib Lizard™ moving and kicking me. I could see some kicks on the outside of my belly! Its a tad disturbing to see my belly flex outward really quick in one tiny spot then return to normal. The little guy used to get shy around the Hubby, so he didn’t get to feel his son move for the first time til about a month ago. Right now, this is what I like best about being pregnant. I love feeling him move all day long and I don’t even mind when the kicks or punches are hard. He has his quiet days too, which I don’t care for, but I guess it’s his way of giving me a little time to rest up for the next batch of internal calisthenics. Yesterday he was very active all day and I think he even got the hiccups for a little while. It’s amazing that he isn’t even here yet and I am already getting used to his schedule and reading his moves. I’m going to miss not feeling that closeness after he is born.
Watching him move on the ultrasound was incredible, too. Its one thing to feel it, but entirely another to see it happen right before my eyes! I got to see him yawn, stretch and kick in the hour or so that was just my mom and I. Then when everyone else came in (the Grandpa's, Grandma Armijo and the Hubby) I let the tech turn the monitor so they could all see. Later Grandma A. told me that the Crib Lizard™ waved, flexed his little arms, and moved lots for them.
It’s hard to put into words the level of excitement I feel towards him getting here. I can‘t hardly wait to look into his little eyes, see his little hands, fingers, feet and toes. He is a little miracle of ours and Gods creation. I look forward to seeing the hubby hold him for the first time. He has very limited experience with little one’s, especially baby’s that new, but I know in my heart he is going to do perfectly fine. I can only imagine the look on the Hubby’s face when they place his son in his arms for the first time. I sometimes wonder if the Hubby will be nervous, if he will get tears in his eyes, or will he just be all smiles and blue cigars.
I look forward to hearing the Crib Lizard™ smile and laugh for the first time. There is nothing in this world like the laughter of a baby. They don’t hold back and they don’t care what people think. I challenge anyone to hear and see a baby laugh and not laugh with them. Last night I dreamt I was blowing raspberries on the Crib Lizards™ belly. He was laughing and giggling so hard and so was I, to the point where I woke myself up laughing.
You may remember me talking about the really vivid dreams at the onset of my pregnancy. All thru the second trimester they seemed to chill out a little, but now they are getting vivid again, and I have to admit, most of the time I dream of the Crib Lizard™. I have dreamt of him talking to me, explaining to me that he wanted to build a VW Bug Convertible. (the hubby being a car guy, agreed to that, but said it would depend on how old he was when he made the request. Grandpa Armijo has a few ‘donor’ bugs that he would probably be willing to part with for his Grandson.) I’ve dreamt about talking to him in baby talk and him talking back in baby talk (also resulting in lots of giggling from both of us) and then the recent raspberry dream. I love those dreams and sometimes I wonder if he is dreaming of me.
Most of all, I look forward to sharing my life with this little guy. I know that life is going to be hard sometimes, and that I’m not always going to ‘like’ being a mother, but I think I will always ‘love’ it, just like I will always love him. This is going to be one of the greatest adventures of my life, although I'm not too 'rosey-eyed' to know that life isnt always going to be easy and care free, I wouldn't trade him for anything in the heavens or on Earth.
I can already picture him getting on the bus for his first day of school, his first girl friend, graduating high school, and getting married. I like to imagine what he will look like and wonder if he will like music like I do, or be a great artist like his dad. I look forward to watching his personality develop. I wonder if he will be a class clown or a serious student. Will he have an imagination like mine or be a little more ‘down to Earth’ like his dad? These are the things I think about before I go to sleep.
So, you see? I'm not all worries and fear. I think I'm more excited than anything else. There is so much to look farward to and I know that with the support of my Hubby and our wonderful family, we will be able to get thru any hardships that may come our way.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Fears & Worries of One Soon to be Mom
76 days til the Crib Lizard™ is due to arrive and I'm finding that the closer I get, the more scared I become. I keep reading these 3rd trimester articles that give tips on how to know if the labor pains are real or just warm ups, what kind of exercises to do in order to prepare my body for birthing, or what to do to avoid tearing. Tearing!!! Every time I see that word my whole body starts shaking.
They want me to create a Personalized Birth plan detailing how I want things handled during the birth. This 'plan' details everything down to what I want done with the placenta. *shudders* I don't really care what is done with the placenta after it comes out and I sure as hell don't want to see it afterwards. I want to hold my Crib Lizard™, cry because he is beautiful, and then cry some more when I see the hubby hold him for the first time. I really don't want to make all these decisions about what kind of monitoring to have, or whether or not to induce labor. I want a health care professional who knows a hell of a lot more about these things to make those decisions for me. Yes, I would like them to be discussed with me and Hubby before he/she starts poking on me or in me, but for the most part I want them to make the best decisions based on my particular situation because, honestly, if I put any thought into half the things on that 'plan' I start getting freaked out.
I don't know if I want pain meds or not. I would like to avoid them, but what if it becomes to much for me to bear? Does that make me a bad person?
Does it make me a bad mom not to want to fill out this birth plan?
Am I terrible because after I read some of these articles I promptly make myself think of something else because I'm so afraid I literally want to cry?
The only things I really care about on that birth plan are 'Separation'; IE: None, I think I would like him in the room with me at all times if he is healthy enough. Sick Infant; wanting unlimited visitation/holding rights, breastfeeding if possible, and if they have to move him to another facility, I want to be moved with him as soon as possible. (Basically all the options listed.) Oh, and the circumcision to be done in the hospital, please use anesthesia, and no, I don't want to watch them cut on my baby boy.
I'm scared that I won't do as well with giving birth as I thought I would. I'm also afraid of any complications that may arise. This pregnancy has gone almost text book since the beginning and I'm afraid of something going wrong right at the end.
I'm worried that there will be something wrong with him when he is born. What are we going to do if he is autistic or has down syndrome? What if he isn't 'perfect'? What if he is blind, deaf or both? What if he has 11 toes?
I'm worried about the excessive bleeding that I should expect for 4 to 6 weeks after he is delivered. I have gone 9 months with out a period and now I'll have one really big long one to make up for it. Why this worries me after having almost 13 years of heavy periods, I don't know. It just does. I never claimed this post was going to be rational.
I'm scared about how I'm going to be able to cover bills while I'm off on maternity leave. Although I have a pretty sound financial plan worked out in my head, what if something happens that throws that plan into the shitter, like a big problem with the house or something like that? My truck has already died on me and now we have to buy something newer, which we were planning on doing anyways because we wanted a 4 door for when the Crib Lizard™ arrived, but now its something we have to do soon, not something we could take care of when we felt financially sound for it.
I'm worried about what I'm going to do do with the Crib Lizard™ after I go back to work. My boss said they are willing to work with me, and maybe I can drop down to part time until he is old enough to go to a preschool, but will I be able to afford to live like that for a couple of years?
I'm scared about depending on the Hubby for every little thing for a couple of weeks. I have always been so self efficient, never really relying on him for anything other than just love and support. Now he is going to be in charge of dinner, doing the clean up, babying me and the Crib Lizard™, and be the sole provider for our family for a few months. I feel terrible putting all that pressure on him. I'm not worried that he will leave us, but I am worried about the stress its going to put on him. I don't want him to be stressed. I want him to be happy and enjoy being around me and his son.
Ma says not to worry, to lay all my troubles on his shoulders and let him carry the burden for a while, since I get to carry the little one. The Hubby agrees with her. He is incredibly sweet and understanding to even want to do that, but I can't put it all on him. These are my worries and fears and although I may share them with him I could never let them go completely on Hubby. I don't know how to give them up like that and trust in someone else to take care of everything.
I don't want you all to worry about me. (Good lord, there is enough worry in this post to freak out even the most worrisome of worry warts. Please don't add to it.)
I don't walk around looking all worried all the time. Far from. Most of the time I don't even think about this stuff and I'm the same Anj you all know and love. Actually, most of you probably wouldn't even know I was having these fears just by looking at me or spending time with me. I do exactly what I mentioned before, I just try not to think about it or dwell on any of these fears and I can still function normally everyday. I don't lay awake in bed at night and fret over these things. I don't talk to Ma, Hubby, or anyone else about them. Well, not much. I just needed to get these worries and fears off of my chest today and I figured this was the best forum for it.
I know in the end, no matter what happens, that everything will be fine. I'll be okay, the Crib Lizard™ (no matter how he turns out) will be perfect in my mind and all these worries are really for nothing. Does that stop them from creeping up on me every now and then? Of course not, but then I would be worried if I wasn't worried. It's a vicious cycle. :o)
They want me to create a Personalized Birth plan detailing how I want things handled during the birth. This 'plan' details everything down to what I want done with the placenta. *shudders* I don't really care what is done with the placenta after it comes out and I sure as hell don't want to see it afterwards. I want to hold my Crib Lizard™, cry because he is beautiful, and then cry some more when I see the hubby hold him for the first time. I really don't want to make all these decisions about what kind of monitoring to have, or whether or not to induce labor. I want a health care professional who knows a hell of a lot more about these things to make those decisions for me. Yes, I would like them to be discussed with me and Hubby before he/she starts poking on me or in me, but for the most part I want them to make the best decisions based on my particular situation because, honestly, if I put any thought into half the things on that 'plan' I start getting freaked out.
I don't know if I want pain meds or not. I would like to avoid them, but what if it becomes to much for me to bear? Does that make me a bad person?
Does it make me a bad mom not to want to fill out this birth plan?
Am I terrible because after I read some of these articles I promptly make myself think of something else because I'm so afraid I literally want to cry?
The only things I really care about on that birth plan are 'Separation'; IE: None, I think I would like him in the room with me at all times if he is healthy enough. Sick Infant; wanting unlimited visitation/holding rights, breastfeeding if possible, and if they have to move him to another facility, I want to be moved with him as soon as possible. (Basically all the options listed.) Oh, and the circumcision to be done in the hospital, please use anesthesia, and no, I don't want to watch them cut on my baby boy.
I'm scared that I won't do as well with giving birth as I thought I would. I'm also afraid of any complications that may arise. This pregnancy has gone almost text book since the beginning and I'm afraid of something going wrong right at the end.
I'm worried that there will be something wrong with him when he is born. What are we going to do if he is autistic or has down syndrome? What if he isn't 'perfect'? What if he is blind, deaf or both? What if he has 11 toes?
I'm worried about the excessive bleeding that I should expect for 4 to 6 weeks after he is delivered. I have gone 9 months with out a period and now I'll have one really big long one to make up for it. Why this worries me after having almost 13 years of heavy periods, I don't know. It just does. I never claimed this post was going to be rational.
I'm scared about how I'm going to be able to cover bills while I'm off on maternity leave. Although I have a pretty sound financial plan worked out in my head, what if something happens that throws that plan into the shitter, like a big problem with the house or something like that? My truck has already died on me and now we have to buy something newer, which we were planning on doing anyways because we wanted a 4 door for when the Crib Lizard™ arrived, but now its something we have to do soon, not something we could take care of when we felt financially sound for it.
I'm worried about what I'm going to do do with the Crib Lizard™ after I go back to work. My boss said they are willing to work with me, and maybe I can drop down to part time until he is old enough to go to a preschool, but will I be able to afford to live like that for a couple of years?
I'm scared about depending on the Hubby for every little thing for a couple of weeks. I have always been so self efficient, never really relying on him for anything other than just love and support. Now he is going to be in charge of dinner, doing the clean up, babying me and the Crib Lizard™, and be the sole provider for our family for a few months. I feel terrible putting all that pressure on him. I'm not worried that he will leave us, but I am worried about the stress its going to put on him. I don't want him to be stressed. I want him to be happy and enjoy being around me and his son.
Ma says not to worry, to lay all my troubles on his shoulders and let him carry the burden for a while, since I get to carry the little one. The Hubby agrees with her. He is incredibly sweet and understanding to even want to do that, but I can't put it all on him. These are my worries and fears and although I may share them with him I could never let them go completely on Hubby. I don't know how to give them up like that and trust in someone else to take care of everything.
I don't want you all to worry about me. (Good lord, there is enough worry in this post to freak out even the most worrisome of worry warts. Please don't add to it.)
I don't walk around looking all worried all the time. Far from. Most of the time I don't even think about this stuff and I'm the same Anj you all know and love. Actually, most of you probably wouldn't even know I was having these fears just by looking at me or spending time with me. I do exactly what I mentioned before, I just try not to think about it or dwell on any of these fears and I can still function normally everyday. I don't lay awake in bed at night and fret over these things. I don't talk to Ma, Hubby, or anyone else about them. Well, not much. I just needed to get these worries and fears off of my chest today and I figured this was the best forum for it.
I know in the end, no matter what happens, that everything will be fine. I'll be okay, the Crib Lizard™ (no matter how he turns out) will be perfect in my mind and all these worries are really for nothing. Does that stop them from creeping up on me every now and then? Of course not, but then I would be worried if I wasn't worried. It's a vicious cycle. :o)
Monday, January 08, 2007
Week 27 of (hopefully) 40
Damn, my ass is getting big. To be fair, though, there isn’t a part of me that hasn’t grown, so I guess it balances out. Sigh. I'm beginning my third trimester this week. At least I think that's how it breaks down. Babyzone.com says that the third trimester is "from 24 weeks until 40 weeks or 'term'" where as msn.com lists the 27th week as the first week in the third trimester. *shrug* Either way, I'm in the home stretch.
As I'm typing, little James is kicking in my belly. He is an active little guy today. He must have really liked those French toast sticks I ate this morning.
I'm enjoying being pregnant more now than I was in the beginning. I think that's because I know it’s a 'him', I can feel him kick, and I'm getting closer to the end. Ha ha! My emotions have settled down somewhat, and my dreams are a lot less vivid and weird. Although, I still have to be careful of what I watch before bed, otherwise I end up dreaming some twisted, distorted thing involving the MythBusters crew. I love how everyone keeps telling me how I glow and how cute I look, but honestly, it’s been hard for me to be this big. I look at myself in the mirror when I get out of the shower and wonder how the hubby can find me attractive. We haven't had sex/made love in weeks. I don't know if that's because he is afraid to, or he really doesn't find me attractive anymore. The entire time we have been together I have been this skinny little thing and now, as you can see above, I have quite the profile. (As Grandpa likes to say) I know it’s not permanent, and mom keeps reminding me I won't be pregnant forever, it’s just been hard to adjust to.
I'm really looking forward to James getting here. Hubby can then feel like he is more included in the whole experience. I ask him how he is doing with everything and he says he is fine. He really isn’t the type of guy to talk about his feelings, so even if he was feeling left out, I can't say for sure that he would tell me about it. Honestly, I feel like all this attention is on me and he just gets pushed to the side. The hubby is as much a part of this as I am! I try to keep him involved as much as possible; inviting him to the check ups, telling him about things I'm going thru, trying to get little James to move so he could feel it. He has seen my belly move, but he hasn't actually felt it yet. Every time Hubby puts his hands on my belly, James stops moving. Poor guy! I'm sure there will be a lot more opportunities for him to feel his son move in the next three months. Especially if James keeps going like he is today! I just wish there was more I could do to keep hubby involved. I'm looking forward to James arriving so that the Hubby can hold him, play with him, and be more involved with him.
Maybe I should be cherishing these precious few months of having James all to myself. I am not that selfish though, and I want to share him with the world. I wonder if that will change once he gets here.
Hope you guys enjoy the picture. I have a couple with out my tongue hanging out, but I figured this one was so 'me'. Love you all and hope you all are doing well.
Oh and by the way: Leah, thanks for staying on my ass about blogging. :o) Love you too, girl.
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