Its Finally Friday! God, this week has sucked. The Bitch In Santa Fe™ has tried fucking with me non-stop all week and I finally had to tell her off yesterday. That felt really good. :o) Plus the morning sickness has peaked this week, so I have been bowing to the porcelain god every single morning and nothing seemed to make that better except for time. Around noon I can get down a hamburger and some fries, preferably Lotaburger.
Today seems to be better, though and I haven't ralphed once! Plus I just got down a breakfast burrito and its not wanting to make a reappearance, yet! I am cautiously optimistic, though. Alright, enough about my stomachs extracurricular activities.
I received lots of good news this week, so I guess it hasn't been an entire bust. First off, I had my first docs appointment on Wed and the midwife used the word "perfect" several times. That made me feel a lot better, although I had to wait an hour in the waiting room and pay 15 bucks to get violated to get that little bit of news. Sucks to be a girl sometimes. Oh! And I heard yesterday that LA has finally gotten off their lazy, useless, giant asses and hired someone to take over working for The Bitch In Santa Fe™ like they were supposed to do, oh, 4 friggen months ago. Now, when the poor sucker will start and when my duties will be entirely relinquished, I have no idea, but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting bigger and it isn't a giant freight train about to run me over.
Our computers and phones are down because of the rain last night and hopefully they will stay that way all day. I dont want to work today, I certainly dont want to do anything for That Bitch In Santa Fe™. But we will see how the day progresses.
Thats about it for now. TGIF, my friends, TGIF.