Monday, March 26, 2007

See?! I DO Read the Comments!

Miss Cristy, Sorry to hear about Bubba! It totally cracked me up the way you described him though. Please give the cute little guy big gentle hugs from me. I'm glad he is okay and is such a trooper for you.

Miss Leah, It would be awesome if you could be here when James is born, but I agree, I really don't want you to actually see him coming out. Hell, I don't want to see it myself. :o) But you are on the list of people to call when he does arrive. Either Mandi will call you that day or night, or I will call you a few days later. No matter what I'm sure you will get to meet him sometime this summer. I miss you, dude. I can't wait to see you!

Miss Yvonne, I would be happy to send you my mailing address, but only if you will send me yours as soon as you get settled. I am beginning to get my Christmas card lists together for this year and I would love to be able to send you and your family one.
I am starting to have some of the practice contractions, although they are not nearly as bad as I thought they would be. I guess anticipation is usually the worst, eh?
Good luck with your move, sweetie. I know it sucks, but hang in there! It will all be over soon and then you can start getting settled in.

Same goes for you Leah. I know you're moving soon too. Hang in there too, and I hope all of you know, I'm always available to chat, rant, cry or whatever to. :o)

This will most likely be my only post this week. I have a doc's appointment early on Thursday, so I will be leaving work early, and then I'm off on Friday, since mom and dad will be down to paint and help set up the Crib Lizards™ Room. I just wanted you all to know everything is still groovy and that I love ya.

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