Monday, March 26, 2007

See?! I DO Read the Comments!

Miss Cristy, Sorry to hear about Bubba! It totally cracked me up the way you described him though. Please give the cute little guy big gentle hugs from me. I'm glad he is okay and is such a trooper for you.

Miss Leah, It would be awesome if you could be here when James is born, but I agree, I really don't want you to actually see him coming out. Hell, I don't want to see it myself. :o) But you are on the list of people to call when he does arrive. Either Mandi will call you that day or night, or I will call you a few days later. No matter what I'm sure you will get to meet him sometime this summer. I miss you, dude. I can't wait to see you!

Miss Yvonne, I would be happy to send you my mailing address, but only if you will send me yours as soon as you get settled. I am beginning to get my Christmas card lists together for this year and I would love to be able to send you and your family one.
I am starting to have some of the practice contractions, although they are not nearly as bad as I thought they would be. I guess anticipation is usually the worst, eh?
Good luck with your move, sweetie. I know it sucks, but hang in there! It will all be over soon and then you can start getting settled in.

Same goes for you Leah. I know you're moving soon too. Hang in there too, and I hope all of you know, I'm always available to chat, rant, cry or whatever to. :o)

This will most likely be my only post this week. I have a doc's appointment early on Thursday, so I will be leaving work early, and then I'm off on Friday, since mom and dad will be down to paint and help set up the Crib Lizards™ Room. I just wanted you all to know everything is still groovy and that I love ya.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

18 Days til the Crib Lizard™ is due!

I was right. The doc has had me coming in weekly starting at about the 8th of March. Which is cool. I get to hear the Crib Lizards little heart beating every Wednesday or Thursday. Awesome! Plus it gets me out of the office about an hour early once a week!
This next up coming week (the 26th thru the 30th) my usual doc/midwife or whatever is on vacation for spring break, so I have to go see a stranger. Luckily, she won't have to violate me. I will just have to do the usual; pee in a cup (which they should make bigger, like kool-aid pitcher size, once the belly gets to big to see over), get weighed in, check my blood pressure, measure the belly, and listen to the Crib Lizards heart beat. That's is basically what my appointments are every single time. Last week I had to have my poonani swabbed with a giant q-tip to test for Group B Strep, which came out negative. Meaning no anti-biotics for me when I go into labor. In fact the doc said yesterday that I could hang out at home as long as I wanted when I started to go into labor and then come into the hospital when I was ready. That made me laugh. As soon as the Hubby knows I'm in labor, we will be in a mad dash to the hospital.
The doc also told me yesterday that the Crib Lizard could be born at any time now and be just fine. In some ways I am very ready for him to be here, but in other ways I'm not. I would like to stay pregnant for just a little longer, even with all the little discomforts, like not being able to sleep well and taking a full 5 minutes to get up out of a chair. I know that the things I feel right now (him moving inside me, the special feeling I get when I rub my belly and talk to him) are mine alone and I won't ever get to feel those things with him ever again after he born. It makes me a little sad. On the other hand, I can't wait to share him with the Hubby. It's a very confusing time!
I wasn't planning on posting about me and the Crib Lizard today. I was going to talk about the little annoyances I have been experiencing, but once I got to talking about him I couldn't stop and I realized I didn't want to relive and rant about the things that pissed me off this week. Its really not worth the stress at this point, you know?
I hope all of you are doing good. Please feel free to post updates on whats up in your world these days in the comments section. I do actually read every single comment you guys leave me and they never fail to make me smile.
*Love and Hugs*

Thursday, March 08, 2007

A longer update

Hi everyone! I just wanted to post today to let you know that everything is still going good, the Crib Lizard™ and I are both doing great. We go into for a check up here in about 2 hours in fact. So far, the doc has me coming in every two weeks. If and other various baby info sites are to be trusted, these bi monthly visits might turn into weekly one's here soon. I can't imagine having to go into the doctor every single week! I have never seen the doctor so much in my entire life all put together! *sigh* It is reassuring to know that the little guy is doing okay with a good heart beat and growing nicely though. He moves all the time now. He is the most active first thing in the morning, right after the alarm goes off. He still moves and kicks thru out the day, but the mornings seem to contain the hardest kicks and jabs. I think the little guy is just running out of room.

I haven't experienced any of the 'midnight' cravings that one always hears about with pregnant ladies. I do wake up in the night, but if I'm hungry I usually just go back to sleep because its easier than getting out of bed and fixing something which would probably wake up the whole house and then no one would want to go back to sleep and I just don't need to deal with that at 3 am. Although I know its coming, it will be so much easier to justify (at least in my head) when there is a little screaming baby.
I don't have any 'weird' or 'strange' cravings either, but I am eating a lot of green chili these days and I'm still hooked on Marshmallow Maties. (A generic brand of Lucky Charms Cereal.) The only things that seem to upset the Crib Lizard™ are pineapples and this funky Lemon pie I had at the in laws the other night. To be fair, I had never had that kind of pie before, ever, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Oranges are okay, but other citrus fruits are out I guess. *shrug* Boys, eh?

I can tell you my temper is harder to control these days. Things that I would have been able to shake off in the past or even ignore now bother me to no end. I'm usually a very patient person, but lately I have had none, especially with people. The hubby is one of the very few people I can stand for long periods of time.
(I could list the people who I do like and who I don't like, but I don't want to offend anyone who may stop by here. Just so you guys know, you, my four glorious readers, are on the 'safe' list. None of you annoy me what so ever and in fact I hold you dear to my heart. I especially want to give a shout out to my German friend Hsing, who has provided very valuable insite thru this whole pregnancy. I will do a 'Thank You' post soon though. I need to. You guys have all been so supportive that I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate each and every one of you. You know I love all you guys, though, right? *sniff sniff* Okay, mushy, girly moment over. )
People, like some of the ladies I work with, bother me so bad that I have to bite my tongue just to keep from saying something nasty to them. There is one lady who insists on laughing after almost every single sentence that comes out of her mouth. This like fakey type of laugh. Doesn't she know that sounds incredibly insincere and also is really, really annoying? She also takes forever to answer a simple question. I will go to her for a yes or no answer and will end up at her desk for 20 minutes while I get the entire back story. Honestly, I don't care and I didn't ask. All I want is a yes or no so I can get back to my desk and hide out some more.
Also, I'm starting to worry about who is going to do my job while I'm out on leave. I know its not entirely up to me to make sure that everything is covered and that my bosses should be stepping up to help me out on this since they are not hiring even a temp to cover my duties, but I still feel responsible, so I am typing up notes as best as I can and training the 4 different people they have already picked out for certain things. I can tell you, though, those 4 people are not going to be enough. I still have at least 5 other things that someone will have to do while I'm out and I have no idea who to train on them. What is sad, is neither do my bosses. I try to convince myself that at that point, when the bosses are admitting we have run out of people to train, its out of my hands. I really don't think they know how much they depend on me around here. They are about to get a brutal wake up call.

Oh! Maria seems to think the Crib Lizard™ will be early, while every one else is saying late. Any one want to place a bet? Just a friendly wager, but if I could get my four readers to pick a date it would be fun to see who would ends up being the closest. :)

Thats all for now. I'll try not to leave it so long between posts, okay? Love you guys. *hugs*