Now isnt that just about the cutest thing you have seen all day?
Monday, November 28, 2005
Monday, November 14, 2005
The Bell Falls Silent
Sad news. Eddie Guerrero was found dead in his hotel room on Sunday.
I'm an avid WWE Smackdown! watcher and Eddie was always one of my favortie characters. He always gave me the impression that he was enjoying being out there in the ring, even when he had to play a jerk. He really f*cked up there for a while with drugs and almost lost his family, job, possibly his life, but he pulled himself above all that to become the wrestler I knew and loved. I admired his frankness about his drug addiction, how strong he became afterwards, and how important his family was to him.
Yes, I know wrestling is not real. I understand that. Thats not to say, though, the moves they do and the effort the wrestlers put into each and every performance isnt real. Those guys (and girls) give us their all every single week.
My heartfelt condolences goes out to Eddie's friends and family. He will be missed.
Update: 11/15/05 Anyone catch Monday Night RAW last night? Seeing all those huge guys crying just tore my heart up. The tribute was nice too. Way better than my sad little post here.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Testing Complete
You can still view my pics on my old web space. Email me if you need the link.
Hopefull I'll be able to figure out how to put my pics on here soon.
Testie, Testie, one two........three?!?
Thank you.