Friday, June 30, 2006

Long Weekend

Woo Hoo! 4 days off of work!! This would be me, if I was green, only had one eye and an antennae..
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Luckily I don't, otherwise I don't think the Hubby would have married me. I would have most likely either been the most popular freak in high school, or shunned from society, roaming from circus to circus, until the Mothership arrived to take me back to my home planet of ZOIFKSJHKJSHIUWENNS. (yes, that's it's correct name. If you were from that planet it would make perfect sense...)

I hope everyone has a very Safe and Happy 4th of July Weekend! Slutty Hoe, Lord Dragon, you guys drive safe. I'll see ya in a few hours!! YAAY!

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Thursday, June 29, 2006

We Miss You, Aunt Gwen

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On this day, 2 years ago, Slutty Hoe, Momma and I had to do one of the hardest things we have ever done. We had to say good bye to the beutiful woman in the picture above. I have been riding a knifes edge of tears all day, as I'm sure Slutty Hoe and Momma are doing.

Aunt Gwen was a wonderful, beautiful person inside and out. I always felt she was special and important to me, but I never knew how truly big her heart was until I attended her memorial service that had standing room only. She touched a lot of peoples lives and made them better. She was always quick with a smile (a small trait I hope I got from her), a kind word, and laughter. She was a role model to me and the closest thing to a sister as she could come to my momma. She was the first one Momma called when either Slutty Hoe or I had a major (or even sometimes minor) event happen in our lives. She was there from the day I was born, and I thought she would always be there. Even though hundreds of miles seperated us, I always felt her presence in my life.

You may be wondering why it took me two years to write about her. Well, its been hard. I have taken the easy way out, by not dealing with it, and pushing it down, much like I do with a lot of my other feelings. A total guy trait, I know, but it works. For a while at least. Today, though, I feel I should say something. It hurts, yes, but a woman like her does not deserve to be forgotten. I know I cant accuratly express how much Aunt Gwen meant to us. Even now, as I write this, the tears come too easy.

I think about you all the time Aunt Gwen. I know your up in heaven, watching over us three, most likely drinking (if thats allowed in heaven. I would think it would be, with out all the nasty hangovers), playing with Fred and some of the other friends we have lost along the way. We still miss you, and I know there isnt a day that goes by that at least one of us wishes you were still here.

We love you, and always will. Looking forward to seeing you day.
For more information on her life, please read her obit
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*Just a little note, I didnt proof read this post. If you find mistakes, please forgive them this one time. In the future I will be sure to make it up to you.*

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

King Keeler, Big Wheeler, Cat Peeler...Yeah

Every day I walk out of the house, its an adventure. Take this past Sunday for example. The hubby and I decided to drive down to the car wash so I may wash my very dirty Truck. We pull into the first bay, and start pulling out the mats when I hear a voice behind me say "Hey Man....". There are usually a few transients waiting around asking for change in that area, so it really didn't come as a surprise that we were approached. What was a surprise was this guys angle. Now, I have heard everything from "I ran out of gas, can you help me out" (with no car in site. How far did you walk, dude?!) to the honest truth, such as "Can I have some spare change for a pack of smokes". This guy reached a whole new level. First off he asks for 3 dollars for antibiotics. (I've never encountered a bum who wanted exact change) He goes on to tell Hubby that he needs them for this...and dumbass me, I look. He has this HUGE, NASTY cyst or sore or something growing out of his arm about shoulder level. It was the size of a Baseball, I shit you not. If I could have had the foresite to take a pic with my phone to post up here, I would have. This picture was the closest I could find..Ugh.

I am a huge wussy when it comes to wounds. I love my hubby, but I sure as hell don't want to take a closer look at the huge gaping wound he had just acquired. Why this guy thought I wanted to look closer at his is beyond me. The hubby gave him the 3 bucks but he didn't go away though. He still had to show hubby his collection of pennies he had gathered and then proceeded to wander around the rest of the car wash. We continued on washing the truck, not making any comment at what we had just seen. After a few minutes I didn't hear the Puss Guy anymore, so I relaxed a little. I don't know why I was so tense. Seriously, if Puss Dude had tried to touch me all I would have to do is land a punch right there in his ginormous Ball-o-Flesh and Puss and he would have probably dropped like a baby. But living in this city, I know to be on alert all the time while I'm out of the house. Not like my house is much more secure, but at least I have weapons of all kinds readily available. Its just I have known people (women mostly) who have been robbed in broad daylight, so I'm always sure to be aware of what is going on around me, who is around me, and what my options are in case I run into a problem. I think I could have handled Puss Dude though as long as he didn't leak on me. Om only know what the hell caused that in the first place and I sure as hell don't want it in my body.

About 10 minutes after I had last hear Puss Dude talking I see him come out of the gas station right next door. First he stops to ask the guy smoking outside if he has any matches. Then Puss Dude hooks up with his buddy and they walk across the street, to home I would guess. He gets about half way across the road when he starts yelling and waving at the hubby. He just wanted to say Hi and thanks again. Nice.

I wonder how long Puss Dude is going to work that antibiotic angle? I mean he can only do it until his arm falls off or he gets it fixed. Will he really get it taken care of though? Why should he when he can use his disfigurment to scare and even disgust people into giving him money? Really, he doesn't even need any cash to go to the doctors to get help. I'm not sure how it is in other states, but I know here, there are services like that for people who cant afford regular medical help. Yeah, he will probably be there all day waiting, but is that much different than a regular doctors office visit? Also, he could go to any emergency room with how bad that thing was, and get help. By law a hospital can not turn some one away who is dire need of medical help, weather they can pay or not. I know this. The hubby knows this. I figured it was common knowledge. So, really, this guy shouldn't be able to scam money in such a way. But, on the other hand, the shock value of having a baseball sized lump of pussy flesh shoved into your face certainly over rides any common sense, other than the ones that scream RUN!!! That's why I think he will continue to use that excuse for bumming cash until it gets too bad and either puts him in the hospital or worse.

I feel sorry for the guy, I really do. I wish there was more I could do for him. I try to help out with charities when I can, donate the odd dollar or 2 to the panhandler standing at the exit ramp off of the freeway. Especially if they have a dog. The dog suckers me in every single time. But this guy...I totally believe he just blew whatever cash he had acquired right there in that gas station and will be out again, showing off his wound to other unsuspecting people, getting his "3 dollars" a hit.
Everyday is an adventure.....

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Making a Mess and Loving it

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Yep, that's yours truly and Slutty Hoe as young'ens. Hard to believe we were ever that little and cute! Its true though. I have pictures to prove it. MUHAHAHA

I was trying to think of some memories I could share with you, but alas, my brain has quit for the day. Seriously, if I look inside my eyelids, there is a sign that says "Gone Crazy. Back Soon". I am a little worried. Meh, I doubt it could find a dirtier place than my skull to reside in. And if anything, my brain likes it DIRTY...

So, enjoy the pic. You don't have to read this post by the way. Not like it says anything world changing. Or even awe inspiring. If your looking for those things I would suggest some other blogger. This is just me. Rambling on and on with more titles for posts than I have actual posts..

Hope ya'alls Tuesdays went well. Mine is over in 13 minutes and counting........